会议详情 菜单
2015年创新教育学术会议(CCE 2015)

2015年创新教育学术会议(CCE 2015)

2015-05-22 08:00 至 2015-05-24 18:00




发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票


The 5th Conf. on Creative Education (CCE 2015) will be held from May 22-24, 2015 in Beijing, China. 

Detailed program will be released in April. The provisional schedule is provided as follows:
  22/May 23/May 24/May
8:30-10:00   Invited speech Session One Day Tour 
(at own expense)
10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-12:00 Invited speech Session
14:00-16:00 Registration Oral Session
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break
16:20-18:00 Oral Session

Registration Fee

Attendance with full paper publication USD 450 (RMB 2700)

Students attendance with full paper publication USD 400 (RMB 2400)

Attendance with abstract & presentation USD 200 (RMB 1200)

Simple attendance USD 200 (RMB 1200)

One-day Tour USD 60 (RMB 360)

Conference Registration Fee Includes
1. Access to all technical sessions
2. Lunch and dinner on May 23, 2015
3. Coffee breaks during the sessions
4. One hard copy of the conference guide
5. One hard copy of the journal



创新教育 教育培训

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退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。



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