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会议详情 |
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发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票
300+Lightweight industry customers come together
50+Industry authoritative guests, in-depth analysis of the latest market direction and technology research and development
10+Larger automotive lightweight buyers,provide you with the best opportunity to enter the automotive market
主论坛:2018中国汽车轻量化产业高峰论坛 Day 1 上午 General meeting: 2018 China Lightweight Vehicle Industry Forum Day1 AM |
时间 Time |
议程 Agenda |
09:00-09:10 |
开幕致辞 Opening Ceremony |
09:10-09:40 |
主题演讲:汽车轻量化用非金属材料的市场现状和发展趋势 |
09:40-10:10 |
主题演讲:汽车轻量化多材料及工艺应用设计分析综述 Topic:Review of Automotive Lightweight Multi-material and Process Application Design Analysis发言嘉宾:北汽股份研究院副院长、总工程师,曹渡 Speaker:Du Cao, Chief Engineer,Vice President of Beiqi Research Institute |
10:10-10:40 |
主题演讲:碳纤维复合材料在新能源汽车上的应用与挑战 Topic:Application and Challenge of Carbon Fiber Composite Materials in New Energy Vehicles发言嘉宾:前途汽车研究院副院长、总经理,熊飞 Speaker:Fei Xiong,Deputy Dean, GM of QIANTU Research Institute |
10:40-11:00 | 茶歇Tea break |
11:00-11:30 |
主题演讲:低压铸造铝合金在汽车轻量化领域的应用研究 Topic:Application of Low-pressure Casting Aluminum Alloy in Automobile Lightweight Field发言嘉宾:东风汽车有限公司通用铸锻厂总经理,袁三红 Speaker:Sanhong Yuan,General Manager of Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd. General Casting and Forging Plant |
11:30-12:00 |
主题演讲:铝热传输材料产业发展及在汽车轻量化进程中的新机遇 Topic:Aluminum heat transfer material industry development and new opportunities in the process of Lightweight Vehicle Industry发言嘉宾:上海有色金属行业协会专家委员会副主任,彭惠红 Speaker:Huihong Peng, Deputy Director of the Expert Committee of Shanghai Nonferrous Metals Industry Association |
12:00-13:30 | 午餐 Lunch |
分论坛一:2018轻量化金属材料应用发展论坛 Day 1下午Sub-forum 1: Lightweight Metal Materials Application Development Forum Day1 PM |
时间 Time |
议程 Agenda |
13:30-14:00 |
主题演讲:GF亚太研发中心——本地化研发助力轻量化 Topic:GF Asia Pacific R&D Center - Localized R&D Helps Lightweight发言嘉宾:乔治费歇尔金属成型科技亚太研发中心总监,Steffen Dekoj Speaker:Steffen Dekoj, Head of R&D Asia of GF Casting Solutions |
14:00-14:30 |
主题演讲:POSCO千兆钢在新能源汽车轻量化中的应用 Topic:Application of POSCO GIGA STEEL for the Light Weight of New Energy Vehicles发言嘉宾:浦项(苏州)汽车配件制造有限公司研究专员,秦永薰 Speaker:Jin, Young-Hoon,Researcher of POSCO |
14:30-15:00 |
主题演讲:辊压成形在汽车轻量化中应用的关键技术及发展 Topic:The Key Technology and Development of Roll Forming in Automobile Lightweight Application发言嘉宾:顺普汽车零部件(中国)有限公司副总经理,王国领 Speaker:Guoling Wang, Deputy General Manager of Shape Corp |
15:00-15:30 |
主题演讲:半固态压铸技术在汽车轻量化上的应用 Topic:Application of Semi-Solid Die Casting Technology in Automobile Lightweighting发言嘉宾:南方科技大学研究助理教授,卢宏兴 Speaker:Hongxing Lu,Research Assistant Professor of Southern University of Science and technology |
15:30-16:00 | 茶歇Tea break |
16:00-16:20 |
