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The conference is held on the occasion of the 65th birthday of Dr. C.F. Jeff Wu, one of the most celebrated statisticians of our time. Dr. Wu is currently a professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, and he holds the Coca-Cola Chair in Engineering Statistics. Dr. Wu's honors include membership on the National Academy of Engineering (2004), Member (Academician) of Academia Sinica (2000), COPSS (Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies) Presidents Award in 1987, and Einstein Chair Professor at Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011. He is a fellow of the Institute for Operation Research and the Management Sciences, of the American Society for Quality, of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and of the American Statistical Association.
Dr. Wu has won numerous awards, including the Deming Lecture Award by American Statistical Associations in 2012, the Fisher Lecture Award by Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies in 2011, the Shewhart Medal by American Society of Quality in 2008, the Pan Wenyuan Technology Award (Taiwan) in 2008, the Jerome Sacks Award for Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary Research, National Institute of Statistical Sciences in 2005, and many others. Dr. Wu has made fundamental contributions to the methodological and theoretical developments in a variety of statistical and application areas such as nonlinear least squares methods, optimal, sequential, and factorial designs, statistical computing, re-sampling methods, robust parameter design, design and analysis of computer experiments, and many others.
The conference intends to bring top researchers together to interact and present their new research findings in areas that have been influenced by Dr. Wu's previous work and related topics. It is also an opportunity for top researchers to share and discuss their ideas and visions of emerging problems in their fields.
The conference will be held at Huquan Hotel, Mile, Yunna Province, P. R. China. Huquan Hotel is 85 miles southeast of Kunming, and is like a shining pearl inlaid in a 3,000 acres ecological park with mountains, hot springs, refreshing air and lush vegetation. The hotel provides comprehensive facilities for accommodations, conference, dining, and amusement.
2014年7月7日 早晨8:30至下午5:30:相关讲座
2014年7月8日 早晨8:30至下午5:30:相关讲座
2014年7月9日 游览云南石林
每位参会代表的会务费为2000元人民币/人: 包含往返昆明和弥勒的车费,会议期间的场地费,设备费,茶歇和餐费(3中餐2晚餐),以及9日上午去石林或九乡的费用(250元)
2、报名前可咨询“活动家”客服,服务热线 400-003-3879