会议详情 菜单


2014-10-10 08:00 至 2014-10-11 08:00



推荐会议:SECon 2025 全球软件工程技术大会·深圳

发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票

大数据涵盖不仅是数据,它还包括分布式计算,挖据,云和服务。它不仅吸引了越来越多的关注,而且需要我们的参与,从中获取商业价值。大数据可以提高生产效率,股票盈利,零售和其它消费份额,广告效果,食品安全,社会安全。 然而,它不是大公司的专利,个人,小企业,和小公司都可以找到他的价值份额。问题是我们如何找到切入点和发掘它的市场潜力。技术方案,商业模式是你要思考的重点。这也是2014大数据峰会要探讨的。 同时,为适应新技术的发展趋势,它促进大数据研究的学术和商业的交流。

2014大数据峰会汇聚不同的专业和背景的 专家,教授,企业家。从而让我们聆听不同的声音。演讲包含企业和学术探讨。


2014大数据峰会还包含13个大数据研究专题。这些专题涵盖大数据语义分析,数据服务器集群,大数据公共云应用程序,Hadoop,大型非结构化数据集,大数据分析和识别可疑金融交易,MapReduce和大数据处理,大数据挖掘,大数据决策,大数据安全,大数据隐私, 等等。这些专题让我们深度理解大数据的深奥提升你的事业。


Program Schedule for October 10, 2014 (could be adjusted)

Time Speaker Topic
8:00 – 8:10   Warm-up - Big data market slide show (Internal slides)
8:10 – 8:20 Anup Kumar, Bin Xie Opening Ceremony
8:20 – 8:40 David Lu, AT&T Big Data Program Overview

8:40 – 9: 30

Jerry Z. Xie(中国电子科技集团公司)

Big Data on Cloud Computing

9:30 – 10:20

Jeonghan Kim

Flash to shed light on Big Data

10:20 – 10:40



10:40 – 11:30

Steven Grover and Jean (Yujing) Liu

Do Big Data Algorithms Beat Instinct in Hiring?

11:30 – 12:20

Bin Xie (InfoBeyond)

Big Data Security, Privacy and Fusion – Technology, Production, Applications, and Markets

12:20 – 13:20


Lunch (Room Singapore)

13:20 – 14:10

Chi-Tsun (Ben) Cheng

Delay-Aware Big Data Collection Strategies for Sensor Cloud Services

14:10 – 15:00

Zhignag Ye (Wuhan GreeNet)


15:00 – 15:20



15:20 – 16:10

Yiqing Zhou (Chinese Academy of Sciences)


16:10 – 17:00

Hossam Hassanein

Global Resource Utilization in the Internet of Things
17:00 – 17:30 Speakers and Attendees Networking and Dialog with Speakers


 Program Schedule for October 11, 2014 (8:00- 12:00)

Author Paper Title


 Program Schedule for October 11, 2014 (13: 00- 18:30)

Author Paper Title
Kyung Tae Kim, Woo Sik Seol, Ung Mo Kim, Hee Yong Youn Latent Semantic Analysis for Mining Rules in Big Data Environment
Ruini Xue, Lixiang Ao, Shengli Gao, Zhongyang Guan, Lupeng Lian Partitioner: A Distributed HDFS Metadata Server Cluster
Rashid Hassani, S. Ghavami, Md. Aiatullah, Peter Luksch Performance Analysis of HPC Applications Running in Public Cloud
Ihsan Ullah, Byungjun Lee, Man Yun Kim and Hee Yong Youn Hadoop Preemptive Deadline Constraint Scheduler
Zhangang Wang, Bangjie Meng A Comparison of Approaches to Chinese word segmentation in Hadoop
Tao Zhong, Kshitij Doshi, Gang Deng ParaSAIL: BitMap Indexing Using Many Cores
Jianxin Wei, Chaoling LI, Jianxin Wei, Wumuti Naheman, Junlu Yang Organizing and Storing Method for Large-scale Unstructured Data Set with Complex Content
Yan Yang, Ning An, Bin Lian, Lian Li, Pu Li, Chen Chen Apply DBSCAN clustering algorithm to identify suspicious financial transactions
Yong Zhao; Yao Chen Big Data Processing with Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis on MapReduce
Mário Antunes, Diogo Gomes, Rui L Aguiar Semantic-based Publish/Subscribe for M2M
Fangyan Zhang, Hao Liang, and Chuanlei Zhang Application of Data Mining Techniques in Universal Design
Zhiguo Deng, Xin Zhang, Dacheng Yang QoE Modelling and Measurement Based on Decision Graphs
Yong Wang,Zhao Ya-Wei Transplantation of Data Mining Algorithms to Cloud Computing Platform when Dealing Big Data

