会议详情 |
2017-05-18 08:00 至 2017-05-19 18:00
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票
Financial technology has an enormous impact on the development of the financial industry, as cloud computing, big data, mobile Internet, and blockchain technology have driven expansion and innovation. In recent years, China’s the payment, lending and insurance sectors in China have become attractive to investors, who have recognized the potential of FinTech in spurring growth. According to a report published by KPMG, global venture capital investment in Chinese technology companies exceeded $ 1 billion in the third quarter of 2016, an increase of 67%, and a total of 12 transactions.
At the same time, new and future projected government policies offer support in developing new technologies, supporting the planning of big data infrastructure construction, promoting innovation and development of cloud computing, guiding the development and application of blockchain technology. The China FinTech Summit 2017 will provide a platform for industry leaders to familiarize themselves with policy and regulatory updates related to FinTech in China, as well as exchange experience and business practices.
The Summit will bring together representative of prominent industry associations, Chinese government agencies, as well as experts in the banking, securities, insurance, wealth management, and internet finance sectors, working in such diverse field as cloud computing, data processing, and mobile internet, and provides opportunities for delegates to find collaborators and business partners in financial technology industry.
Seven Reasons Not to Miss the Summit
Analysis and firsthand testimony regarding trends and the current status of the international FinTech market
Policy and regulatory updates related to FinTech, in cloud computing, big data and blockchain, from government officials and representatives of industry associations
Interpretation of advances in FinTech, with regard to infrastructure establishment and security issues
Exploration of FinTech applications that promote enterprise digital transformation, including business model innovation, process optimization and customer relationship management
Overview of opportunities and challenges related to payment, loans, insurance, wealth management upgrades, enabled by developments in FinTech
Inquiring to FinTech’s impact on internet finance and observe new market opportunities
Opportunities to meet potential customers and business partners in the field
Event Structure
Day One
- Market Background and Regulatory Updates
- Application of FinTech in Financial Industries
Day Two
- Technology Advance the Industry
- Industry Innovation
Some Previous Series Events Attendees
Who Should Attend
By Industry
Insurance Companies
Reinsurance Companies
Securities Companies
Fund Companies
Internet Finance Companies
P2P Companies
Third Party Payment Companies
Cloud Computing Companies
Data Service Provider
Blockchain Companies
IT Solution Companies
IT Companies
Software Companies
Communication Carriers
Investment Companies
Consulting Firms
Law Firms
Crowd Funding Companies
Digital Currency Transaction Platform
By Job Title
From Financial Institutions
Chief Information Officer
Chief Technology Officer
Chief Engineer
Chief Scientist
Head of E-Bank
Head of E-Commerce
Head of Network Finance
Head of Information Technology
Head of Software Development
Head of Security Management
Payment Director
Credit and Debit Director
Head of Data Management
Head of Innovation & Strategy
Head of Customer Relationship Management
From Technology Companies
Head of Financial Service
BD Director
Sales Director
Head of Customer Service
Marketing Director
From Third-Party Companies
Chief Representative
BD Director
Head of Financial Service
Head of Technology Service
上海都赛商务咨询有限公司是一家专为企业提供商务和管理咨询服务的中外合资公司。 我们的客户主要包括在华的世界500强公司和计划进入中国市场的国外企业。 良好的政府关系,深厚的学术背景,丰富的营销和商务经验是我们的强项。 我们能够了解到并向我们的客户提供他们所最为关心的关于国家政策法规方面的独家信息,以及行业发展的最新动态。 另一方面,都赛也向客户提供企业管理,市场营销,财务和人力资源方面的咨询和培训服务,以及公关和媒体服务等, 以帮助我们的客户更好地成长和有效地发展。
Target Speakers
From Government and Associations
International FinTech Association
Internet Association of China
Internet Finance Association of China
Payment & Clearing Association of China
From Corporations
Bank of China
Agricultural Bank of China
Standard Chartered
SPD Bank
CEB Bank
Bank of Communications
China Merchants Bank
China CITIC Bank
China UnionPay
China United Insurance
China Continental Insurance
China Reinsurance
AIA Insurance
Swiss Reinsurance
Allianz Insurance
CITIC Securities
HUAJIN Securities
China AMC
Ant Financial
Baidu Financial
360 Financial
类型 |
截止日期 Deadline |
价格 / 每位 |
优惠价 |
2017年2月24日 |
RMB15,298 |
标准价 |
2017年5月12日 |
RMB16,998 |
The registration fee includes two-day event participation, simultaneous interpretation, paper/audio materials, and lunch buffet/tea-breaks provided by fivestar hotel. Duxes reserves the rights to make any final interpretations of the above.
交通指南:公交:48路; 945路 ;946路 ;76路 ;113路 ;138路; 506路; 572路; 572路区间 ;72路; 911路 ;923路 ;26路 ;827路; 44路
上海银星皇冠假日酒店坐落于长宁区幽静的番禺路上,毗邻徐家汇商业区、使馆区及展览中心,优越的地理位置,令出行神秘嘉宾便捷。皇冠假日是洲际酒店管理集团INTERCONTINENTAL HOTELS GROUP旗下的商务酒店品牌,吸引着来自世界各地的商务及度假客人。 酒店于1993年开业,2003年重新装修,楼高26层,拥有580间客房和豪华套房,典雅舒适,均配备高速无线网络、液晶平板电视、迷你吧、热带雨林花洒、高级洗浴套装等,24小时客房服务让您随时随刻尽情享用本帮美馔和特色小吃。酒店还特别设有无烟客房、残障人士专用客房和专用通道,于每一个细节之处彰显贴心的人文关怀。行政楼层提供24个性化商务及礼宾服务,为您的高端社交与商务互动提供宽敞雅致的空间。 2009年,皇冠俱乐部新翼已开始全面迎宾。两个大型宴会厅、三个多功能厅及八间会议室全面开放,是举办各种主题活动、鸡尾酒会、婚礼庆典的理想之选。酒店休闲娱乐设施也一应俱全,高级健身房配备最先进的运动器械,室内恒温游泳池宽敞明亮,超值的桑拿和蒸汽浴为您带来独特的奢宠体验。 酒店拥有风格各异的餐厅和酒吧,为您带来与众不同的餐饮体验。 酒店毗邻徐家汇、淮海路和南京路等主要商业区,距虹桥国际机场20分钟车程,驱车前往浦东机场也只需45分钟,轨道交通10号线举步之遥,前往静安寺、上海博物馆、东台路古玩市场等主要旅游景点方便快捷,是商务出行和旅游度假的理想居庭。