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会议详情 |
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推荐会议:GOPS 全球运维大会 2025 · 深圳站 暨研运数智化技术峰会
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票
北京工业大学(Beijing University of Technology),简称“北工大”,是中国北京市人民政府直属的一所以工为主,理、工、经、管、文、法、艺术等学科门类相结合的全国重点大学,是国家“211工程”重点建设院校,入选“卓越工程师教育培养计划”、“111计划”,设有研究生院和国家大学科技园。 北京工业大学创建于1960年,初设机械、电机、无线电、化工、数理5个系,历经多次整合兼并,逐渐形成了理工、经管、文法相结合的多科性体制;学校于1981年成为第一批硕士学位授予单位,1985年成为博士学位授予单位。
全球病毒网络中心(Global Virus Network,GVN)的倡导和组织者是美国马里兰大学人类病毒研究所所长Robert Gallo。Robert Gallo院士是国际著名的病毒学家,我国曾毅院士在该组织成立之初即被邀请为学术委员会的执行委员。GVN自2011年成立以来,已经在美国、俄罗斯、德国、爱尔兰、意大利等国家成功举办了6届会议,已成为全球病毒学领域的高水平学术会议之一。GVN决定2015年5月16~19日在中国北京工大建国饭店召开“2015年全球病毒网络中心学术研讨会”(2015 Global Virus Network Annual Meeting),并由北京工业大学举办此次会议。
“2015年全球病毒网络中心学术研讨会”(2015 Global Virus Network Annual Meeting)将由北京工业大学举办,联合病毒病预防控制所、性病艾滋病预防控制中心、中国医学科学院病原生物学研究所、中山大学、中国生物技术股份有限公司、武汉大学、中国医科大学、中华预防医学会作为协办单位,共同携手,在工大建国饭店召开这次学术盛会。
Saturday, May 16, 2015
6:00- 7:30 pm Opening Reception
Sunday, May 17, 2015
7:00-8:30 am Breakfast at Hotel
8:30-9:00 am Welcome Session
Chinese officials-
Secretary General-Dr. Sharon Hrynkow
GVN Board Chariman- Mr. Scott Fine
Co- Presidents Dr. Zeng Yi and Dr. Robert Gallo
9:00-9:45 am Keynote Presentation: Dr. Yi Zeng* "Serological massive surveys and vaccines for controlling nasopharygeal carcinoma."
9:45-10:00 am Coffee/Tea Break
HIV Session
10:00-10:20 am Dr. Yi-Ming Shao (Moderator and Speaker) * “The phase I/ II clinical study of the HIV vaccine with replicating competent vaccinia vector.”
10:20-10:40 am Dr. Gallo (Speaker) * “Developing a Successful HIV Vaccine.”
10:40-11:00 am Dr. Zun-You Wu (Speaker)* "China meets new AIDS challenges."
11:00-11:20 am Dr. Guido Poli (Speaker)*
11:20-11:40 am Discussion
11:40-12:40 pm Lunch
Hepatitis Session
12:40- 1:00 pm Dr. Ulrike Protzer (Moderator and Speaker)* "Cytolytic and non-cytolytic control of hepatitis B virus can contribute to functional cure of hepatitis B."
1:00- 1:20 pm Dr. Kotilil (Speaker)* "Treatment of chronic Hepatitis C: accomplishments and challenges."
1:20-1:40 pm Dr. Jian-Guo Wu (Speaker)* "HBV Infection and Host Immunity" .
1:40-2:00 pm Dr. Wei Yang* "Hepatitis C virus entry: from receptor discovery to antiviral targets."
2:00-2:20 pm Dr. Wenhui Li* "Hepatitis B virus receptor"
2:20-2:40 pm Dr.Qinjian Zhao:* "A prophylactic vaccine against Hepatitis E virus infection"
2:40-3:00 pm Discussion
3:00-3:20 pm Coffee/Tea Break
Emerging viruses Session
3:20-3:25 pm Dr. Billy Hall (Moderator)*
3:25-3:55pm Dr. Diane Griffin (Speaker)* "Measles: Problems with control both within populations and individuals."
