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第二届亚太需求工程研讨会(APRES 2015)

第二届亚太需求工程研讨会(APRES 2015)

2015-10-19 08:00 至 2015-10-20 18:00


国际需求工程委员会   中国计算机学会软件工程专委会   


推荐会议:GOPS 全球运维大会 2025 · 深圳站

发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票



中国计算机学会软件工程专业委员会于2001年4月2日在北京大学成立。专委源自原计算机学会的软件专委委员会(2000年后分别成立了系统软件专委,数据库专委、软件工程专委)。专委涉及的领域:软件开发过程,软件开发方法,软件工程管理与支持,软件质量特征,软件过程度量以及计算机辅助软件工程 (CASE)工具和环境等。专委会以如何更好地服务于我国软件技术和软件产业的发展为目标,根据国际、国内发展趋势,抓住当前关心的热点,在本专业的学术、技术、培训、人才培养、企业服务等方面努力开展卓有成效的工作。在关注学术交流的同时,注重和产业界的结合,积极促进研究成果的转化,力争为我国软件产业的发展做贡献。

第二届亚太需求工程研讨会(APRES 2015)将于 2015年10月19-20日在湖北武汉举行。本次研讨会由武汉大学计算机学院承办,武汉大学软件工程国家重点实验室和斯普林格(Springer-Verlag)协办。
鉴于您在需求工程相关领域的造诣,特邀您参加 APRES 2015 研讨会。


在本次研讨会上发表的文章将在Springer旗下的Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS, ISSN:1865-0929)出版,并将提交EI-Compendex检索。 
由中国计算机学会软件工程专委会(CCF-TCSE)和国际需求工程委员会(IREB®)主办,武汉大学承办,上海滔瑞信息技术有限公司(imbus Shanghai)协办的“2015大数据应用与需求工程研讨会”将于2015年10月18日与本次会议同地召开,我们期待您的莅临,共同交流需求工程与大数据相关领域研究的新成果。



Keynote speaker I: Eric Yu, University of Toronto, Faculty of Information

Title: Appending 

Eric Yu is Professor at the University of Toronto, in the Faculty of Information. His research aims to advance the practice of information systems by incorporating intents and motivations of social actors into the analysis and design process. Social concepts are needed for dealing with complex issues such as security, privacy, and trust, knowledge management, business process innovation and strategy, policy and compliance, etc. Professor Yu received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto. Earlier, he held positions in research and development labs at Bell and Nortel Networks in Ottawa. He also supervises graduate students in the Department of Computer Science through a status-only cross-appointment, and at the University of Ottawa through an adjunct appointment. Professor Yu’s specialties are in information systems analysis and design, requirements engineering, software engineering, knowledge management, business modeling, social modeling and goal modeling.

Keynote speaker II: Dr. Yu Zheng, Microsoft Research, China

Title: Appending

Dr. Yu Zheng is a lead researcher from Microsoft Research and a Chair Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research interests include big data analytics, spatio-temporal data mining, and ubiquitous computing. Currently, he is leading the research on urban computing in Microsoft Research, passionate about using big data to tackle urban challenges. He has published over 50 referred papers as a leading author at prestigious conferences and journals, such as KDD, VLDB, UbiComp, Artificial Intelligence and IEEE TKDE. He received five best paper awards from ICDE'13 and ACM SIGSPATIAL’10, etc. Zheng is currently the Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (Impact Factor: 9.39) and a member of Editorial Advisory Board of IEEE Spectrum. He has served as chair on over 10 prestigious international conferences—most recently, as the program co-chair of ICDE 2014 (Industrial Track). He has been invited to give over 10 keynote speeches at international conferences and forums (e.g.IE 2014 and APEC 2014 Smart City Forum) and guest lectures in universities like MIT, CMU, and Cornell. Zheng has been featured multiple times by influential journals. In 2013, he was named one of the Top Innovators under 35 by MIT Technology Review (TR35) and featured by Time Magazine for his research on urban computing. In 2014, he was named one of the Top 40 Business Elites under 40 in China by Fortune Magazine, because of the business impact of urban computing he has been advocating since 2008. Zheng is also an Adjunct Professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and an Affiliate Professor at Southwest Jiaotong University.

全票   早鸟票 标准票
学者 3000 3600
学生 1200 1800
企业 3000 3600
2015年“大数据应用与需求工程”研讨会票   早鸟票 标准票
学者 600 900
学生 300 360
企业 300 450



大数据 互联网 需求工程 大数据应用

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