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德国人工智能研究中心(DFKI) 科技总监Hans Uszkoreit照片

Hans Uszkoreit



Hans Uszkoreit is Professor of Computational Linguistics at Saarland Univertsity. Moreover, he serves as Scientific Director at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) where he heads the DFKI Language Technology Lab. Uszkoreit studied Linguistics and Computer Science at the Technical University of Berlin and the Univertisity of Texas at Austin. While he was in Austin, he also worked as a research associate in a large machine translation project at the Linguistics Research Center. Furthermore, after he received his Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Texas, he worked as a computer scientist at the Artificial Intelligence Center and, what is more, he was affiliated with the Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford University.

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