◆ 会议时间:2020年5月4日至8日 ◆ 会议地点:西班牙 瓦伦西亚/ Valencia
◆ 会议简介:
2020年第2届国际儿科肿瘤学会欧洲年会/欧洲儿科肿瘤学会年会(SIOP Europe 2020)将于2020年5月4日至8日在西班牙瓦伦西亚举行。大会将为来自不同领域的专业人士提供一个独特的机会,以分享他们的知识,并就儿科血液肿瘤学的前沿研究进行探讨合作。
欧洲儿科肿瘤学会(SIOP Europe或SIOPE)是唯一代表儿科肿瘤学领域所有专业人士的泛欧洲组织。SIOPE成立于1998年,是SIOP(国际儿科肿瘤学会)的欧洲分支机构,2007年成为一个独立的组织;同年,SIOPE与ESSO、EACR、ESMO、ESTRO和EONS联合成立了欧洲癌症组织(ECCO)。SIOPE现在35个欧洲国家拥有1850多名成员。SIOPE的宗旨是确保为欧洲所有的儿童和青少年癌症患者提供最佳的护理。
Join your colleagues and leading experts from across the globe at the SIOP Europe 2020 Annual Meeting – an innovative setting dedicated to the latest developments in Paediatric Haemato-Oncology. Why attend? The meeting format is unique: it includes novel session formats, interactive workshops and forums empowering the clinical trials groups to debate and disseminate the outcomes of the high quality clinical and basic research carried out in Europe. Who should attend? All SIOP and SIOPE members, parent/patients groups and survivors are invited. The wide-ranging participants include scientists, clinicians, researchers, young experts, parents, patients, survivors, policymakers and healthcare professionals with diverse interests and expertise to promote the best possible care and outcomes for all children and adolescents with cancer in Europe. This Annual Meeting will bring together our community to learn, exchange, and network.
◆ 参会对象: 政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。