3:55-4:15 pm Dr. Ab Osterhaus (Speaker)* MERS
4:15-4:35 pm Dr. Akihiro Ishii (Speaker) * "Isolation and Characterization of a Novel and Highly Pathogenic Nairovirus (Leopards Hill Virus) from African bats."
4:35-4:55 pm Dr. Tadaki Suzuki* "Pathology and pathogenesis of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome."
4:55-5:15 pm Dr. Heinz Ellerbrok: Diagnostics
5:15-5:35 pm Discussion
6:30-8:30 pm Gala Dinner
Monday, May 18, 2015
7:00-8:30 am Breakfast at Hote
Arboviruses Session
8:30-8:50 am Dr. Mengfeng Li (Speaker)* "Dengue and Dengue Research in China"
8:50-9:10 am (CHIK Task Force Report): Dr. Scott Weaver (Speaker)* "Chikungunya virus emergence: An update on evolution, spread, and virus-vector interactions"
9:10-9:30 am Dr. John Fazakerley* "International integration of chikungunya research from molecular tools to a preclinically verified vaccine."
9:30-9:50 am Dr. Marc Lecuit *
9:50-10:10 am Discussion
10:10-10:25 am Coffee/Tea Break
10:25-10:40 am Business Leadership Council Presentation: Dr. Jeffrey Tate (CTD holdings, Inc.) Cancer causing viruses Session
10:40-11:00 am (HTLV Task Force Report) Dr. Luc Willems* 11:00-11:20 am Dr. FM Buonaguro *
11:20-11:40 am Dr. Paul K.S. Chan (Speaker): "Human papillomavirus: the unique epidemiology in East Asia."
11:40-12:00 pm Discussion
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
Influenza Session
1:00-1:20 pm Influenza: Dr. Hideki Hasegawa (Moderator and Speaker)* "Development of inactivated intranasal influenza vaccine."
1:20-1:40 pm Influenza: Dr. John Glass (Speaker)*
1:40-2:00 pm Discussion
Hemorragic Fever Viruses Session
2:00-2:20 pm Dr. Giuseppe Ippolito (Moderator and Speaker) *
2:20-2:40 pm Dr. Xiaoping Dong (Speaker)* "Ebola virus in Africa"
2:40- 3:00 pm Dr. Janusz Paweska (Speaker)*
3:00- 3:20 pm Discussion
3:20- 3:35 pm Coffee/Tea Break
Special Session
3:35-3:55 pm Dr. Ramesh Akkina* "Humanized mouse models for viral infections."
3:55- 4:15 pm Dr. Konstantin Chumakov * “Metagenomics-based virological surveillance.”
4:15-4:35 pm Dr. Sharon Lewin* “Tackling HIV Latency: towards a cure for HIV”
4:35-4:55 pm Dr.Stephen J. O'Brien (speaker), "GWATCH - A new frontier in automating GWAS and WGS association screens for HIV/AIDS resistance genes"
4:55-5:15 pm Dr. Fu Gao * "Virus Structural Biology."
5:15- 5:30 pm Dr. Xiao-Ming Yang : "Vaccines/Antiviral Therapies" (- Chinese Biotech Inc)
5:30- 5:50 AM Discussion
Tuesday, May 19, 2015- GVN Closed Session
7:00-8:30 am Breakfast at Hotel
8:30-9:10 am GVN's new programs and program concepts - Dr. Sharon Hrynkow*
Welcome to New Centers and Affiliates Session
9:10-9:20 am Dr. Natalia Mercer* Introduction
9:20-9:35 am Dr. Qing Ma: NYS Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences
9:35- 9:50 am Dr. J Fazakerley: The Pirbright Institute
9:50-10:05 am Dr. S Lewin: Peter Doherty Institute
10:05-10:20 Coffee/Tea Break
10:20-11:20 am Open discussion: GVN Priorities
11:20-11:40 am Closing Remarks/Welcome to GVN Meeting 2016- Dr. Sharon Hrynkow*