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We are pleased to announce Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Evolutionary Genetics and Genomics which will be held in Suzhou, China, located approximately 60 miles west of Shanghai. The conference will begin at 7:00pm on the evening of Wednesday October 8, and will conclude after lunch on Sunday October 12, 2014.
The conference will include eight oral sessions and one poster session covering the latest findings across many topics in evolutionary biology. Many talks will be selected from the openly submitted abstracts on the basis of scientific merit and relevance. Social events throughout the conference provide ample opportunity for informal interactions.The conference is timely in light of the recent decision by China to make Ecology and Evolution "Tier 1" subject, on par with medical sciences, biology and agriculture.
Evolution is the central theme in biology, but genomic tools allow new insights into the mechanisms and patterns of evolutionary change. This meeting will provide a format for the exchange of ideas and advances in evolutionary biology and genomics. Particular emphases will include the application of genomic approaches to study population diversity, new findings about adaptation and speciation, and our nascent understanding of the role of genetic interactions in the evolutionary process.
1.Population Genomics – Methods
2.Population Genomics – Inferences
3.The Genomic Basis of Adaptation
4.The Genomic Basis of Speciation
5.Epistasis and Interactions
6.The Evolution of Networks
7.The Origin of Genetic Novelty
8.Epigenetics & Evolution
Keynote Speakers:
Loren Rieseberg, University of British Columbia, CANADA
Chung-I Wu, University of Chicago/Beijing Institute of Genomics, CAS, USA
Invited Speakers:
Doris Bachtrog, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Kirsten Bomblies, Harvard University, USA
Steven Eichten, Australian National University
Brandon Gaut, University of California, Irvine, USA
Song Ge ,Institute of Botany, CAS, CHINA
Hong-Ya Gu, Peking University, China
Xionglei He ,Sun Yat-sen University, CHINA
Elizabeth King, University of Missouri, USA
Manyuan Long, University of Chicago, USA
Xuemei Lu, Beijing Institute of Genomics, China
Leonie Moyle, Indiana University, USA
Rasmus Nielsen, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Molly Przeworski, University of Chicago, USA
Suhua Shi, Sun Yat-sen Unversity, CHINA
John Wang, Academia Sinica, TAIWAN
Fuwen Wei, Institute of Zoology, CAS, CHINA
Shuhua Xu, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, CHINA
Soojin Yi, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Jianzhi Zhang, University of Michigan, USA
Yaping Zhang, Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS, CHINA
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