主题演讲:汽车用超高强钢的断裂性能研究 Topic:Study on Fracture Property of Ultra High Strength Steel Used in Automobile发言嘉宾:中国汽研汽车轻量化工程技术中心副总工程师,赵岩 Speaker:Yan Zhao, Chief Engineer of Lightweight Engineering Technology Center of CAERI |
16:20-16:50 |
主题演讲:爱驰汽车轻量化技术的开发与探索 Topic:Development and Exploration of AIWAYS Automotive Lightweight Technology发言嘉宾:爱驰汽车整车材料,孙黎博士 Speaker:Dr. Sun Li, Vehicle material of AIWAYS |
16:50-17:20 |
主题演讲:先进的3D打印技术打造轻量化设计 Topic:Advanced 3D Printing Technology Creates Lightweight Design发言嘉宾:3Dsystems大中华区售前与应用经理,邓瀚诚 Speaker:Hanson Deng, Pre-sales and application manager, Great China OF 3D Systems China |
分论坛二:2018轻量化非金属材料应用发展论坛 Day 1下午Sub-forum 2: Lightweight Non-metallic Materials Application Development Forum Day1 PM |
时间 Time |
议程 Agenda |
13:30-14:00 |
主题演讲:非金属材料轻量化技术在汽车内外饰的应用与发展 Topic:Application and Development of Non-metal Materials Lightweight Technology in Interior and Exterior Decoration of Automobiles发言嘉宾:华晨汽车工程研究院 主任工程师,李智 Speaker:Zhi Li, Director Engineer of Brilliance Automotive Engineering Institute |
14:00-14:30 |
主题演讲:非金属材料在新能源电动车上的应用 Topic:Application of Non-metallic Materials in New Energy Electric Vehicles发言嘉宾:中国第一汽车集团公司研究员级高工,田鸿福 Speaker:Hongfu Tian, Senior Manage of China FAW Group Co.,Ltd |
14:30-15:00 |
主题演讲:化学微发泡技术在汽车轻量化中的应用 Topic:Application of Chemical Micro-foam Technology in Lightweight Vehicles发言嘉宾:会通新材料股份有限公司研发经理,闫溥 Speaker:Pu Yan, Research Manager of Orinko Advanced Plastics Co.,LTD |
15:00-15:30 |
主题演讲:普利特高性能工程塑料的研究及应用(碳纤维增强热塑性塑料、聚苯硫醚复合材料、特种尼龙复合材料) Topic:Research and Application of High-Performance Engineering Plastics from Carbon (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics, Polyphenylene Sulfide Composites, Specialty Nylon Composites)发言嘉宾:上海普利特伴泰材料科技有限公司总经理,肖浩 Speaker:Hao Xiao, General Manager of Shanghai Pulit Thai Material Technology Co., Ltd., |
15:30-16:00 |
主题演讲:整车非金属材料的推广应用 Topic:The promotion and application of non-metallic materials for vehicles发言嘉宾:众泰汽车材料工程部负责人 Speaker:Zotye Auto Materials Engineering |
15:30-15:50 | 茶歇Tea break |
15:50-16:20 |
主题演讲:汽车复材及胶粘剂解决方案 Topic: Automotive Compound and Adhesive Solutions发言嘉宾:亨斯迈先进材料销售经理,桂斐然 Speaker:Feiran Gui, Sales Manager of Huntsman Advanced Materials |
16:20-16:50 |
主题演讲:轻量化新材料之改性塑料的发展趋势 Topic:Lightweight new material development trend of modified plastics拟邀嘉宾:圆融新材料/美聚克化工/元源新材料/广州科苑 Speaker:Guangzhou Keyuan/ Yuanyuan New Materials(Inviting) |
16:50-17:20 |
主题演讲:汽车轻量化新工艺——注塑工艺及模压成型技术的发展 Topic:Lightweight New Technologies for Automobiles - Development of Injection Molding and Molding Technology拟邀嘉宾:博创智能装备 Speaker:Borch intelligent equipment(Inviting) |
分论坛一:2018轻量化金属材料应用发展论坛 Day 2上午Sub-forum 1: Lightweight Metal Materials Application Development Forum Day2 AM |
时间 Time |
议程 Agenda |
09:00-09:30 |
主题演讲:锻造铝合金商用车车轮助力车辆减重 Topic:Forged Aluminum Alloy Commercial Vehicle Wheel Assist Vehicle Weight Loss拟邀嘉宾:奥科宁克 Speaker:Alcoa (Inviting) |
09:30-10:00 |
