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As ICAOpredicts that China will surpass United States in 2022 as the world's largest air travel market, and it will need110,000morepilots by 2035.The talent reserve mechanism of the three state-owned airlines Air China, China Eastern airlines and China southern airlines is relatively stable. However, due to the long training period of pilots, private airlines will choose the way of high-paying recruitment to supplement talent pool, especially for foreign pilots. Foreign pilots in Europe and US will be recruited at four timesthe industry standard salary, and the tax-free starting salary for foreign pilots has risen monthly from$10,000 to $26,000, and still keep rising,the soaring demand for civil aviation and the consequent fleet expansion speed are far higher than the growth rate of the number of domestic captains, so it can be inferred that there is still a sharp shortage of mature pilots in China, and the shortage of mature pilots is a major problem in the development of civil aviation in China.
Under this background,The5th annual Civil Aviation Training International Forum (CATF)will be hold onSeptember,2019in Sanya,China,which is hosted by Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Civil Aircraft Operation Support Sub-committee and Shanghai Society of Aeronautics, supported by Sanya Safety Supervision Bureau of CAAC,organized by COMACShanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co., Ltd&Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd. The meeting will focus on topics such as aviation safety improvement, innovative training mode and new technology application, aviation data application and simulator training, aim to deliver cutting-edge information of the training industry,improve flight training actual effect, optimize talent pool, boost the rapid growth of China's civil aviation industry.