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《“健康中国2030 ”规划纲要》也明确提出,到2030年,以基本医疗保障为主体、其他多种形式补充保险和商业健康保险为补充的多层次全民医疗保障体系成熟定型。此外,2018年两会政府工作报告也指出,要进一步重视发挥商业保险在多层次医疗保障体系中的作用,“拓展保险市场的风险保障功能”。
2018 第二届亚太区健康险国际峰会是一次具有特殊意义的盛会,峰会以“逐势拓新:新趋势 新征程 新机遇” 为主题。围绕“亚太区健康险多元化发展路径探寻”这个主旨,汇聚国内外保险、医疗、学术、技术领域顶尖专家学者,解读行业最新政策、市场现状、商业模式及发展趋势展望,深度聚焦亚太区健康险业发展现状,变革方向。同时以国际视角审视以中国市场为主体的健康保险业政策导向、监管变革、区域特征、合作模式、技术迭代。 汇集国内外专家学者,广开言路、深度聚焦、共同探寻亚太区健康险业的未来与发展路径。
峰会热点关键词 HIS ASIA 2018 KEY WORDS
1 医疗体系下的商业健康险机遇与发展展望,政策解读《中国保险业发展“十三五”规划纲要》发展多元化健康险。
The business health insurance opportunities and development prospects under the medical system, and the policy interpretation of the “135 Plan for China's Insurance Industry Development” to develop diversified health insurance.
2 2018年医保新规发布 如何用商业健康险弥补医保报销不足
2018 medical insurance new regulations released How to use commercial health insurance to make up for the lack of medical insurance reimbursement
3 健康服务商入场将如何促使保险公司提升客户体验
How the entry of health service providers will prompt insurance companies to enhance customer experience
4 技术助力保险公司简化理赔流程、减少赔付支出
Technology helps insurance companies streamline claims processing and reduce claims
5 加强产品创新服务,保险机构如何积极对接社会保障体,提供保障的补充型医疗保险产品
Strengthen product innovation services. how insurance institutions can actively connect with social security bodies, and provide supplementary medical insurance products with guarantees
6 海外健康产业发展案例分享,新趋势助力健康险蓬勃发展
Sharing of Overseas health industry development case, new trends help health insurance boom
7 保险机构如何更好的提供定制化的健康风险解决方案
How insurance institutions can provide customized health risk solutions better
8 健康险机构进一步与医院深度合作案例分享
Health insurance institutions further cooperate with the hospital for deep cooperation case sharing
9 社交渠道如何成为保险公司增加客户粘性与体验的有效方式
How social channels become an effective way for insurance companies to increase customer engagement and experience.
10 RPA和AI技术将进一步提升保险机构运营效率,强化交互
RPA and AI technologies will further enhance the efficiency of insurance institutions and strengthen interaction
11 基于价值的支付方式将如何为数据分析带来新契机
How value-based payment methods will bring new opportunities for data analysis
12 区块链技术在健康险领域内的应用案例分享
Case–chain technology application case sharing in the field of health insurance
13 商业健康险结合互联网医疗,服务与支付端创新趋势分享
Commercial health insurance combined with Internet medical, service and payment end innovation trend sharing
14 企业引入PBM业务降低医疗费用,控制医疗成本的增长,节约赔付资金
Enterprises introduce PBM business to reduce medical expenses, control the growth of medical costs, and save compensation funds
15 深耕TPA市场,为保险公司提供医疗管理服务
Deeply cultivate the TPA market and provide medical management services for insurance companies
16 基因筛查技术结合健康险案例分析:高度定制化服务提升客户粘性与服务品质
Gene Screening Technology Combined with Health Insurance Case Study: Highly Customized Service Improves Customer Stickiness and Service Quality
17 云计算、大数据、物联网、移动互联网、社交网络媒体等新兴技术在智慧医疗行业中的应用如何进一步深化
How to further deepen the application of emerging technologies such as cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, mobile Internet, and social networking media in the smart healthcare industry
18 远程医疗”、“移动医疗”、可穿戴设备等新技术,给健康产业带来的国际化发展新契机
New technologies such as “telemedicine”, “mobile medical” and wearable devices bring new opportunities for international development in the health industry
19 应对老龄化与疾病谱系新形势,商业保险支付体系如何引导供给侧结构性改革
Responding to the new situation of aging and disease pedigree, how does the commercial insurance payment system guide the supply-side structural reform?
20 政策驱动、险资助推、大健康产业潜力巨大
With policy-driven large-scale health, industries have great potentia
1 亚太区健康险行业现状及在新趋势下的探索与实践、全球案例分享
Asia Pacific Health Insurance Industry Status and Exploration and Practice under New Trends, Global Case Sharing
2 商业健康险发展势头迅猛、政策助力健康险发展
The development of commercial health insurance is rapid, and the policy helps health insurance development.
