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Global Dairy Congress Asia 2016(全球乳制品亚洲峰会)

Global Dairy Congress Asia 2016(全球乳制品亚洲峰会)

2016-05-16 08:00 至 2016-05-18 19:00

新加坡   FuramaRiverFontHotel

SZ&W Group   




发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

SZ&W Group SZ&W Group

泽为集团成立于2008年,是商业资讯服务商及活动主办方。公司总部设在中国上海和美国洛杉矶。 泽为集团旗下有“泽为研究中心”“泽为会议策划”“泽为行业社区”等知名市场研究及商业活动策划品牌. 立足中国及亚洲市场,公司业务遍及中东,欧洲,非洲,南美洲的新兴经济体。

SZ&W Group诚邀您参加2016年5月16-18日在新加坡举办的Global Dairy Congress Asia 2016(全球乳制品亚洲峰会)。

The Highlights of Global Dairy Congress Asia 2016

♦ Updated Dairy Policies and National Development Plans to Help Grasp Opportunities in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, China and India
♦ Learn Dairy Farm Projects and Global Good Practices to Improve Milk Productions and Incomes for Asian Smallholders and Processors
♦ Pursuing Dairy Company R&D and Innovation Trends with Emerging Dairy Processing, Ingredients, Packaging Technologies and Advanced Safety Control Systems
♦ Insights of Consumer Demands Changes and New Channels to Accelerate Growth in Asia Markets
♦ Asia-Global Dairy Leadership Dialogue, Project Showcase and Case Study to Inspire Dairy Sector Restructuring, Integration and Cooperation

Why You Cannot Miss GDC Asia 2016

Creating networking opportunities with key organizations in global and Asia dairy sector

♦ Debate on critical issues surrounding sustainable dairy sector from whole dairy chain (Asia-Global dialogue )
♦ Offer exclusive sponsor opportunity of dairy project show case and dairy break
♦ Learn Global Good Practices, Updated Consumer Perspectives, R&D Trends and Emerging Technologies from Global Dairy Leaders

May 31th



Sustainable Dairy Farm Development

Day One

June 1st

Session1: African Dairy Development Policy and Market Opportunities

Session 2: Innovative Dairy Farming Technologies to Increase Milk Production

Session3: Infrastructure Construction Programs to Support Milk Industry

Session 4: Emerging Processing Technologies and Global Good Practice Sharing

Day Two

June 2nd

Session 5: Consumer-Driven Dairy Products Innovation and Trends

Session 6: Consumer Perspectives and Marketing Trends Analysis

Session7: Dairy Value Chain Development and Cooperation


参会嘉宾不包含Workshop:¥16803,Two day pass,2 luxury luncheons,4 dairy breaks,Electronic copy for all presentations

参会嘉宾包含Workshop:¥19403,Two day pass+Two workshops pass ,2 luxury luncheons,4 dairy breaks,Electronic copy for all presentations


奶业 乳制品 畜牧业

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退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。



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