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2021-05-12 00:00 至 2021-08-17 00:00


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Brief Introduction


纽约州立大学公共卫生学院(下简称“公卫学院”),位列2020年U.S.News美国大学研究生公共卫生专业排名(Public Health School)全美第46名。公卫学院已成立35年,是纽约州卫生部和奥尔巴尼大学共建机构。学院由纽约州卫生部领导及专家担任教师职务,与全职教师合作开展一系列基础和应用研究项目,并在实践中指导学生,包括著名的沃德伍兹科研中心等。坐落在纽约首府的地理位置,为该校提供了得天独厚的优势——作为美国最大、最多元化的州之一的政府所在地,奥尔巴尼市及其周边的社区、顶层决策者、公共卫生专业人员、非营利组织和临床医生为学生们提供了出色的实习机会、短期和长期的工作岗位。

纽约州立大学公卫学院的办学理念是:我们提供有关公共卫生方面的决定性经验。这些经验将教会你如何审视问题,如何探索更多的可能性,以及如何创造可改变的环境,为美好明天的到来做准备。( We provide defining experiences in public health – experiences that enable you to examine issues, explore possibilities, and create the change needed for a better tomorrow. )

Project Introduction



  • 1项目流程提交申请表及个人简介 - 线上英语考试(笔试+面试) - 优选25人进组 – 缴纳学费 - 线上开学典礼 - 线上授课(14周) - 学员考核 - 线下结业典礼2项目要求及安排学员应具备流利的英语听说读写能力项目周期为14周(2021年5月12日-2021年8月16日),学员需提前规划个人时间项目主要采用线上模式(依托zoom和moodle平台),教授在线授课、答疑与辅导,学员在线学习与测试学员将在教授指导下,将自身的科研方向与课程内容相结合,完成科研项目的设计、产出和模型搭建在课程中,学员将与教授、同学分组讨论与练习,匹配理论进行实践,做到学以致用学习期间,在线接受美方教授的直接指导,协助、督促科研项目进度,促进教学成果转化学员需进行学习成果汇报及分享,学员可与教授直接对话,做到有效沟通学期末,将举办线下结业典礼(地点待定)(以下附上项目流程图,便于理解)纽约州立大学临床研究设计与数据分析精英项目
  • 3培训对象(接受团体及个人报名)中国各级各类医院、各专业临床工作者、科研人员、科研相关工作者(学员需具有硕士以上学历)
  • 4培训形式纽约州立大学临床研究设计与数据分析精英项目
  • 5收费标准1万美元(按学员缴费当日汇率折算人民币)4月1日前报名,享受9.5折优惠

Project Point


  • 全美排名前50名的公共卫生学院,倾力打造课程体系
  • 国际著名流病、生物统计、公共卫生和临床实验设计等各领域专家亲自授课
  • 实用性强,囊括科研写作概论、基金写作技能、数据处理和统计分析、临床试验研究方法等全流程指导
  • 全英文在线授课,理论讲解+实践练习,全面提升学员科研综合能力
  • 接受纽约州立大学教授直接指导,有效促进教学成果转化
  • 所有报名者中,仅25名考试优秀者可获得进组学习资格,助力优质人脉拓展
  • 全部课程结束后,考试通过的学员由纽约州立大学颁发培训证书

Project Brief


  • Module 1: Course Overview and Introduction to EpidemiologyCross-cutting Topic: Introduction to Manuscript Writing (Lesson 1)
  • Module 2: Data Management Using RCross-cutting Topic: Introduction to Manuscript Writing (Lessons 2 & 3)
  • Module 3: Fundamental Statistical Analysis Skills DevelopmentCross-cutting Topic: Introduction to Manuscript Writing – continued (Lesson 4)
  • Module 4: Key Topics in Reproductive /Perinatal and Environmental EpidemiologyCross-cutting Topic: Introduction to Manuscript Writing – continued (Lesson 5)
  • Module 5: Grant Writing Skills DevelopmentCross-cutting Topic: Introduction to Manuscript Writing – continued (Lesson 6)
  • Module 6: Biological Basis for Human DiseasesCross-cutting Topic: Introduction to Manuscript Writing – continued (Lesson 7)
  • Module 7: Outcomes Research and Clinical TrialsCross-cutting Topic: Introduction to Manuscript Writing – continued (Lessons 8 & 9)
  • Module 8: Program Wrap-Up: Course Review, Final Exam, and Course Evaluations



