会议详情 |
推荐会议:2025(第七届) 世界细胞治疗与再生医学大会暨展览会
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票
Abnormal psychology | Language and Conceptual Systems |
Adolescents’ Health Psychology | Learning Complex Motor Tasks |
Applied Cognitive Psychology | Learning, Memory and Neural Development |
Applied Gerontology | Medical psychology and psychotherapy |
Applied Social Psychology | Memory and Thought |
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics | Metaphors in Language and Thought |
Behavior and Motor Control | Military and forensic psychology |
Biological psychology | Neural Theory of Language and Thought |
Biologically Motivated Computer Vision | Neurobiology |
Brain Science and Education | Neuropsychological Studies of Mind and Brain |
Cells and Synapses | Organizational psychology |
Clinical & Community Psychology | Perception and Attention |
Clinical and Counseling Psychology | Perceptual Organization in Vision |
Clinical Neuropsychology | Personality and individual differences |
Clinical psychology | Political Psychology |
Cognition and Action | Positive Psychology |
Cognition and Cognitive Development | Professional Practice |
Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory and Cognition | Professional training and supervision |
Cognitive psychology | Psycho-diagnostics |
Community psychology | Psychological Assessment & Evaluation |
Computational Neuroscience | Psychological research methodology |
Counseling psychology | Psychology & the Law |
Cross-cultural and indigenous psychology | Psychology and Societal Development |
Developmental psychology | Psychology in business and economics |
Disasters Management | Psycho-pedagogy |
Economic Psychology | School and Educational Psychology |
Education in Math, Science, and Technology | Sensory Systems and Perception |
Educational and school psychology | Social and Cultural Issues |
Educational psychology | Social psychology |
Educational, Instructional & School Psychology | Spatial Cognition |
Environmental psychology | Sport Psychology |
Family psychology | Statistical inference, and the learning theory |
Forensic psychology | Theory and Computation |
Gender and sexuality | Traffic Psychology |
Genes, Molecules, Channels and Receptors | Understanding Explanatory Coherence |
Health psychology | Work & Organizational Psychology |
Human Relations Factors | Industrial and organizational psychology |
会议时间:2016-06-14 ~2016-06-15
Abigail Lee
Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellors
Vice President
Dr Po Gim Tee Jeffrey
the Association of Psychotherapists and Counsellor
Dr. Jaclyn Lee
Human Resources and Organisation Development
Senior Director
注册类型 |
提前注册 (2016年4月15日前) |
正常注册(2016年5月17日) |
作者注册 |
SGD$ 750 |
SGD$ 800 |
非作者注册 |
SGD$ 650 |
SGD$ 700 |
共同作者注册 |
SGD$ 600 |
SGD$ 650 |