会议详情 |
2015-12-07 08:00 至 2015-12-11 18:00
推荐会议:2025(第七届) 世界细胞治疗与再生医学大会暨展览会
发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票
由冷泉港亚洲主办的2015年冷泉港亚洲会议:New Advances in Optical Imaging of Live Cells and Organisms 将于2015年12月7日-11日在苏州独墅湖会议酒店举行。
(冷泉港亚洲会议:New Advances in Optical Imaging of Live Cells and Organisms)
We are pleased to announce Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on New Advances in Optical Imaging of Live Cells and Organisms which will be held in Suzhou, China, located approximately 60 miles west of Shanghai. The conference will begin at 7:00pm on the evening of Monday December 7, and will conclude after lunch on December 11, 2015.
The conference will include eight oral sessions and one poster session covering the latest findings across many topics. Many talks will be selected from the openly submitted abstracts on the basis of scientific merit and relevance. Social events throughout the conference provide ample opportunity for informal interactions.
会议主题: 1. Probe development |
苏州独墅湖会议酒店座落于新兴的苏州城市副中心苏州工业园区月亮湾北,是园区首家五星级标准的会议特色酒店。 西倚波光粼粼的独墅湖,苏式而现代的独墅湖会议酒店以完备宜人的商务和休闲设施,天水一色的优美生态环境,让旅途中的人们尽享奢华与恬静的完美融合。 酒店拥有独立的会议中心和会议中心大堂,两个1000平方米的无柱宴会厅,另设19个功能齐备、规模迥异的多功能厅、会议室、报告厅、会见厅和展览区。 无线宽带上网,最大尺寸为450英尺的电动投影屏,多语言翻译系统,视频和电话会议等先进的会务设施和技术满足各类商务活动的不同需求。 酒店地理位置优越便利。步行一分钟即可达独墅湖影剧院和体育馆,由酒店前往苏州市区休闲、观光仅需十五分钟,十五或十八分钟即可轻松抵达苏嘉杭高速和沪宁高速公路,距苏州火车站仅需二十分钟,至上海虹桥机场不过一小时车程。
Package Type |
Early Registration |
Late Registration |
Payment Deadline: November 9, 2015 |
Payment Deadline: Before Arrival |
Academic |
¥5,100 |
$850 |
¥5,900 |
$990 |
Student |
¥2,700 |
$450 |
¥3,300 |
$550 |
Corporate |
¥6,340 |
$1,060 |
¥7,420 |
$1,240 |
Media |
¥3,300 |
$550 |
¥3,700 |
$620 |
Keynote Speakers:
Qingming Luo, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, CHINA
Abstract title:Large-scale optical precision imaging with single-cell resolution
Michael Hausser, University College London, UNITED KINGDOM
Abstract title:Illuminating signal transduction in single dendritic spines
Invited Speakers:
Guoqiang Bi, University of Science and Technology of China, CHINA
Abstract title:Imaging the heterogeneity of synaptic structure and plasticity
Liangyi Chen, Peking University, CHINA
Abstract title:In vivo visualization of pancreatic ß-cell function in zebrafish using dual-color two-photon three-axis digital scanned light-sheet microscopy
Xiaowei Chen, Third Military Medical University, CHINA
Abstract title:Sensory cortex neurons drive anticipatory motor responses
Kwanghun Chung, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Takahiro Fujiwara, Institute for Intergrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Abstract title:Plasma membrane compartmentalization and function as revealed by ultrafast single fluorescent-molecule imaging
Wenbiao Gan, New York University, USA
Abstract title:Experience-dependent dendritic spine plasticity in the cortex
Itaru Hamachi, Kyoto University, Katsura Campus, JAPAN
Abstract title:New chemical methods for labeling and imaging proteins in live cell
Takeshi Imai, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, JAPAN
Abstract title:Deep-tissue super-resolution imaging using an index optimized clearing agent
Jason Kerr, Research center caesar – a Max Planck institute, GERMANY
Baljit Khakh, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Abstract title:Astrocyte signaling in neural circuits
David Kleinfeld, University of California at San Diego, USA
Abstract title:Brain vascular dynamics and the basis of resting state connectivity
Arthur Konnerth, Technical University Munich, GERMANY
Abstract title:Deep two-photon imaging of neuronal networks in vivo with a red-shifted calcium indicator
Akihiro Kusumi, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Cora Sau Wan Lai, The University of Hong Kong, CHINA
Abstract title:In vivo imaging of dendritic spines in learning and unlearning
Dong Li, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA
Abstract title:Pushing the envelope of super-resolution live imaging
Shigeo Okabe, The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
Abstract title:Visualizing dynamics of postsynaptic molecules in vitro and in vivo
Hyokeun Park, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, HONG KONG
Abstract title:Real-time Three-dimensional Nanometer-Accuracy Tracking of Single Synaptic Vesicles in Live Hippocampal Neurons
Darcy Peterka, Columbia University, USA
Abstract title:Simultaneous in vivo multiplane imaging
Sang-Hee Shim, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, SOUTH KOREA
Yujie Sun, Peking University, China
Abstract title:Study Spatial Regulation of DNA Replication in Mammalian Cells Using Super-Resolution Microscopy
Angus Silver, University College London, UNITED KINGDOM
Abstract title:Acousto-Optic Lens 3D 2-photon microscopy
Kai Wang, Institute of Neuroscience, China
Abstract title:Deep tissue fluorescence imaging with adaptive optical microscope
Yi Yang, East China University of Science and Technology, China
Abstract title:Fluorescent imaging of in vivo metabolic states with genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors
Ryohei Yasuda, Max Planck Florida Institute, USA
Abstract title:Illuminating signal transduction in single dendritic spines