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会议详情 |
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2017-10-20 08:00 至 2017-10-22 18:00
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票
The 2017 2nd International Conference on Innovative Material Science and Technology (IMST2017) will be held in Kunming, China, from 20th-22nd October, 2017! The aim of IMST 2017 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, and academicians, as well as industrial professionals, to showcase their research results in the fields of Innovative Material Science and Technology. It provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. We warmly welcome the prospective authors who are interested in the fields to submit their up-to-date and original research papers to the IMST 2017 Organizing Committee!
Besides the meaningful academic conference, you can also get a chance to enjoy the beauty of Kunming City.
As one of China’s most diversified provinces, Yunnan is certainly one of China’s most alluring destinations. Yunnan is home to more than one third of China’s ethnic minorities and over half of the country’s plant and animal species. The province is blessed by its mixture of traditional folk cultures as well as breath-taking scenery. Kunming, Yunnan’s capital, resides at an elevation of 1890m and boasts a milder climate than most other Chinese cities. Celebrated as the "Spring City," Kunming has neither severe winters nor extremely hot summers and can be visited at any time of the year.
Topics of interest, but are not limited to:
-Materials Science and Engineering
-Innovations on Material Science and Technology
-Materials Properties and Material Processing
-Materials Process Engineering
-Emerging Areas of Materials Science
-Renewable Material and Energy
普通参会 :1200元, 含会议资料,会议当天午餐 。
交通指南:距昆明飞机场 6.9公里; 距昆明北站 2公里; 距昆明站 3.7公里; 距昆明南站 18.7公里; 距昆明翠湖公园 503米; 距昆明圆通寺 693米; 距昆明东风广场 1.4公里; 距昆明圆通禅寺 1.5公里; 距昆明金马碧鸡广场 1.6公里;
酒店邻近昆明商业中心区,前临景色优美的翠湖公园。酒店拥有321间设备完善的豪华客房及套房,房内设有彩电及卫星电视频道、迷你酒吧、国内国际长途直拨、保险箱、吹风机、独立空调系统等;一层特别为日本人而设的专用楼层,三层贵宾楼层设有贵宾酒廊,住客可免费享用欧陆式早餐、下午茶点及鸡尾酒。中西餐厅为您提供精典巧手的粤菜、滇菜、寿司及国际和亚洲风味食品;顶楼的旋转酒廊是朋友聚会、品尝美酒的理想环境,同时可鸟瞰市区和著名的翠湖景观。先进的会议设施,加上细致入微的服务,是会议、社交、欢宴的理想场所。在中国云南省省会昆明这座历史悠久的城市,无论您是漫步到自17世纪而立的翠湖公园,还是从熙熙攘攘的中心商业区返回,昆明君乐酒店都会是您理想的避风港。酒店位于城市中心地带,距离昆明国际机场只有20分钟车程,并以优越的休闲与商务设施,一跃成为昆明首屈一指的国际豪华酒店。21 层楼的酒店致力为时尚国际旅客送上宾至如归的服务,它矗立在郁郁葱葱的绿色植被中央,外立面呈高耸的波浪式,确实不枉当地地标的美名。