Dr. Jaclyn Lee 菜单
Human Resources and Organisation DevelopmentSenior DirectorDr. Jaclyn Lee照片

Dr. Jaclyn Lee

Senior Director

Human Resources and Organisation Development

Senior Director, Human Resources and Organisation Development, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). Dr Jaclyn Lee obtained her Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) from the University of Twente (Netherlands). As the Senior Director for HR at SUTD, she handles the full spectrum of HR for the university and is one of the pioneering team members charged with starting up the new university from scratch. She is responsible for developing the Total Compensation Structure, Performance Management System, spearheading new HR policies and processes, recruitment, as well as managing the Human Capital Development Strategy and Talent Framework. Jaclyn is the recipient of the Leading HR Leader Award at the annual SHRI Awards for 2008. She is also the Honorary Secretary of the Singapore Human Resource Institute and a Volunteer HR Director in SPRING Singapore’s initiative to drive good HR practices in SMEs. In addition she sits in several volunteer committees such as that of the St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital.

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