会议详情 |
2019-10-18 09:00 至 2019-10-19 18:00
Seattle Section IEEE Social Implications of Technology Society Region 06 - Western USA
IEEE GHTC focuses on advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. This cross-disciplinary annual conference provides the perfect venue for those interested in humanitarian projects to join their peers in San Jose CA (USA) in October 2018.
GHTC is an international flagship conference, focused on bringing together people working on the application of technology to addressing critical issues for the benefit of theresource-constrained and vulnerablepopulationsin the world. It is a forum whereIEEEworks with developers and NGOs to identify the most pressing needs. We encourage participants from academia, for-profit and non-profit businesses, governmental and non-governmental organizations to attend and present research, ideas, and other considerations for the creation of effective humanitarian technology. We also invite participants to share case studies and lessons learned from deployment and application of humanitarian technologies.
Conference Mission:
The 9th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE GHTC2019) is an international flagship conference sharing practical technologyenabled solutions addressing the needs of underserved populations andresource constrained environments around the world and the UnitedNations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).
Stakeholders from the public, private, education and research, societal, funding anddonor sectors are invited to submit proposed papers (or presentations) sharingSustainable Development and Humanitarian Technology related insights, experiences,good practices and lessons learnt from a research, policy, practitioner and/orcommunity perspective. To this end, GHTC welcomes paper and presentationsubmissions in the Sustainable Development and Humanitarian/Appropriate/AssistiveTechnology spaces. Submissions by practitioners (governmental, for-profit and nonprofit), academics, private sector actors and policy makers describing interventiondesign and implementation, field experiences and best practices, case studies, projectmonitoring and evaluation results, and original research are of particular interest.
Three types of submissions are possible for presentation at GHTC: Full Papers areappropriate for mature work or completed projects and should not exceed eight pages;Short Papers are appropriate for early stage projects or authors wishing to share asnapshot of results-in-progress, experiences and perspectives, and should be three tofour pages in length including a short reference section. Oral-Only (Poster)Presentations are appropriate for work-in-progress, projects in the pre-implementationstage as well as an option for practitioners, policy makers or community representativeswho do not want to write a paper. Oral-Only submissions should be described in onepage. Short Papers and Oral-Only Presentations will be accepted for presentation eitherduring a paper session or poster session at the discretion of the Program Committee.
A selection of accepted papers will be invited to submit a revised and extended versionto an IEEE journal.
As well as describing technological aspects, submissions are encouraged to considersocio-cultural, socio-economic, environmental and policy perspectives, and howsustainable development best practices such as community engagement, capacitybuilding, local ownership, co-design and Collaborative Open Innovation, Social Returnon Investment (SROI), Theory of Change planning, and PESTLE analysis are applied.
1.Conference Chair
2.Vice Chair
3.Program Chair
4.Technical Program Chair