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2014-07-09 08:00 至 2014-07-11 18:00




发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

The Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA) is a conference based organization and has met every other year since 1995. The past nine biennial conferences have been held in Malaysia, China, Korea,China, Taiwan, United States, Malaysia, Japan, and Korea, respectively. The tenth biennial conference will be held at National Chengchi University, Taiwan on July 9-11, 2014. At the past ACEFA conferences, attendees exchanged opinions of common problems on consumer and family economics in Asia and the typical economic issues of the host country. The attendees arrived at a common understanding of economic development in Asia and deepened the understanding of the complexity and diversity of problems on consumer and family economics. It goes without saying that in those conferences, many theoretical, methodological, pedagogical, and policy issues in consumer and family economics areas in an Asian context have been addressed.

Time  July 8, 2014
16:00-18:30 Registration opens
18:30-20:30 Reception (Fullon Hotel Shenkeng)
Welcome Speech by Dr. Jr-Tsung Huang, Chair of 2014 ACFEA Conference
Welcome Speech by Dr. An-Pang Kao, Former President of ACFEA
Welcome Speech by Dr. Jing Jian Xiao, Former President of ACFEA
  Wednesday, July 9, 2014
8:30-9:00 Welcome Ceremony (Conference Hall, General Building of Colleges)
Introduction: Dr. Jiun-Nan Pan, local arrangement coordinator
Welcome Speech by the Vice President of NCCU
Welcome Speech by Dr. Jr-Tsung Huang, President of ACFEA
Welcome Speech by Dr. Jungsung Yeo, Former President of ACFEA (2011-2013)
9:00-10:00 Keynote Address: (Conference Hall, General Building of Colleges)
Topic: TBA.
Speaker: TBA.
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:30 Session A: Session B: Session C: Session D: Session E:
Concurrent Sessions (Room 271338, General Building of Colleges) (Room 271332, General Building of Colleges) (Room 271243, General Building of Colleges) (Room 270514, General Building of Colleges) (Room 270931, General Building of Colleges)
  Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA
  Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed.
11:30-13:00 Lunch  (13th Floor, General Building of Colleges)
13:00-14:15 Session A: Session B: Session C: Session D: Session E:
Concurrent Sessions (Room 271338, General Building of Colleges) (Room 271332, General Building of Colleges) (Room 271243, General Building of Colleges) (Room 270514, General Building of Colleges) (Room 270931, General Building of Colleges)
  Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA
  Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed.
14:15-14:30 Break
14:30-15:45 Session A: Session B: Session C: Session D: Session E:
Concurrent Sessions (Room 271338, General Building of Colleges) (Room 271332, General Building of Colleges) (Room 271243, General Building of Colleges) (Room 270514, General Building of Colleges) (Room 270931, General Building of Colleges)
  Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA
  Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed.
15:45-17:00 Session A: Session B: Session C: Session D: Session E:
Concurrent Sessions (Room 271338, General Building of Colleges) (Room 271332, General Building of Colleges) (Room 271243, General Building of Colleges) (Room 270514, General Building of Colleges) (Room 270931, General Building of Colleges)
  Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA Presider: TBA
  Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed. Three papers will be presented and discussed.
17:00-18:00  Poster Session
16 poster will be shown on the wall of the Conference Hall, General Building of Colleges
18:00-21:00 Dinner & Culture Night
  Thursday, July 10, 2014
9:00-10:30 Journal Editor Panel (Conference Hall, General Building of Colleges)                   
Discussion Chair: Dr. Jing Jian Xiao, University of Rhode Island, USA
Dr. Elizabeth Dolan, Editor, Journal of Family and Economic Issues
Dr. Clifford Robb, Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Affairs
Dr. Jing Jian Xiao, Editor, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Business Meeting: Country Report (Conference Hall, General Building of Colleges)
Discussion Chair: Dr. Kaili Yieh, Dean of College of Extension Education, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan.
12:00-14:30 Farewell Lunch (Shin-Yeh, 101 Building)
  Friday, July 11, 2014
8:30-19:30 One-Day Trip
  Saturday, July 12, 2014
All Day Departure

USD $270



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