◆ 会议时间:2020年6月9-12日 ◆ 会议地点:巴勒斯坦国 耶路撒冷Jerusalem
◆ 会议简介:
2020年第17届欧洲牙额面放射学大会(ECDMFR 2020)将于2020年6月9-12日在耶路撒冷举行,会议由欧洲牙颌面部放射学会(EADMFR)主办。 欧洲牙颌面部放射学学会(EADMFR)的宗旨是促进、推动和提高与欧洲口腔颌面放射学专业相关的临床实践、教育和研究,并为其成员提供一个探讨、交流和促进职业发展的论坛。
Dear Members of the EADMFR and Colleagues, On behalf of the Organizing committee of the 17thEuropean Academy Congress of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology in 2020, It is my pleasure and great honour to invite you all to Jerusalem for an unforgettable conference We would like to provide an enjoyable and extraordinary blend of ancient and modern cultures for the members of the EADMFR, all participants and accompanying persons, in which special scientific presentations and social events will be organized. We are determined to maintain the highest standards our participants have come to expect from the European meetings of the EADMFR. We will provide a fitting atmosphere and environment for the most recent developments and state-of-the-art practices of our profession. To this extent, we aim to offer a venue for showcasing scientific exchanges, from Keynote Speakers world known leaders, to both oral and poster presentations as well as other formats in the form of workshops, round tables and possible live demonstrations. Including all areas of maxillofacial radiology, new clinical and research developments in diagnostics, technical modalities, 3D innovations, Artificial Intelligence applications and education. More than 90 airlines have regular flights to and from Ben-Gurion International Airport (located 40km from Jerusalem and 15Km from Tel-Aviv), providing direct connections with hundreds of other airports all over the world. Jerusalem is a city that has many attractions, old and new, all within walking distance of the city centre where the congress venue is situated. Maxillofacial radiology is constantly evolving and is essential for all different fields in dentistry, this conference is ideal for meeting dental and medical professionals from all over the world, and a great opportunity for exchanging clinical knowledge and research innovations among practitioners form all different areas in dentistry and head and neck radiology. The sprout of maxillofacial radiology in recent years depicts the urge prerequisite to recognize our specialty all over the world and this congress is the most suitable stage to present and share our knowledge as well as to discover new technologies from our colleagues, industrial partners and exhibitors. We look forward to meet all our colleagues in Jerusalem 9-12 June, 2020 Sincerely, Silvina Friedlander-Barenboim Chairperson, Jerusalem 2020 Organizing Committee
◆ 参会对象: 政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。