主题演讲:钢铝混合车身有机选择 Topic:Steel and aluminum hybrid car body organic choice发言嘉宾:贵州长江汽车有限公司汽车工程研究院首席工程师、副总工程师, 郁向东博士 Speaker:Xiangdong Yu, Chief Expert, Deputy Chief Engineer of Automotive Engineering Research Institute, GuiZhou Changjiang Automotive Co.,Ltd |
10:00-10:30 |
主题演讲:题目确认中 Topic:Being confirmed发言嘉宾:VAMA CMO, Jurgen Cobbaut Speaker:VAMA CMO, Jurgen Cobbaut |
10:30-10:50 | 茶歇Tea break |
10:50-11:20 |
主题演讲:新能源汽车车身制造的挑战与机遇 Topic:Challenges and Opportunities for New Energy Vehicle Body Manufacturing拟邀嘉宾:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所(上海市全固态激光器与应用技术重点实验室) 副主任,杨上陆 博士 Speaker:Shanglu Yang, Ph.d of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
11:20-11:50 |
主题演讲:一些汽车轻量化措施的研究 Topic:Research on Some Lightweight Measures for Automobiles发言嘉宾:东北大学教授,姚广春 Speaker:Guangchun Yao, Professor of Northeastern University |
分论坛二:2018轻量化非金属材料应用发展论坛 Day 2上午Sub-forum 2: Lightweight Non-metallic Materials Application Development Forum Day2 PM |
时间 Time |
议程 Agenda |
09:00-09:30 |
主题演讲:宝理塑料在新能源汽车零部件上的应用 Topic:Polyplastics' application in new energy automotive components发言嘉宾:宝理工程塑料经理,丁骏 Speaker:Jun Ding, Plastic Manager of POLYPLASTICS TRADING (SHANGHAI) LTD |
09:30-10:00 |
主题演讲:热塑性弹性体在汽车轻量化中的发展趋势 Topic:Thermoplastic Elastomers in the Development of Lightweight Vehicles发言嘉宾:宝瑞龙高分子材料(天津)股份有限公司技术总监,郝文龙 Speaker:Wenlong Hao, Technical director of Baoruilong Polymer material |
10:00-10:30 |
主题演讲:TBD Topic:TBD发言嘉宾:上海亨斯迈聚氨酯特种材料有限公司技术支持工程师,沈鹏飞 Speaker:Pengfei Shen, Technical Service Representative of(Shanghai Huntsman Polyurethanes Specialties Co., Ltd) |
10:30-10:50 | 茶歇Tea break |
10:50-11:20 |
主题演讲:橡胶在汽车工业中的发展应用/陶瓷在汽车传感器(发动机、制动器、减震器、汽车喷涂技术)上的发展应用 Topic:Development and Application of Rubber in the Automotive Industry / Development and Application of Ceramics in Automotive Sensors (Engines, Brakes, Shock Absorbers, Automotive Coating Technology)拟邀嘉宾:蓝星新材/天利高新/中化科技/九鼎新材/北京化工大学/陶氏化学/康宁玻璃 Speaker:Bluestar New Material/Tianli Hi-tech/Sinochem/Jiuding New Material/Michelin/Goodyear |
11:20-11:50 |
主题演讲:工程塑料在新能源汽车动力电池上的发展应用 Topic:Development and Application of Engineering Plastics in New Energy Vehicle Power Battery发言嘉宾:LG化学 Speaker:LG CHEM |
采购配对会:轻量化应用采购专场 Day 2下午 Match-Making Event |
时间 Time | 议程 Agenda |
13:30-17:30 |
采供一对一交流洽谈 One-to-one procurement |
企业普通票 :3800元/人,团票3人及以上普通票:3420元/人,5人及以上普通票:3040元/人
企业VIP票: 8800元/人,3人及以上VIP票:7920元/人,5人及以上VIP票:7040元/人
含参会费+会议资料+前3排专属坐席便于认识嘉宾和交流+2天五星自助午餐+指定行业报告2份 报告选择: □ 2018北京车展-新能源车企分析 □ 车用铝合金产业报告 □ 碳纤维在汽车领域应用报告 □ 汽车座椅行业综述 □ 汽车轻量化材料产业报告 □ 汽车内饰系统行业综述
交通指南:南翔、安亭汽车城 驾车距离13.9公里(约26分钟) 上海浦东国际机场 驾车距离75.6公里(约71分钟) 上海虹桥国际机场 驾车距离20.6公里(约41分钟) 虹桥火车站 驾车距离19.5公里(约39分钟) 上海火车站 驾车距离28.2公里(约67分钟)
上海颖奕皇冠假日酒店地处博园路,毗邻轨道交通11号线,距离上海国际赛车场、汽车会展中心仅几步之遥。 宽敞舒适的客房,布置温馨,柔软的床垫和枕头助你拥有良好的睡眠;还有大浴缸可以泡澡放松。客房的窗外就是高尔夫球场,工作之余也是放松心情的好去处。 3个美食餐厅内有大厨精心烹调的各国美食,还有酒吧、大堂吧等,风味多元化。11个会议厅、婚礼礼堂,能承办各种类型的商务会议及宴会、婚礼等活动。 健身中心有先进的器材,室内泳池水质干净;并为儿童专门设计了一个小型游乐区。还有自行车租借,让你和家人一起骑行出游,享受舒适、愉快的假期。