3 商业健康险创新模式亟待多元化:保险机构分享实现客户、医疗机构和险企多方共赢的新道路
Commercial health insurance innovation model needs to be diversified: insurance institutions share new roads to achieve win-win outcomes for customers, medical institutions and insurance companies
4 充分探讨医院与健康险的深度结合,提升健康险保障力度
Fully explore the deep integration of hospitals and health insurance, and improve health insurance protection
5 专业的健康险机构分享新趋势下,探索商业健康保险未来发展之路
Professional health insurance organizations share new trends and explore the future of commercial health insurance
6 开启真正意义上的智慧医疗,“保险+互联网+医疗”,构建医疗行业云生态
Open the true sense of smart medical care, “insurance + Internet + medical care”, build a cloud ecosystem in the medical industry
7 外资咨询机构分享医疗成本管理及在亚洲市场的发展趋势
Foreign consulting agencies share medical cost management and trends in the Asian market
8 外资保险机构深度探讨商业健康险保险补充高端医疗市场趋势及行业痛点
Foreign insurance institutions deep discussion on commercial health insurance insurance to supplement high level medical market trends and industry pain points
9 互联网保险机构案例分享健康险领域产品及服务创新
Internet Insurance Agency Cases Sharing Product and Service Innovation in Health Insurance
10 健康险企业打通医疗健康数据与服务路径,提升客户体验
Health insurance companies open up medical health data and service paths to enhance customer experience
11 商业健康险TPA如何打通全产业链,针对各消费群体展开医疗服务
How does commercial health insurance TPA open up the entire industry chain and develop medical services for various consumer groups?
12 支付方式改革与医疗成本管理案例解析;科技与服务如何破局健康保险发展
Analysis of payment method reform and medical cost management case; how technology and service break the development of health insurance
13 医疗与健康产业传统商业模式的改变,保险公司如何真正从中受益
How the insurance company really benefits from the changes in the traditional business model of the medical and health industry
14 2018年商业健康险行业发展机遇、挑战及发展策略解析
Analysis of development opportunities, challenges and development strategies of commercial health insurance industry in 2018
15 系统分享2018年健康险领域发展十大趋势
The system shares the top ten trends in the development of health insurance in 2018
16 保险中介机构分享如何提高保险产品竞争力,打通医疗健康险数据与服务路径
Insurance intermediaries share how to improve the competitiveness of insurance products and open up medical health insurance data and service paths
17 完善“大健康”产业链;健康服务业布局健康险市场,打造产业新生态
Improve the “big health” industrial chain; the health service industry lays out the health insurance market and creates a new industrial ecology
欧耕资讯是一家专业搭建国际商业资讯平台的合资企业,总部位于中国上海,并于美国达拉斯、迪拜设立办事处。公司致力于加速全球产业资讯结构生态化,行业知识专项化,信息交互数据化,为全球商业领导者提供沟通交流平台与战略决策解决方案。 企业在咨询领域的核心业务是通过自主研发的各行业商业活动项目,聚集全球决策者共同探讨行业热点及战略发展。活动主要形式包括国际峰会,论坛,研讨会,企业海外考察,企业线下沙龙,企业内部培训,行业资讯发布等。欧耕基于其卓越的社会资源,现已聘请业内知名专家、资深学者搭建行业专家委员会,正在尝试与全球数以百计权威机构建立战略合作关系,并与权威媒体共同打造行业交流平台新生态。
Section 1: A Market Facing Trillions of Value,The Exploration and Practice of Commercial Health Insurance in the New Trend 主题一: 万亿级市场,商业健康险在新趋势下的探索与实践 |
Section 2: (Range of services)To Deepen the service and Improve the Health Care System to help Design of the Health Insurance Products 主题二:(服务领域)深化服务以及健全的医疗体系助力健康险产品设计 |
Panel Discussion: Commercial Health Insurance Innovation Mode Urgently Diversified 小组讨论:商业健康险创新模式亟待多元化 |
Section 3: Technological Environment: Technological Innovation Changes the Traditional Ecological Model and Improving the Comprehensive Competitiveness of Health Insurance Enterprises 主题三:技术环境-科技创新改变传统生态模式,提高健康险企业综合竞争力 |
Section 4: Commercial Health Insurance Combined with Internet Medical Innovative Trends in Services and Payments 主题四:商业健康险结合互联网医疗,服务与支付端的创新趋势 |
Panel Discussion: How can Health Insurance Companies Really Benefit from Changes in Traditional Ecological Models in the Medical and Health Industries? 小组讨论:医疗与健康产业传统生态模式的改变,保险公司如何真正从中受益? |
Section 5: Improve the "Big Health" Industry Chain; Reverse Cross-border, Health Service Industry Layout Health Insurance Market, to Create a New Industry Ecology 主题五:完善“大健康”产业链;健康服务业布局健康险市场,打造产业新生态 |
Panel Discussion: The Inevitability of Cross Border and Integration and the Development Trend of Commercial Health Insurance in the Future 小组讨论:跨界与融合的必然性,未来的商业健康险发展趋势探寻 |
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