会议详情 菜单


2019-11-14 09:00 至 2019-11-17 18:00

河内   None




◆ 会议时间:2019年11月14-17日
◆ 会议地点:越南 河内Hanoi

◆ 会议简介:

2019年第24届亚太呼吸学会(APSR) 年会/大会将于2019年11月14-17日在越南河内举行,本次会议由越南呼吸学会(VNRS)和亚太呼吸学会(APSR)联合举办。APSR年会是亚太地区最大的呼吸医学会议,每届年会均会吸引来自中国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、新西兰、印度以及东南亚等国家与地区数千多名呼吸领域的科学家与医生参会,是各国呼吸病研究者获取新知识与新技术的学术盛会。自1988年召开第一次大会以来,APSR大会已成为一个全球性的年度会议,会议议题涵盖肺和重症监护医学以及睡眠呼吸障碍,包括慢性阻塞性肺疾病、哮喘、肺癌、慢性和急性呼吸衰竭、间质性肺疾病、肺炎、支气管扩张、戒烟、呼吸康复,空气清洁、防治空气污染等等(未经本站许可,禁止复制转载本站内容用于任何商业目的)。


Dear APSR members, colleagues and friends,

It is with great pleasure to write to you as half of the year 2019 has gone by. Hope this finds you well and enjoying the time of summer.

On behalf of the organizing committee of the APSR Congress 2019, we are delighted to welcome you to this special event, which will take place in Hanoi, Vietnam from 14th to 17th November 2019.

Since the first Congress in 1988, the APSR Congress has steadily grown in importance and become a worldwide annual meeting covering topics in pulmonary and critical care medicine and sleep breathing disorders, including COPD, asthma, lung cancer, chronic and acute respiratory failure, interstitial lung diseases, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, smoking cessation, respiratory rehabilitation, clean air and combating air pollution, etc.

The Chairs of the Central and Local Congress Committees, together with all of us are working hard to bring you a programme that addresses the needs of all respiratory professionals, from scientists to clinicians, researchers and allied health professionals. The Congress will focus on 17 topics related to 7Respirology which are divided into 03 Plenary Lectures, 7 Pre-Congress Workshops including hands-on sessions such as interventional pulmonology, thoracic ultrasound; 31 Symposia, Oral Sessions and Sponsored Symposia. I am confident that the APSR 2019 programme will stimulate debate and shed new light on advances in the field.

Alongside the programme, the Congress provides a great opportunity for all delegates to create a network with peers from across the world. Knowledge is deepened when it is shared and by meeting together, discussing experiences and debating various approaches to key topics, enabling us to work towards a better future for respiratory health.

The success of the APSR Congress 2019 depends on our dedicated and loyal members, and to those of you who join us for our Congress each year. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new members who have joined us this year, as we have seen our numbers rising thanks to our new membership strategy with national and international societies. We look forward to seeing you all in Hanoi, Vietnam for our 24th Congress, which will be one of the biggest events in pulmonary and critical care medicine in the Asia-Pacific region.

Join us and we believe that you will have a fruitful meeting and pleasant stay in Hanoi! Hanoi is a safe, vibrant destination with more than thousand years of history, with its Chinese, French and American connections culminating in its fame as an unique and charming modern global city. Welcome to you all.

Yours Sincerely,

Chau Ngo Quy
President, 24th Congress of APSR 2019
Chairman, Local Organizing Committee

Abstracts must be submitted by the deadline 23:59 Vietnam time (UTC +7) on 15 JULY 2019.

APSR 2019 - 亚太呼吸年会-注册费:
CategoriesEarly registration
(Before 01/09/2019)
Standard registration
Onsite registration
MemberUS$ 600US$ 650US$ 700
Non-memberUS$ 770US$ 820US$ 870
StudentUS$ 400US$ 450US$ 500
Local DelegateUS$ 420US$ 455US$ 490
Accompanying personUS$ 165US$ 180US$ 200
Gala-dinnerUS$ 100
Pre-congress workshopFull day: US$ 100. Half day: US$ 60.

注册费包含/Fees for full congress participants include:
- Admission to all scientific sessions
- Admission to the industrial exhibition
- Final Progamme
- Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception

◆ 参会对象:








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