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EVTec 2023 中国国际电动汽车大会

EVTec 2023 中国国际电动汽车大会

2023-10-10 09:00 至 2023-10-11 18:00

上海   上海绿地万豪酒店





发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

参会凭证:现场凭电话姓名参会 电子票


EVTec 2023 中国国际电动汽车大会

ELECTRIC VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE 2023 | 2023.10.10-11 | Shanghai, China

2023中国国际电动汽车会议 |2023.10.10-11 |中国·上海

E-Mobility: China companies going Global, Global companies adapting to China Market – Opportunities and Challenges


Dear Colleague,


I'm Sales from Nürnberg Messe(China),  we sincerely invite you on behalf of your company to join our EVTec2024. EVTec2024 will discuss the latest technological trends and market dynamics in the new energy vehicle industry, explores opportunities and challenges that electric vehicles are facing, shares the latest research results and showcases specific high quality products. Please check the attached conference brochure for more detail information.

我是来自纽伦堡会展的会务代表,诚邀您代表贵司参与到今年的EVTec2023。EVTec (中国国际电动汽车会议) 自2014年创立以来,—直致力于打造行业深度交流的专业平台,就当下最新技术发展趋势和新能源汽车行业市场动态进行探讨,就最新研究成果进行展示。EVTec 2023将继续紧跟趋势,保持其高度专业性和国际性,就行业动向剖析、产业趋势研判、核心技术分享,提供深度交流机会。请查收附件的大会详细介绍。

Partial confirmed speakers:


Mr. Alain Louis, Engineering Director at BYD

Mr. Claas Bracklo, Policy Director at BMW and Chairman of the CharIN e. V.

Prof. Tong Zhang,Professor at Tongji University

Mr. Xiangdong Xu, Director of Powertrain Asia Pacific at BorgWarner

Mr. Hans Adlkofer,SVP at Infineon Technologies

Mr. Uwe Hauck,Global Director Technology and Innovation Hybrid and Electric Mobility Solutions bei TE Connectivity

Mr. Christoph Riester,Vice President Engineering Batteries at DRÄXLMAIER Group

Mr. Dennis Reichenberg,Director - Energy Management China and Head of Technical Center at Forvia

Mr. Peter Willemsen, COO at Gotion

Mr. Uwe Rahn, Director of the Automotive Business Unit at Rutronik

Mr. Matthias Mross,Deputy General Manager at KOSTAL (Shanghai) Management Co. Ltd.

Mr. Jochen Siebert,Managing Director at JSC Automotive Consulting

Mr. Peter Gresch,CEO,PGUB Management Consultants GmbH

Mr. Alain Louis, 比亚迪工程总监

Mr. Claas Bracklo, BMW 政策总监兼 CharIN e. V.主席



Mr. Hans Adlkofer,英飞凌高级副总裁

Mr. Uwe Hauck,泰科电子全球新能源汽车解决方案技术与创新总监,汽车事业部

Mr. Christoph Riester,德科斯米尔电池工程副总裁

Mr. Dennis  Reichenberg,佛瑞亚中国区电子事业部能源管理产品中心负责人

魏培德, 国轩高科首席运营官

Mr. Uwe Rahn, 儒卓力汽车事业部总监

Mr. Matthias Mross,科世达上海分公司副总

Mr. Jochen Siebert,捷实(上海)汽车咨询有限公司总经理

Mr. Peter Gresch,德国PGUB管理咨询公司总裁兼创始人

Partial Hot Topics:


  • Opportunities & Challenges on E-Mobility 
  • Low-voltage PowerNet
  • Fuel Cell Vehicle - the Breakrough Point of a large-scale Hydrogen Energy Application“
  • 汽车电动化的发展机遇与挑战
  • 低压配电网
  • 燃料电池汽车——氢能大规模应用的突破口
  • Going international from China
  • New battery technologies e.g. Solid state
  • Overseas Trends e.g. US, Europe towards electrification
  • 从中国走向全球
  • 最新电池技术-固态电池
  • 海外市场汽车电气化发展趋势 例如:美国、欧洲
  • Software Defined Vehicle
  • Battery Swapping – the next “big thing”
  • Batteries & Cells
  • 软件定义汽车
  • 电动车换电模式-在未来会成为主流吗?
  • 电池组与单体电池
  • Electrical Architecture – HV
  • Rare-earth free electric drive system
  • Charging Infrastructure
  • 混合动力车的电气架构
  • 无稀土电力驱动系统
  • 充电基础设施
  • 48V Mild-Hybrids
  • Access to and cost of Rare earth materials
  • International Standards: Cyber Security of charging stations, cars and during charging
  • 48V轻度混动技术
  • 稀土材料的应用与成本
  • 针对充电站、汽车及充电技术网络安全的国际标准

EVTec 2023 中国国际电动汽车大会

About the NürnbergMesse Group

The NürnbergMesse Group is one of the 15 largest exhibition companies in the world. It includes NürnbergMesse GmbH and that company’s 15 subsidiaries and affiliates. The Group employs more than 900 people at eleven locations in Germany, Brazil, China, India, Italy, Greece, Austria and the USA. It also has a network of international representatives in more than 100 countries. Its portfolio comprises of 120 national and international exhibitions and conferences held in person and as digital events, focussing on five general fields: Retail & Consumer Goods, Building & Construction, Process Technology, Electronics & Security, and Social & Public. Its events safeguard jobs; generate tax revenues as well as billions of euros in purchasing power effects each year, making NürnbergMesse a major economic engine for the Nuremberg metropolitan region and Germany as a whole.

Best Regards,

EVTec 2023 中国国际电动汽车大会




票种名称 价格 原价 票价说明
普通票 ¥3500 ¥3500 全体大会(除高端闭门论坛外)



新能源汽车 汽车 电动汽车

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