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耶路撒冷希伯来大学教授Amnon Shashua照片

Amnon Shashua



Amnon Shashua is a computer science professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem as well as co-founder and CTO of Mobileye (NYSE:MBLY) and co-founder of OrCam.Shashua received his B.Sc in mathematics and computer science from Tel-Aviv University in 1985 and his M.Sc in computer science in 1989 from the Weizmann Institute of Scienceunder the supervision of Shimon Ullman. His Ph.D in brain and cognitive sciences was received from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), while working at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, in 1993; and his postdoctoral training under Tomaso Poggio at the center for biological and computational learning at MIT.

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