Roger K. Sunahara 菜单
University of Toronto, Toronto, CanadaProfessorRoger K. Sunahara照片

Roger K. Sunahara


University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Roger K. Sunahara Professor of University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Interests: protein engineering, structure, signal transduction, G protein-coupled receptors, G proteins.Research Activities and Funding:Next-gen Opto-GPCRs: spatiotemporal simulation of neuromodulator signaling;Structure-based discovery of allosteric ligands for G Protein Coupled Receptors;Crystallization and structure determination of the mu-opioid receptor;Structure and dynamics of G protein coupled receptor-G protein complexes;Structure and mechanism of beta2-adrenergic receptor.于2016年3月17-18日受邀参加了2016年皇后镇分子生物学(上海)会议,并以"GPCRs, powerful allosteric switches to regulate G proteins and cell signaling”为题目,发表了精彩的演讲。

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