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2019 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Industries (AI4I)

2019 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Industries (AI4I)

2019-09-25 09:00 至 2019-09-26 18:00

Laguna Hills   None

Institute for Semantic Computing   

Institute for Semantic Computing

Institute for Semantic Computing于2020年2月3日举办Activity Engineering 2020 (AE)。


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is concerned with computing technologies that allow machines to see, hear, talk, think, learn, and solve problems even above the level of human beings. On the one hand it allows business decisions to be driven by real-time models that enable unprecedented levels of accuracy and efficiency. On the other hand it enables general and professional problem solving and knowledge discovery that cannot be easily done by humans. In addition, business-business, business-customer, and customer-customer may be interconnected in a revolutionary way to support new business models with elevated customer experiences.

Artificial Intelligence for Industries(ai4i 2019), technically sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society,is an international forum focusing on incorporating artificial intelligence into business products and services that may be brought to the market in the near future. An important mission of ai4i is to bridge problems and solutions in every industry segment. With such the conference invites academic researchers and industry practitioners to submit a 4-page (regular), 2-page (short), and 1-page (position) paper that addresses a specific problem, solution, or both. The conference also invites business practitioners to integrate problems and solutions into useful products and services.


Only electronic submission will be accepted. Technical paper authors MUST submit their manuscripts through EasyChair.Manuscripts may only be submitted in PDF format.


Semantic and cognitive aspects in different industries

Innovative operations using artificial intelligence

Immersive environments

Multimodal interactions

Human/agent interactions

Domain specific problem solving

Machine and deep learning

Modelling of behaviour and activity generation

Big data and analytics

Dialogue modeling and generation

System components of intelligent platforms for industries

Robotic intelligence






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