主办单位: 健康界


美方主办单位: 纽约州立大学

纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校(University at Albany, State University of New York)简称UAlbany,始建于1844年,是美国最古老的校园之一,也是美国东北部综合性和实力最强的公立大学之一,属于美国一级国家级大学,是纽约州立大学系统四大名校之一。在2019 USNEWS全美大学中排名第86位,被列为福布斯“美国最佳公立大学”的顶尖大学之一,众多专业在“美国新闻与世中排名前50位,包括临床心理学,经济学,刑事司法,图书馆和信息研究,公共事务,公共卫生,社会学和社会工作。

目前,该大学有三个校园,分别是Uptown Campus、Downtown Campus和East Campus。纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校向学生提供极其出色的本科与研究生教育,研究与公共服务。学校在校生约15000人,包括本科生9000余名,研究生5000余人,学校以其极强的包容性和国际化理念著称,接收来自83个不同的国家和地区的学生。该大学性价比极高,在全美公立大学排名中名列前茅,并多次被福布斯提名“美国最具价值大学”榜单。







Introduction Of Tutor



Ricky Leung,PhD.

Dr. Ricky Leung is Associate Professor at the Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior, School of Public Health, University at Albany. He is also the Track Director of Health Policy and Management. Dr. Leung obtained his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Lenore Gensburg,MS

Lenore Gensburg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Professor Gensburg has been teaching biostatistics at the University at Albany School of Public Health for the past 22 years. Her formal degree is in Mathematics, but she has worked as an applied biostatistician since obtaining her degree.


John Justino

Director of the Center for Global Health

Clinical Associate Professor 

School of Public Health

Department: Health Policy, Management and Behavior

Expertise:Global Health, Social Behavior Change Communications, Social Marketing, Strategic Communications, Program Development and Evaluation, Program Management, Strategic Planning, Process Improvement, Facilitation, Management and Leadership Coaching, and Mentoring


Shao Lin,MD, MPH, PhD.

Dr. Shao Lin currently is a Professor of both Department of Environmental Health Sciences and Department of Epidemiology/Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University at Albany and the Associate Director of Global Health Research. She obtained her medical degree from Sun Yat-sen University in China and her both MPH and Ph.D. deg


Erin Bell,MS, PhD.

Erin Bell is a Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics and the Department of Environmental Health in the School of Public Health of the University Albany. She joined the faculty at the University at Albany after completing her postdoctoral training at the National Cancer Institute, Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology. She has taught Epidemiology and Environmental Health to undergraduate and graduate students since 2002 and most recently served as the Faculty Director of the Undergraduate Program in Public Health at the University at Albany.


Ramune Reliene, MS, PhD.

Dr. Ramune Reliene is currently is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences and the Cancer Research Center, School of Public Health, University at Albany. She obtained her PhD degree from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EHT) Zurich in Switzerland. She completed her post-doctoral training at the University of California Los Angeles.


Feng (Johnson) Qian,MBS, MS, PhD.

Dr. Feng (Johnson) Qian is an Associate Professor of health policy and management at the Department of Health Policy, Management, and Behavior, University at Albany-State University of New York. He is a realworld outcomes researcher with clinical background in cardiac surgery. He has 15 years of experience leading funded healthcare technology assessment and program evaluation studies.


Allison A. Appleton

ScD, Social Epidemiology

Dr. Allison A. Appleton is an Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Dr. Appleton earned her doctorate degree in social epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health. Prior to joining the faculty of UAlbany School of Public Health, she completed a post-doctoral research fellowship in molecular epidemiology at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, as well as a post-doctoral research fellowship in cardiovascular epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health.


Ricky Leung,PhD.

Dr. Ricky Leung is Associate Professor at the Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior, School of Public Health, University at Albany. He is also the Track Director of Health Policy and Management. Dr. Leung obtained his Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Lenore Gensburg,MS

Lenore Gensburg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics. Professor Gensburg has been teaching biostatistics at the University at Albany School of Public Health for the past 22 years. Her formal degree is in Mathematics, but she has worked as an applied biostatistician since obtaining her degree.


John Justino

Director of the Center for Global Health

Clinical Associate Professor 

School of Public Health

Department: Health Policy, Management and Behavior

Expertise:Global Health, Social Behavior Change Communications, Social Marketing, Strategic Communications, Program Development and Evaluation, Program Management, Strategic Planning, Process Improvement, Facilitation, Management and Leadership Coaching, and Mentoring


Shao Lin,MD, MPH, PhD.

Dr. Shao Lin currently is a Professor of both Department of Environmental Health Sciences and Department of Epidemiology/Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University at Albany and the Associate Director of Global Health Research. She obtained her medical degree from Sun Yat-sen University in China and her both MPH and Ph.D. deg


票种名称 价格 原价 票价说明
普通票 ¥10000 ¥10000 1万美元(按学员缴费当日汇率折算人民币)4月1日前报名,享受9.5折优惠


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