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2016年第五届智能信息处理国际会议将于2016年6月4日-6日在中国北京召开。 会议旨在促进智能信息处理等领域的学术交流与合作,热忱欢迎从事相关技术研究的专家、学者和专业技术人员踊跃投稿并参加大会。、
Signal Processing
Biomedical Engineering
Control Algorithms
Embedded Reconfigurable, Evolvable Systems
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Information Theory & Coding
Mixed Signal Processing
Multidimensional Signal Processing
Radar Signal and Data Processing
Soft Computing Techniques
Speech and Video Processing
VLSI architectures for high speed processing
Multimedia signal processing
Streamed multimedia applications
Algorithms and implementations
Image and video processing
Error concealment techniques
Management of multimedia services
Test-beds and trials
Multimedia games
Internet Technologies
Traffic modeling
Embedded Internet devices
New and enhanced services
Resource and information management
Adaptive QoS provisioning
End-to-end QoS
Emerging technologies
Communication theory and techniques
Channel measurements and modeling
Coding and modulation techniques
MIMO - theory and trials
Spread Spectrum and CDMA systems
OFDM technology
Space-time coding
Diversity techniques
Ultra Wide-Band Communications
Antennas and propagation
Information Security
Security primitives and algorithms
Security of wireless and distribution networks
Programmable networks security
Authentication and authorization
Data integrity
Wireless Networks
Mobile ad hoc networking
Personal area networking
Convergence of different network types
Broadband Wireless Access
Cross Layer Design
Mesh Networks
Cooperative Networks
Sensor Networks
Home networking
Test-beds and new applications
Prof. William Arrasmith
The Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) in Melbourne, Florida, USA
Prof. Yang Xiao,
The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA
rof. Feng Gang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,China
Dr. Maode Ma
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. Mohamed El-Tarhuni
American University of Sharjah, UAE
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作者 (学生)* |
2500人民币 |
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2800人民币 |
只做报告 |
1900人民币 |
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1400人民币 |
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1900人民币 |
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350人民币/页 |
购买额外的论文集 |
400人民币 |
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