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Salustio Prieto


Acceleron Trade

Graduated in Business Administration at the Universidad Católica of Chile . CEO of Acceleron, a Company builder, focus on Logistics services, sharing economy and eCommerce . President of , an innovating on demand warehousing company (the Airbnb of b2b warehousing). President at , a network of Parcel Shops. And President at AcceleronTrade, a platform for cross-border eCommerce. Board member of Redd System, a telematics company. Held positions of Sales and Marketing director, and Managing director in leading companies in Chile and Latam market, such as Lan Cargo Airlines, LanCourier (parcel company) , MD of TW Logistics (3PL), and Undurraga Wines, MD of Swedish Oriflame in Chile, MD for Latam at Inpost (Polish company) , Commercial director of CorreosChile (Chilean Post). Founder President of the first Chilean Logistics Association (ALOG). Former board member of Chilean Export Association, former member of experts committee at eCommerce Institute Latam. Speaker at conferences , related to Cross Border ecommerce, b2b sharing economy, and supply chain management. Board member of OIES, a foundation for improving education of Indigenous Children.

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