会议详情 |
2023-12-08 09:00 至 2023-12-10 18:00
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票
2023年电池与燃料电池技术国际研讨会(BFCT 2023)将于2023年12月8-10日在三亚举行。本届大会将继续遵循学术性、国际性的原则,特邀国内外学者专家前来参会,并做出精彩的报告。此次会议议题涵盖锂离子电池,电池系统和电池的生产和回收,电池技术,燃料电池技术,燃料电池工程等,旨在为行业内专家和学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚焦电池与燃料电池技术领域的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。
三亚,(Sanya City)位于海南岛的最南端,是中国最南部的热带滨海旅游城市,全国空气质量最好的城市,全国最长寿地区(平均寿命80岁)。三亚市别称鹿城,又被称为“东方夏威夷”,位居中国四大一线旅游城市“三威杭厦”之首,它拥有全海南岛最美丽的海滨风光。东邻陵水县,西接乐东县,北毗保亭县,南临南海。陆地总面积1919.58平方公里,海域总面积6000平方公里,其中规划市区面积约37平方公里。东西长91.6公里,南北宽51公里,常住人口为53.6万人,聚居了汉、黎、苗、回等20多个民族。美丽的三亚市是中国通向世界的门户之一。三亚是海南省南部的中心城市和交通通信枢纽,也是中国东南沿海对外开放黄金海岸线上最南端的对外贸易重要口岸。
2023年电池与燃料电池技术国际研讨会(BFCT 2023)将于2023年12月8-10日在中国三亚召开。
Advanced battery systems
Li-S batteries
Li-air batteries, flow batteries & fuel cells
Lithium-ion batteries
Lithium based electrode materials
Battery ageing
Battery modelling
Battery diagnostics
Production and recycling of battery systems and cells
Energy conversion modules
Supercapacitors and hybrid capacitors
Anodes and cathodes
Nanostructured materials for lithium batteries
Liquid electrolytes and ionic liquids
Polymer, gel, and solid electrolytes
Li battery recycling
Electrode/electrolyte interface phenomena
Primary and rechargeable Li cells
Battery technologies
Thermal storage materials
Capacitors (super, ultra, pulsed power)
Rechargeable technologies
Fuel cell technology
Fuel cell engineering
Fuel processing for fuel cells
Direct methanol fuel cells
Membrane fuel cell system modeling and control
Fuel cell electrochemistry
Materials for fuel cells
Fuel cell systems and applications
Fuel processing
Fuel cell components
Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs)
Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC)
High-temperature fuel cells
Comparison of fuel cell types
2023年电池与燃料电池技术国际研讨会(BFCT 2023)将于2023年12月8-10日在中国三亚召开。
Advanced battery systems
Li-S batteries
Li-air batteries, flow batteries & fuel cells
Lithium-ion batteries
Lithium based electrode materials
Battery ageing
Battery modelling
Battery diagnostics
Production and recycling of battery systems and cells
Energy conversion modules
Supercapacitors and hybrid capacitors
Anodes and cathodes
Nanostructured materials for lithium batteries
Liquid electrolytes and ionic liquids
Polymer, gel, and solid electrolytes
Li battery recycling
Electrode/electrolyte interface phenomena
Primary and rechargeable Li cells
Battery technologies
Thermal storage materials
Capacitors (super, ultra, pulsed power)
Rechargeable technologies
Fuel cell technology
Fuel cell engineering
Fuel processing for fuel cells
Direct methanol fuel cells
Membrane fuel cell system modeling and control
Fuel cell electrochemistry
Materials for fuel cells
Fuel cell systems and applications
Fuel processing
Fuel cell components
Proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs)
Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC)
High-temperature fuel cells
Comparison of fuel cell types
Package A: | 仅参会(无报告) | USD 400 (RMB 2400) |
Package B: | 参会 + 摘要报告 | USD 450 (RMB 2700) |
Package C: | 参会 + 全文发表 + 报告 | USD 600 (RMB 3600) |
1. 可参加所有会场
2. 会议期间午餐(12月9, 10日)
3. 会议期间晚餐(12月9日晚)
4. 会议期间茶歇
5. 会议指南及会议期刊各一本