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第10届水回用国际会议(IWA 2015)

第10届水回用国际会议(IWA 2015)

2015-07-05 08:00 至 2015-07-09 18:00

哈尔滨   哈尔滨工业大学



发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

第10届水回用国际会议(IWA 2015)将于2015年7月5-9日在哈尔滨工业大学召开。

(第10届水回用国际会议(IWA 2015))

In recent years, rapid industrialization and urbanization, and highly accelerated economic development in China have exacerbated the shortage of water resources. National per capita water resources have been reduced by 17.2% from 2003 to 2012, with average annual decreasing rate of 1.66%. In view of the currentwater resource situation in China, water reclamation and reuse has been considered as an attractive water management option in terms of protecting thewater resources, reducing the discharge of wastewater and recovering the nutrients for agriculture. Known as ‘world factory’,China has been dealing with problems like water resource shortage and water pollution control for over decades. 

(第10届水回用国际会议(IWA 2015))

Holding the IWA Water Reuse Specialist Group Conference 2015 in China will be beneficial for reviewing the recent advances in water reuse research. It will also provide an interacting platform for exchange of ideas between scientists, engineers, environmentalists, managers, consultants, administrators and regulators, student researchers from other countries with the Chinese counterparts. 
We hope to facilitate collaboration and create professional linkages among researchers worldwide. Thereare a variety of opportunities for you to participate through attending, presenting, exhibiting and sponsoring. We will offer our true hospitality to all professionals and colleagues during the conference. I sincerely wish to see you all on July 5-9, 2015.


 Water Reuse Management:
 1. Government policies, water reuse planning and economics
 2. Risk management and regulations in water reuse
 3. Water reuse and its role to mitigate climate change impacts
 4. The role of water reuse for an integrated water resource management in China
 Water Reuse Applications:
 1. Water and Food/Irrigation (Agricultural Irrigation, Landscape and Recreational Use)
 2. Urban Reuse 
 3. Industrial Reuse
 4. New Paradigms in Potable Reuse and Groundwater Replenishment
 5. Reuse in Developing Countries
 Innovations in Water Reuse Technologies:
 1. YWP - Water reuse and reclamation research session
 2. Water and Energy in Water Reuse
 3. Emerging Technologies for Water Reuse





哈尔滨工业大学(简称哈工大)隶属于工业和信息化部,是由工信部、教育部、黑龙江省共建的国家重点大学,是首批进入国家“211工程”和“985工程”建设的若干所大学之一。 学校综合办学条件优良,基本设施齐备,科学园、实验中心、体育馆(场)、活动中心、游泳馆等各类设施齐全,为全校师生员工的学习、生活、开展中外学术和文化交流活动提供了条件。

参会费用:615 欧元/人(包含全程参会权,会议资料,会议期间的茶歇、午餐和晚餐),交通住宿自理。


环保 IWA 水循环

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