会议详情 |
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票
Polymers and composite materials represent key areas of growth for energy, health care, and transportation. Because of their light weight, ease of processing, chemical stability, durability, and ability to tailor their mechanical properties, they have significant applications in aerospace, defense, and construction and infrastructure industries. Specific examples of these include coatings, displays, solid state lighting, turbines, prosthetics, packaging, and sports.
The 2014 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2014) was held during May 27-29 in Ningbo, China. More than 150 distinguished scholars and engineers from United States, England, Western Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan and China attended the conference, their fruitful academic achievements exchange and their unanimous praise after the conference proved PCM2014 a complete successes.
The 2015 Global Conference on Polymers and Composite Materials was held in Beijing, China, from May 16th to May 19th 2015. The meeting covered a wide range of topics in the field of polymer and composite materials. The Conference Program included 9 keynote presentations, 36 oral presentations, and 45 poster presentations. Over 100 scientists, from all over the world, participated in this international conference.
The 2016 Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2016) will be held in Hangzhou, China during May 20th - 23rd, 2016.
Hangzhou is the capital and largest city of Zhejiang Province in Eastern China. It is renowned for its historic relics and natural beauty, ranking as one of the most scenic cities. One of Hangzhou's most popular sights is West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The West Lake Cultural Landscape covers an area of 3,323 ha (8,210 acres) and includes some of Hangzhou's most notable historic and scenic places. Adjacent to the lake is a scenic area which includes historical pagodas, cultural sites, as well as the natural beauty of the lake and hills. There are many famous sayings in China to describe the beauty of Hangzhou, like "Be born in Suzhou, live in Hangzhou, eat in Guangzhou, die in Liuzhou.", and “Heaven Above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below (which compares Hangzhou to "heaven on Earth" or "God's country")”.
We are looking forward to welcoming polymer and composite scholars and scientists from all over the world to Hangzhou to join the unforgettable scientific event and feel the fascinating scenery of this beautiful city.
Polymer materials |
Composite materials |
Rubber |
Biomedical Composites |
大会日程 (The Conference Schedule in Chinese)
2016 年 5 月 20-21 日
时间 |
日程安排 |
地点 |
08:30-18:00 |
注册报到 |
杭州红楼大酒店大厅 |
2016 年 5 月 20 日,星期五下午
时间 |
日程安排 |
地点 |
13:30-17:30 |
参会者休息交流区 |
5 楼宴会厅 3 号厅 |
2016 年 5 月 21 日,星期六上午
时间 |
活动地点:5 楼转涌金厅 |
08:30-08:40 |
开幕式 |
08:40-09:20 |
主题报告 1:Principles of Polymer Tribology 报告专家:Esteban Broitman 教授 |
09:20-10:00 |
主题报告 2:Engineered Composite Materials, Polymers, Chalcogenides – Application to Thermoelectrics 报告专家:N.M. Ravindra (Ravi) 教授 |
10:00-10:30 |
集体照与茶歇 |
10:30-11:10 |
主题报告 3:Polymer Aqueous Solutions to Drag Reduction of Supercavitating Underwater Vehicles (A Comparative Analysis of China, US and Post-Soviet Fundamental Developments) 报告专家:Alexander Khotsianovsky 博士 |
11:10-11:50 |
主题报告 4:Investigation on Structure and Mechanical Properties of Layered Composite Materials and Reinforced With Si-C Particles 报告专家:Dumitru Nedelcu 教授 |
2016 年 5 月 21 日,星期六中午
12:00-13:00 |
自助午餐 |
3 楼阿露玛西餐厅 |
2016 年 5 月 21 日,星期六下午
时间 |
活动地点:5 楼转涌金厅 |
14:00-14:40 |
主题报告 5:Nanocomposite Materials: Trends and Challenges 报告专家:Kim Meow Liew 教授 |
14:40-15:10 |
主题报告 6:How to Write a Scientific Research Paper for Publication In SCI (E) Journals 报告专家:R. K. Agarwal 教授 |
15:10-15:30 |
茶歇 |
2016 年 5 月 21 日,星期六晚上
18:00-19:00 |
自助晚餐 |
2 楼融府中餐厅 |
2016 年 5 月 22 日,星期天上午
时间 |
活动:特邀报告与口头报告 |
地点 |
08:00-12:00 |
场次 1:Mechanical Properties (1) |
5 楼宴会厅 2 号厅 |
场次 2:Polymerization |
5 楼宴会厅 3 号厅 |
场次 3:Physical and Chemical Properties |
5 楼宴会厅 5 号厅 |
2016 年 5 月 22 日,星期天中午
12:00-13:00 |
自助午餐 |
3 楼阿露玛西餐厅 |
2016 年 5 月 22 日,星期天下午
时间 |
活动:特邀报告与口头报告 |
地点 |
13:30-17:30 |
场次 4:Mechanical Properties (2) |
5 楼宴会厅 2 号厅 |
场次 5:Catalysis and Surface Functionality |
5 楼宴会厅 3 号厅 |
场次 6:Surface Modification and Carbon-based Materials |
5 楼宴会厅 5 号厅 |
2016 年 5 月 22 日,星期天晚上
18:00-19:30 |
欢迎晚宴 |
2 楼融府中餐厅 |
2016 年 5 月 23 日,星期一
08:00-17:00 |
杭州一日游(请于早上 07:45 在酒店大厅集合) |
Ram K.Agarwal
Retired H.O.D. Lajpat Rai Postgraduate College (C
Kim Meow Liew
City University of Hong Kong, China
Alexander Khotsianovsky
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Dumitru Nedelcu
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Roma
Interdisciplinary Program in Materials Science and
Chair of the Physics Department & Director,
Esteban Broitman
Linköping University, Sweden
Standards of Conference Registration fee:
Regular Participants: $500 per person
Students: $450 per person
P.S. If your group have Four or more attendees, you can enjoy 20% off for the conference registration fee.
The Registration Fee is quoted in US dollars and includes
•One paper publication in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
•Conference materials (proceeding, conference guide, gift)
•Access to any sessions, coffee breaks
•Lunch and supper between May 21th and 22th
•One day tour in Hangzhou
The registration fee DOES NOT INCLUDE
• Accommodation
•Transportation fee
• Visa application fee
• Optional tour costs
• Paper publication fee in journals