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European EV Lightweight Summit 2023

European EV Lightweight Summit 2023

2023-11-23 09:00 至 2023-11-24 17:00


上海希为投资管理有限公司(ECV international)   




发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

参会凭证:邮件/短信发送参会通知 现场凭电话姓名参会


Event Background

The stricter CO2 emission standards for new passenger cars in Europe and net-zero emissions targets have encouraged the automotive industry to accelerate the transition to electric mobility. As estimated for every 100kg saved, an EV’s driving range increases by 10% to 11% and battery costs will reduce by 20%. The innovation and successful applications of new light metals and composite materials can also improve the safety and strength of car bodies, optimize components structural design and save EVs’ energy. The great progress of advanced manufacturing techniques enables the joining of multi materials and hybrid parts as well. Besides decarbonization policies require more green materials in cars’ full lifecycle production.

European EV Lightweight Summit 2023 will bring together 300+ attendees to discuss valuable EV lightweight development insights and share cutting-edge vehicle weight reduction technologies. We will provide a high-level and whole-industry-chain conference platform for you to exchange key industrial information and build a lighter and sustainable automotive future together with you.


Event Date/ Location / Organizer

November 23-24, 2023 / Frankfurt,Germany / ECV International

The summit will be held in-person and online.


Hot topics

  • 2023 Forecasts and Trends Analysis of EV Lightweight Development in Europe
  • How Vehicle Lightweight Embraces the Wave of Electrification Revolution
  • Multi-Material Body---Advanced Solutions to Balance Lightweight, Cost and Performance
  • Sustainable and Lightweight EVs with the Integrated Applications of Aluminum Alloys
  • Driving the Future---Innovative Sustainable Materials in Next-Generation Lightweight EVs
  • Advanced Ultra High-Strength Steels (UHSS) Development for Vehicles’ Overall Weight Reduction and Green Steel Production Process by Using Hydrogen
  • Challenges and Methods to Realize EV Lightweight and Achieve Net-Zero Emissions
  • Advanced Joining Technologies in Multi-Material Lightweight Parts Design
  • Developing New Lightweight Chassis Architecture and Technology for Future EVs
  • Cell to Body Technology (CTB): A New Approach to Lighter and Safer Next Generation BEVs
  • Advanced Mega-Casting Technique
  • How Smart Manufacturing Contributes to EVs’ Lightweight
  • Thermoplastic Materials’ Innovative Applications on Vehicle Exteriors
  • Composite Material: Safety and Weight-Optimized Battery Cover for E-Mobility
  • Magnesium Alloys for Automotive Structures and PHEV Lightweight Powertrain
  • ……



Consulting ; OEMs ; Tier 1 and Tier 2 ; Steel ; Associations ; Magnesium Alloys ; Titanium ; Aluminum Alloys ; Composite Materials ; Engineering Plastics ; Welding/Stamping ; Joining/Assembly ; 3D Printing ; CAE and Simulation ; Die Casting ; Components


About us

Shanghai ECV International Co., Ltd. (ECV International) is Asia's leading organizer of high-end international events of all sizes with 100+ experts on industry research, event planning and management. We are committed to providing customers with high-quality and personalized service for each and every event.

Based in Shanghai, our business scope reaches out the globe. Every year, we host regularly more than 60 high-level online and in-person international conferences in China, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, France, Germany and other countries, attracting 6,000+ attendees from across the world— including senior management of established players, to first-time entrepreneurs of start-ups, to technical KOLs.

Our mission is to present the cutting-edge and high-quality content, build a valuable networking platform for corporate executives, and help decision makers create value and pursue excellence.


上海希为投资管理有限公司(ECV international) 上海希为投资管理有限公司(ECV international)

上海希为投资管理有限公司(ECV international)于2010年在中国上海成立,是一家专门从事国际高端会议策划及承办的公司。我们为已经拥有或计划开发中国市场的外资企业提供专业的商业及管理咨询服务,主要致力于行业的智能、绿色及可持续发展等问题。我们通过与政府相关部门以及行业协会等机构的合作,成功举办了一些具有行业影响力的高端国际性会议,并且和许多跨国企业建立多次合作关系。通过我们持续的热情和卓绝的努力,和我们的客户一起创造价值。 公司文化:创造价值,追求卓越 我们的愿景:成为值得信赖的且能为客户创造价值的合作伙伴。


票种名称 价格 原价 票价说明
线下票 ¥12989 ¥12989 Offline ticket:1800USD Online ticket:1200USD

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