1,Hossam Hassanein, Professor, School of Computing at Queen's University, Ontario, Canada
Hossam Hassanein is a leading authority in the areas of broadband, wireless and mobile networks architecture, protocols, control and performance evaluation. His record spans more than 500 publications in journals, conferences and book chapters, in addition to numerous keynotes and plenary talks in flagship venues. Dr. Hassanein has received several recognition and best papers awards at top international conferences. He is the founder and director of the Telecommunications Research (TR) Lab at Queen's University School of Computing, with extensive international academic and industrial collaborations. He is a senior member of the IEEE, and is a former chair of the IEEE Communication Society Technical Committee on Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (TC AHSN). Dr. Hassanein is an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Speaker (Distinguished Lecturer 2008-2010).

2,Jeonghan Kim, Samsung Electronics Co., LTD, Korea
Jeonghan Kim has been devoting himself to the research and development of software systems for almost 30 years. He had been with Hyundai Electronics, Korea (currently SK hynix) from 1990 to 1995, where he was involved in the development of laser printer control and emulation software. Jeonghan also worked for Philips Semiconductors at Silicon Valley, CA from 1997 to 2002, and made big contributions to the design of software architecture adopted for Philips Set-Top-Box/D-TV SoC. Jeonghan joined Samsung Electronics, Device Solution Devision, Korea in 2003. In Samsung he led the software development team at Memory Division. The major products of his team include SSD and eMMC system, which take big portion of market share these days and the SSD models are PM830 and PM840 of 128/256/512 GB capacity. He also managed System LSI Embedded SW Center, which pioneered the Android platform of the Samsung Galaxy smartphone series, now recording more than 100 million accumulated sales in the world, and 30 million surplus sales than iPhone even in the last quarter of 2013. He is currently Senior Vice President, Director of Software R&D Center of Device Solution Division. The center was established in 2012 to take the leading role of the research and development of next generation software systems and solutions for semiconductor devices, servers, cloud computing, IoT, and so forth, targeting various wired/wireless systems and big data applications. The center has its branch office and R&D team in Xian, China and SanJose, USA.

3,Anup Kumar, Professor and Director, Mobile Computing Lab, CECS Department, University of Louisville

4,Zhignag Ye, Wuhan GreeNet, China

5,Bin Xie, InfoBeyond Technology, USA

6,Chi-Tsun (Ben) Cheng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

7,Steven Grover, Business Development Manager, Comrise, USA

8,Jean (Yujing) Liu, Project Manager, Comrise, USA

9,Dr. Yiqing Zhou, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

10,David Lu (陆惠晨), CyberC/Bigdata Sumit 2014 Keynote Moderator, VP, AT&T, USA

11,Chi-Ming Chen (陳啟明), PhD, Keynote Speaker Organizer, AT&T Labs, USA

12,Jerry Z. Xie, PhD, Scientist-in-Chief, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, China

种类 截止 票价


票价均含10月10号和11号会议, 以及10月10号午间酒店自助餐。不含其它餐饮。

2014-09-01 ¥600


 票价均含10月10号和11号会议, 以及10月10号午间酒店自助餐。不含其它餐饮。

未开始 ¥700



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移动互联网 大数据 网络 安全 电子商务1

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