会议详情 菜单


2018-11-05 09:00 至 2018-11-06 18:00

上海   五星酒店待定




推荐会议:AutoAI 2024第七届自动驾驶及智能座舱中国峰会




With next stage Emission Standard publishing over the world, Vehicle Lightweight is facing new challenges. In china, the Sixth Stage Emission Standard has gone into heated discussion and the automakers in Chinese market have to consider new lightweight solutions.

Overview the development of vehicle lightweight, we can conclude three methods to achieve the lightweight: Material, Process, Structure. Metal material solutions have been widely applied on lightweight, and process technology has updated generation to generation, while structural design is also on the road. However, what else can we do for next stage Emission Standards and OEMs how to solve the lightweight in low cost? What are the tendency and preference for OEMs to achieve the lightweight?

Welcome to join this advanced, creative and practical event to explore innovated application and low-cost solutions!

随着新的排放法规在全球的发布,汽车轻量化将面临新的挑战。在中国,第六阶段排放标准已进入白热化讨论阶段,未来中国市场的整车企业将不得不考虑新的轻量化解决方案。回顾汽车轻量化的发展, 主要有三种方式实现轻量化:材料、工艺、结构。金属材料已广泛用于轻量化过程,工艺技术也历经一代又一代的更新,而结构轻量化的设计也在不断革新。然而,当下一阶段排放标准实施时,将如何解决?整车厂如何用较低成本实现轻量化?未来哪一种轻量化方式将更受欢迎?


Why you can’t miss?

l   Share advanced lightweight technologies and practical solutions to guide the industry trends

l   Learn about tendency of OEM’s preference to materials, process technologies and structure design to tailored your products and services

l   Co-located with Global Autonomous Vehicle Asia 2018 to gain more face to face chances with OEMs

l   Globalize Japan, Korea, German series events to get through international and civil vehicle lightweight industry chain



2)直面整车厂对材料、工艺和结构设计的选择趋势, 打造最具市场竞争力的产品与服务



Customize participating forms and exclusive services

l   Point to Point solutions meeting: one-one meeting for you and OEMs

l   Thesis seminar/ Workshop: closed-door gathering for suppliers and OEM decision makers

l   Product Launch: organizing a product launch for you facing to T1/OEMs

l   OEM meet-and-greet


l   提供点对点的解决方案会议:与整车厂一对一会谈

l   专题研讨会:整车厂与供应商的主题讨论

l   面向整车厂与T1的产品发布会

l   整车厂见面会


SZ&WGroup(泽为咨询) SZ&WGroup(泽为咨询)

泽为集团成立于2008年,是商业资讯服务商及活动主办方。公司总部设在中国上海和美国洛杉矶。 泽为集团旗下有“泽为研究中心”“泽为会议策划”“泽为行业社区”等知名市场研究及商业活动策划品牌. 立足中国及亚洲市场,公司业务遍及中东,欧洲,非洲,南美洲的新兴经济体。

Day One

Session 1

Future Vehicle Lightweight: Development and Fusion

Chinese Emission Standard

Lightweight of EV with Fuel Car

Session 2

Material Innovation


Joining Composites to Aluminum Alloy

Latest Wielding Solutions UHSS/AHSS and Aluminum

Use of Various Materials under Current Production Conditions

The Solutions of Cost Reduction

Innovative Application of Non-metal Material

Modified Plastics with Its Applications Advantage and Difficulties

Safety and Wear Resistance of Non-metal Materials

Day Two

Session 3

Process Technology Revolution

3D Printing Tech in the Rapid Prototyping

New Structural Adhesive in Body Forming

the Battery Lightweight on NEV

the Performance and Applied Methods of Resin Process

Session 4

Structure Lightweight Solutions

The Solutions of Lightweight Design while the Space Guaranteed

Reliable and Stable Chassis System Lightweight

Commercial Car Lightweight

Modular Integration Solutions


Lightweight with Driving Stability

NVH Optimization to Improve Driving Experience

Lightweight Materials, how to Guarantee Crashworthiness



议题一 未来汽车轻量化——发展与融合

l   全国汽车排放标准进展

l   电动汽车轻量化与燃油汽车轻量化

议题二 轻量化材料革新


l   铝合金车身中加入复合材料

l   最新金属材料的焊接技术:高强钢与铝合金

l   如何在现有生产条件下实现多种材料的复合使用

l   复合材料应用成本降低的方案

l   非金属材料的创新性应用

l   改性塑料的应用优势与难点

l   非金属材料安全性与耐磨性分析


议题三 工艺技术进展


l   3D打印技术在快速成型中的使用

l   新型结构胶在车身成型中的应用

l   新能源汽车电池轻量化解决方案

l   树脂工艺的性能分析与应用

议题四 结构优化方案

l   保证车内空间的同时实现轻量化的设计

l   可靠、稳定的底盘系统轻量化设计方案

l   商用车轻量化设计方案

l   模块化集成方案

议题五 轻量化与驾驶稳定性

l   NVH优化,提升驾驶舒适性

l   轻质材料的使用与防撞性的保证



* Two day pass 两天峰会席位

* 2 luxury luncheons 两天豪华午宴

* 4 coffee breaks 4场茶歇

* Electronic copy for all presentations 全部授权嘉宾电子版演讲PPT




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