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第二届国际废物工作组亚洲区域研讨会将于2015年4月13-14日在上海同济大学召开。同期还安排了12号下午的培训课程、15日上午的现场参观以及15日下午的Special Workshop 。
The 2nd Symposium of International Waste Working Group Asian Regional Branch (IWWG-ARB) will be held in Shanghai, China, from 13th to 14th of April, 2015, and additionally a training course on the afternoon of 12th April, and a technical tour on 15th April.
The Regional Branch of IWWG is a new strategy of IWWG to better organize the IWWGactivities, favour contacts and participation, better consider local needs in a significantly large area (Asia, Africa, South and North America, etc.). This ARB branch is the special one in the Asian region to initiate the IWWG strategy.
Based on the IWWG Regional Branch Establishment Procedure, a Founding committee was formed by Toshihiko Matsuto (Hokkaido University, Japan), Jae Young Kim (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), and Pin-Jing He (Tongji University, China), who are the members of Managing Board and/or Scientific Advisory Board of IWWG. Starting from the three countries,ARB activity will extend to other Asian countries.
The kickoff activity of ARB is the organization of ARB symposium, which will be in-turn hold in Japan, China and Korea. The 1st IWWG-ARB Symposium was successfully opened in Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, from 18th to 20th of March, 2013. And now it comes to the 2ndIWWG-ARB Symposium in Tongji University, Shanghai of China in 2015.
It is expected to explore and strengthen the network among Asian Researchers of Solid Waste Management, as well as the world’s concerns on Asian waste.
国际固体废物工作组织(International Waste Working Group, IWWG ,网址:www.iwwg.eu) 由德国、美国、丹麦、荷兰、瑞典、意大利、日本等国际知名大学和工程咨询机构的学者发起,于2002 年成立。该组织核心成员的学术地位及非商业、包容性、合作化的运作模式,使其成为了国际固体废物领域最具影响力的学术团体。目前,除了主办固体废物领域SCI 影响因子最高的国际期刊《Waste Management 》和定期在意大利撒丁岛召开的"国际废弃物管理与填埋学术会议"(International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium ,简称"Sardinia 会议")这两个学术交流平台外,IWWG 还定期主办其它9 项国际学术会议、数十项专题会议和培训课程,并出版了几十余部专著和教材。
交通指南:<p>杨浦区四平路1239号 </p>