会议详情 |
2015-09-09 08:00 至 2015-09-12 18:00
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票
清华大学(Tsinghua University),简称清华,诞生于1911年,依托美国退还的部分“庚子赔款”建立,因坐落于北京西北郊的清华园而得名。初称“清华学堂”,是清政府设立的留美预备学校;翌年更名为“清华学校”。为尝试人才的本地培养,1925年设立大学部;1928年更名为“国立清华大学”。1937年抗日战争爆发后,学校南迁长沙,与北京大学、南开大学联合组建“国立长沙临时大学”;1938年迁至昆明,改名为“国立西南联合大学”;1946年迁回北京清华园原址。清华大学由中华人民共和国教育部直属,位列“211工程”、“985工程”,入选”珠峰计划“、”2011计划“、”111计划“、”卓越工程师教育培养计划“、”卓越法律人才教育培养计划“、”卓越医生教育培养计划“,是九校联盟、东亚研究型大学协会、环太平洋大学联盟、清华—剑桥—麻省理工学院低碳能源大学联盟成员,中管副部级建制。
On behalf of the Metallomics-2015 Local Organizing Committee and the International Scientific Committee, I cordially invite you to attend the Vth International Symposium on Metallomics, which will be held in Beijing, China, on September 9-12, 2015.
The 5th International Symposium on Metallomics
Since the first event in Nagoya, Japan, metallomics meetings have provided an excellent platform for the scientists working on metallomics. Metallomics-2015 aims to the presentation of new developments on analytical methodology and application covering all aspects of metal in life science. Scientists from all over the world, including Universities, Research Institutes and the Industry are welcomed to attend the Metallomics-2015 to present and experience the current state of the art in metallomics. At the same time, the meeting will provide the ground for graduate and post graduate students to present their projects, discuss scientific collaborations and explore employment opportunities. Beijing is an ancient city with a long cultural history. The city is now developing into a modern international metropolis. The old-timey scene and modern culture are combined to present a brand new visage of Beijing. You will enjoy not only the high quality of the scientific communications but also the wonderful landscape in Beijing during the meeting!
Haraguchi, Hiroki (Japan)
Hieftje, Gary M. (USA)
Jiang, Guibin (China)
Le, X Chris (Canada)
Lobinski, Ryszard (France)
Sun, Hongzhe (HK, China)
Zhao, Yuliang (China)
Beattie, John H. (UK)
Chen, Chunying (China)
Costa-Fernandez, Jose M. (Spain)
Doble, Philip (Australia)
Duan, Yixiang (China)
Fahrni, Christoph J. (USA)
Francesconi, Kevin (Austria)
Fukada, Toshiyuki (Japan)
Furuta Naoki (Japan)
Gao Xueyun (China)
Giedroc, David P. (USA)
Guo, Zijian (China)
Hang, Wei (China)
Hartinger, Christian (New Zealand)
Hirata, Takafumi (Japan)
Hou, Xiandeng (China)
Hu, Bin (China)
Jakubowski, Norbert (Germany)
Köllensperger, Gunda (Austria)
Lasen, Erik H. (Denmark)
Lim, Mi Hee (Korea)
Liu, Qiong (China)
Liu, Yangzhong (China)
Mao, Zongwan (China)
Maret, Wolfgang (UK)
Maroney, Michael J. (USA)
Ogra, Yasumitsu (Japan)
Ray, Steven J. (USA)
Schwerdtle, Tanja (Germany)
Shimura, Mari (Japan)
Sperling, Michael (Germany)
Szpunar, Joanna (France)
Tan, Xiangshi (China)
Tang, Chun (China)
Wang, Fudi (China)
Wang, Jianhua (China)
Wang, Qiuquan (China)
Yang, Xiaoda (China)
Yang, Xiaogai (China)
Zhang, Sichun (China)
普通票:1800元/人 学生票:900元/人 陪同人员票:1800元/人
普通票:2400元/人 学生票:1200元/人 陪同人员票:2400元/人