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硅谷产品大师,启示录作者 Marty Cagan 公开课:卓越产品经理高端培训

硅谷产品大师,启示录作者 Marty Cagan 公开课:卓越产品经理高端培训

2017-12-05 08:00 至 2017-12-06 18:00

上海   上海新发展亚太JW万豪酒店

Boolan.com 博览网   



发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票



培训收获 / Benefit

  • 一流的产品大师近距离指导

  • 公司产品的针对性分析及建议

  • 突破产品团队发展及管理瓶颈

  • 打破产品设计发展思维定式

培训讲师 / Instructor

硅谷产品大师,启示录作者 Marty Cagan 公开课:卓越产品经理高端培训

Marty Cagan

eBay 前产品副总裁

硅谷产品大师,eBay前产品副总裁,软件产品管理圣经《启示录(Inspired)》作者。他曾担任eBay产品管理及产品设计高级副总裁, 负责规划全球电子商务网站的产品和服务。 他为多家世界一流企业工作过,包括惠普、网景通信、美国在线,在他的职业生涯中,承担 并胜任过多项产品职责, 诸如产品管理,软件开发,交互设计,软件测试,工程管理。其代表作品《启示录(Inspired)》是产品行业精英携手推荐的优秀著作。目前致力于通过写作、演讲、培训帮助客户打造富有创意的产品。

硅谷产品大师,启示录作者 Marty Cagan 公开课:卓越产品经理高端培训


适合人群 / Audience

  • 高级产品经理

  • 产品执行总裁

  • 首席产品经理

  • 产品副总裁

  • 产品营销经理

  • 项目经理


Boolan.com 博览网 Boolan.com 博览网

Boolan.com 博览网是由温故知新(上海)教育科技有限公司投资成立的高端IT互联网教育平台。通过整合全球顶尖IT技术专家,不断打造创新的教育产品和极致的教学体验,我们致力于为广大用户提供最优秀的IT技术教育服务。

培训大纲 / Syllabus


•  Product organization overview: roles and responsibilities 产品团队:职责

Everything starts with the people on the team, and the roles and responsibilities. We clearly define the key roles and discuss who is responsible for what. We discuss all of the key roles of a modern technology product team. We also discuss the characteristics of a strong, dedicated product team.


•  Product vision: strategy and objectives 产品布局:战略目标

One of the key responsibilities of the product organization is deciding which of the many possible opportunities to pursue. This includes tools and techniques for evaluating opportunities, product planning and helping each product team understand how it contributes to the overall success of the company.


•  Product analytics: the power of data 产品分析:数据的力量

Today’s teams use data to inspire product work, understand customer behavior, measure progress, prove whether ideas work, and inform decisions. This section discusses the critical concepts and techniques, including the use of product scorecards.


•  Product discovery: discovering successful products 产品挖掘:挖掘成功的产品

The heart of the product team’s job is to discover products that are valuable, usable, feasible, and viable, and most importantly, have real evidence from the target customers that the product you are proposing will succeed in the market. We discuss the major ideation and testing techniques including the use of MVP Tests to converge on Product Market Fit. These include many forms of prototyping, user testing and A/B testing.

产品团队的核心工作在于发掘产品的价值,用途、可行性、并且最重要的是能够从目标用户有正式的证据证明产品在市场是可以成功的。我们将讨论主要的思维过程以及测试技术,包括使用MVP 测试来融合产品适应市场。这个包括不同形式的原型设计、用户测试、A/B测试。

•  Product delivery: working with product development 产品交付:与产品开发团队协作

Once the product team has defined the product, the product development organization works to build and deliver the product. In this section we describe how modern product organizations apply Agile methods to rapidly deliver scalable, quality software.


•  Product optimization: refining existing products 产品优化:精益现有产品

Once a product has launched, the product team enters a mode of rapid test and learn, making a series of incremental improvements, measuring the results and adjusting. We will talk about the major tools for product optimization including the use of analytics and multivariate testing.


•  Product culture: building a strong product organization 产品文化:建立强大的产品团队

We conclude with a discussion of the importance of and characteristics of a strong product culture, followed by a discussion on how to go about implementing change in the organization.


硅谷产品集团主席Marty Cagan

Marty Cagan




培训票 :18000元

  • 2天系统专题培训课程

  • 深度探讨技术与团队发展

  • 2天商务自助午餐+茶歇

* 提供同传翻译

* 5人以上享有6.5折惊喜团购价!


上海新发展亚太JW万豪酒店 上海新发展亚太JW万豪酒店

交通指南:上海浦东国际机场 驾车距离50.3公里(约57分钟) 上海虹桥国际机场 驾车距离11.9公里(约27分钟) 虹桥火车站 驾车距离11.1公里(约25分钟) 上海火车站 驾车距离7.7公里(约23分钟) 市中心 驾车距离9.5公里(约35分钟)

上海新发展亚太JW万豪酒店位于上海长风生态商务区,面朝风景如画的长风公园和苏州河,毗邻上海跨国采购会展中心及国家会展中心,上海西部大型购物中心长风景畔广场亦在附近,邻近虹桥综合交通枢纽、虹桥国际机场、虹桥火车站、客运站。 大堂区域新辟的多功能区域,可用作会展客人的集合点、团体签到处、茶歇、鸡尾酒会的举办场所,满足会展客人的各种需求。


产品经理 创业创新 互联网

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