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2019 IEEE 15th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 5th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Confer

2019 IEEE 15th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 5th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Confer

2019-12-01 09:00 至 2019-12-02 18:00

Sao Paulo   None

IEEE Power Electronics Society   Brazilian Association of Power Electronics - SOBRAEP   

IEEE Power Electronics Society

Brazilian Association of Power Electronics - SOBRAEP


The joint conferences SPEC (Southern Power Electronics Conference) and COBEP (Brazilian Power Electronics Conference) are the most important forums for researchers in power electronics in the south hemisphere. It offers an ideal opportunity for researchers, engineers, academics and students from all over the world to bring the latest technological advances and applications in Power Electronics to the Southern Hemisphere, as well as to network and promote the discipline, strengthening the relationship between industry and academia professionals

Cutting edge researchers will present keynote speeches during a four day programma that also features tutorials and technical sessions on theory, analysis, design, testing and advances within the field of power electronics.

Scholarships will be offered for students, and the papers presented at the conference will be included in the IEEEXplore Digital Library.

The 15th COBEP and the 5th SPEC are being organized by the Brazilian Power Electronics Association (SOBRAEP), the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and by the Universities at the state of São Paulo: University of Campinas, University of São Paulo, State University of São Paulo and Federal University of ABC.






The main topics of the conference include:
1. Power converter topologies and design
2. Electrical machines, motor drives and motion control
3. Modeling, simulation and control in power electronics
4. Power quality, harmonics and reactive power compensation
5. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI)
6. Power electronics in renewable energy systems
7. Power electronics in smart grid and utility applications
8. Power semiconductor devices, packaging, magnetic materials and passive components
9. Power electronics in lighting applications
10. Automotive, aerospace and transportation applications of power electronics
11. Industrial, commercial and residential applications of power electronics
12. Education and special topics


General Chair: Prof. José Antenor Pomilio - University of Campinas/Brazil
Program/Publication Chair: Prof. Fernando Pinhabel Marafão - São Paulo State University/Brazil
Program Co-chair: Prof. Paolo Mattavelli - University of Padova/Italy
Program Co-chair: Prof. Euzeli Cipriano dos Santos Jr. - Purdue University/USA
Finance Chair: Prof. Flávio Alessandro Serrão Gonçalves - São Paulo State University/Brazil
Finance Co-chair: Prof. Wilson Komatsu - University of São Paulo/Brazil






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