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2015第九届中国信息管理夏季研讨会(CSWIM 2015)

2015第九届中国信息管理夏季研讨会(CSWIM 2015)

2015-06-27 08:00 至 2015-06-28 18:00

合肥   合肥工业大学



发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

第九届中国信息管理夏季研讨会CSWIM 2015)将于2015年6月27-28日在安徽合肥召开。

(2015第九届中国信息管理夏季研讨会(CSWIM 2015))

The 9th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2015) will be held in Hefei, China on June 27 and 28, 2015. It will be hosted by the Hefei University of Technology. The purpose of the workshop is to create a bridge to promote lively exchange and collaborations between information systems scholars in China and other countries, and to advance our understandings of how information systems and technologies affect individuals, businesses, organizations, and societies. The theme of CSWIM 2015 is “Data Science for Business Analytics.”

(2015第九届中国信息管理夏季研讨会(CSWIM 2015))

We welcome submissions of original research papers addressing issues concerning the theory, design, development, evaluation, and application of information systems and management. Since it is a research workshop, CSWIM encourages submissions of research-in-progress that are innovative and thought-provoking. Research articles particularly sought after are those driven by real-world business problems and validated with proper research methodologies.

Honary Chair
Shanlin Yang, Hefei University of Technology, China

Workshop Co-Chairs
Changyong Liang, Hefei University of Technology, China
Xiao Fang, University of Utah, USA
Huimin (Min) Zhao, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
Dongsheng Wu, Hefei University of Technology, China
Dongxiao Gu, Hefei University of Technology, China

Publicity Chair and Webmaster
Shuyuan (Lance) Deng, Dakota State University, USA

Dates Academic Industry Students
Early Registration (May 31 or earlier) US $220 US $260 US $110
Regular Registration (June 1 – June 26) US $260 US $300 US $130
On-Site Registration (June 27 – June 28) (Cash only) US $300 US $340 US $150

CSWIM 信息管理

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