Prof. J. Harold Ellens 菜单
University of Michigan, USA  ProfessorProf. J. Harold Ellens照片

Prof. J. Harold Ellens


University of Michigan, USA

J. Harold Ellens holds a Ph.D. in Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins as well as a Ph.D. in the Psychology of Human Communications. Dr. Ellens is retired from his roles as Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, Executive Director of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Founder and Editor in Chief of the Journal of Psychology and Christianity, U.S. Army Colonel and Presbyterian (PCUSA) theologian and pastor. He continues in private practice as a licensed psychotherapist and as a renowned international lecturer. Professor Ellens served in the U.S. military and still works for the armed forces a major part of each year as a contract psychologist who treats troubled returning combat veterans. He is the author or editor of 180 published volumes, the majority of which explore the interface of spirituality and psychology, and of 167 professional journal articles and reviews. He is the father of seven children. He and his wife have been married for 56 years.

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