Debbie Winters 菜单
美国南加州大学社会工作学院临床副教授Debbie Winters照片

Debbie Winters



DEBORAH WINTERS, a licensed clinical social worker, joined the USC field faculty in 2001. She has been a field instructor for USC and other schools of social work for 20 years, and has played an instrumental role in developing the social work internship program. She is a member of the Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium (GSWEC) committee, an agency/university partnership committed to training students with advanced geriatric competencies in aging. She has also been involved with the CalSWEC II Mental Health and Aging Initiatives. Prior to coming to USC, Winters was employed at Pacific Clinics Community Mental Health Clinic for 21 years, where she was a clinician, clinical supervisor and the associate director of the child and family and adult clinic. Current interests include recovery in mental health and reducing the stigma of mental illness, as well as the integration of evidence-based treatment models for this population. She also examines issues of culture and diversity, particularly the role of "anti-racist white people" in creating social justice for all.

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