DavidL. Corwin, MD 菜单
directs the University of Utah’s Pediatric Forensic ServicesDavidL. Corwin, MD照片

DavidL. Corwin, MD

Pediatric Forensic Services

directs the University of Utah’s

Professor David L. Corwin,MD directs the University of Utah’s Pediatric Forensic Services. He haslectured, consulted, and provided expert opinions throughout North America,Europe and Asia. He helped found five professional societies addressingviolence and abuse including the California and American Professional Societieson the Abuse of Children (CAPSAC and APSAC), The Helfer Society, The Academy onViolence and Abuse (AVA) and the National Health Collaborative on the Violenceand Abuse (NHCVA). He serves as APSAC’s Secretary and AVA’s President,produced AVA’s ACE Study DVD and led the development of AVA/NHCVA’s “ACEs:Informing Best Practice” online collaborative living document.

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