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16th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems & Services (GECON 2019)

16th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems & Services (GECON 2019)

2019-09-17 09:00 至 2019-09-18 18:00

Leeds   None

University of Leeds   

University of Leeds


With a global market for infrastructures, platforms and software services, the need to understand and deal with its implications emerges. A multitude of new interdisciplinary challenges is quickly growing. Therefore, GECON encourages the submission of papers, which combine at least one economic/legal area and one technological area. GECON’s list of focus areas includes:

-Incentive design, strategic behavior & game theory
-Market mechanisms, auctions models, and bidding languages
-Economic efficiency
-(Techno) Economic analysis and modelling
-Pricing schemes and revenue models
-Metering, accounting, and billing
-Cost‐benefit analysis
-Automated trading and bidding support tools
-Trust, reputation, security, and risk management
-Performance monitoring, optimization, and prediction
-Analysis and reports on industry, test-beds and operational markets
-Energy efficiency, sustainability
-Business models and strategies, decision support

Law and Legal Aspects:
-Standardization, interoperability, and legal aspects
-Service level agreements (SLAs), negotiation, enforcement and monitoring
-Open source ecosystems

Clouds, Grids, Systems and Services:
-IaaS, SaaS, PaaS and Federation of resources
-Vertical scaling, burstable computing, vertical elasticity
-Resource management: allocation, sharing, scheduling, and capacity planning
-Virtualization and Containers
-Service Science, Management and engineering (SSME)
-Software engineering

Technologies Transforming the Economy:
-Smart grids, cities or buildings
-Energy-aware infrastructures and services
-Fog, edge, osmosis computing
-Micro‐services, Serverless computing
-Community Networks
-Social networks
-Big data
-Data stream ingestion and complex event processing







With a global market for infrastructures, platforms and software services, the need to understand and deal with its implications emerges. A multitude of new interdisciplinary challenges is quickly growing. Therefore, GECON encourages the submission of papers, which combine at least one economic/legal area and one technological area.


Original full papers and work-in-progress papers, which are not currently under review by another conference, will be considered. Manuscripts will be reviewed based on technical merit, originality, and relevance. Acceptance rates have been around 30% in recent years (http://www.gecon-conference.org).

Full papers, work-in-progress papers, and poster abstracts shall be submitted using the Springer LNCS format. Submitted full papers should not exceed 12 pages, work-in-progress papers should not exceed 8 pages (including references and appendices) and poster extended abstracts should not exceed 2 pages.

This year, for the first time, GECON will include a poster session. Posters can be submitted together with an extended abstract, which should not exceed 2 pages, or together with an accepted paper or paper-in-progress.

The proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS. Extended versions of up to 10 accepted papers in the computer science field will be invited for publication in a special issue of the Elsevier Journal of Future Generation Computing Systems. For papers targeting mainly business and economic aspects, a special issue of the Springer Electronic Markets Journal and the Elsevier Electronic Commerce Research and Applications with up to 5 papers each is foreseen.


GECON’s list of focus areas includes:

-Incentive design, strategic behavior & game theory
-Market mechanisms, auctions models, and bidding languages
-Economic efficiency
-(Techno) Economic analysis and modelling
-Pricing schemes and revenue models
-Metering, accounting, and billing
-Cost‐benefit analysis
-Automated trading and bidding support tools
-Trust, reputation, security, and risk management
-Performance monitoring, optimization, and prediction
-Analysis and reports on industry, test-beds and operational markets
-Energy efficiency, sustainability
-Business models and strategies, decision support

Law and Legal Aspects:
-Standardization, interoperability, and legal aspects
-Service level agreements (SLAs), negotiation, enforcement and monitoring
-Open source ecosystems

Clouds, Grids, Systems and Services:
-IaaS, SaaS, PaaS and Federation of resources
-Vertical scaling, burstable computing, vertical elasticity
-Resource management: allocation, sharing, scheduling, and capacity planning
-Virtualization and Containers
-Service Science, Management and engineering (SSME)
-Software engineering

Technologies Transforming the Economy:
-Smart grids, cities or buildings
-Energy-aware infrastructures and services
-Fog, edge, osmosis computing
-Micro‐services, Serverless computing
-Community Networks
-Social networks
-Big data
-Data stream ingestion and complex event processing






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