会议详情 菜单
2017年第六届春季国际工程与技术大会(SCET 2017)

2017年第六届春季国际工程与技术大会(SCET 2017)

2017-04-18 08:00 至 2017-04-20 18:00

成都   成都新良大酒店

Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院)    



发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票


2017 the 6th Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET 2017) will be held from April 18-20, 2017 in Chengdu, China. This Conference will cover issues on Engineering and Technology. It dedicates to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods.

We look forward to seeing you in Chengdu! 

Special Session

Special Session I: “Optical and microwave biosensing” in CAP-S, 2017 SCET.

Session Chair: Dr. Eugene Kamenetskii, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

Special Session II: “Time and Frequency and Their Applications” in CAP-S, 2017 SCET.

Session Chair: Prof. Wenbin Shen, Wuhan University, China.

Call for Special Session Chair:

To extend the influence of the conference, researchers within the field of the conference are invited to be the Special Session Chair.

To be the Special Session Chair, you can propose issues (subjects, topics) yourself for the parallel sessions and invite speakers as well as participants related to the area. The organizing committee will fully support the promotion of the conference.


To be the Special Session Chair, you can enjoy:

A free platform for academic exchanges;

Free dinners and coffee break during conference period;

Free registration and accommodation(2 nights during the conference period);

PS: All attendees invited by the Special Session Chair can enjoy the maximum discount.


To be the Special Session Chair, you should:

Determine the session topic within the conference field;

Invite scholars (no less than 10 attendees in one special session);

Host the meeting. 


Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院) Engineering Information Institute(工程信息研究院)


Detailed program will be released in March. The provisional schedule is provided as follows:

Plenary SpeechOral SessionOne Day Tour 
(at own expense)
10:00-10:20Coffee BreakCoffee Break
10:20-12:00Plenary SpeechOral Session
14:00-16:00RegistrationOral SessionOral Session
16:00-16:20Coffee BreakCoffee Break
16:20-18:00Oral SessionOral Session









Registration Fee

Package A:Regular Attendance (No Submission Required)USD 350 (RMB 2300)
Package B:Regular Attendance+Abstract+PresentationUSD 450 (RMB 2700)
Package C:Regular Attendance+Paper Publication+PresentationUSD 500 (RMB 3000)

The Regular Attendance Fee Includes
1. Access to all technical sessions
2. Lunch on April 19 and 20, dinner on April 19 
3. Coffee breaks during all sessions
4. One hard copy of the conference guide and proceedings 


成都新良大酒店 成都新良大酒店

交通指南:公交:春熙路南口(43路; 47路; 48路; 55路; 56a路; 56路; 104路; 夜间专线298路) 大业路(1路; 8路; 45路; 62路; 99路; 334路) 盐市口(1路; 8路; 43路; 45路; 47路; 48路; 55路; 56a路; 56路; 99路; 104路; 夜间专线298路)

成都新良大酒店由四川新良大厦有限责任公司按国际四星级酒店标准投资兴建,踞于古都蓉城繁华之最的核心地带,春熙路—盐市口核心商业购物中心区,与众多的甲级写字楼毗邻,大型国际品牌购物中心举步即至,交通便利。2007年,全新装修的345间豪华客房幽雅精致,绚丽春熙夜景尽收眼底。 酒店于2000年9月建成,主楼高31层,附楼高7层,拥有各种豪华客房320间,普通单人间面积19平方米,普通标准间面积32平方米,大中小会议室7个,桑拿、茶坊、保龄球、健身房等康乐设施,让您在享受一切现代化设施的同时,更可体验亲切、高效、真诚的服务。


工程 SCET 技术

酒店与住宿: 异地参会客户请注意,为防止会议临时变动,建议您先与活动家客服确认参会信息,再安排出行与住宿事宜。
退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。



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