会议详情 菜单


2014-08-02 08:00 至 2014-08-02 08:00



推荐会议:CIFS 2025 第六届中国数智金融峰会

发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票






时间:2014年8月2日 (星期六)



8:00 a.m.


8:30 a.m.

浦东新区政府代表 -上海自由贸易区发展简报
Charles J. Yang, CFA, CFA协会理事会主席
欧家麟, CFA, CFA中国 - 上海首席顾问

9:00 a.m.

主题演讲 - 全球经济展望
迈伦•斯科尔斯教授 (Myron Scholes)
(Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model) 创立者之一
由刘雄威博士, CFA, Lumen顾问有限公司负责人主持

10:15 a.m.


10:40 a.m.


11:30 a.m.

布莱恩·辛格(Brian D. Singer), CFA
由Charles J. Yang, CFA, CFA协会理事会主席主持

12:20 p.m.


1:00 p.m.


2:00 p.m.


李世民(Simon Gleave)

由高蒙, 摩根士丹利华鑫证券固定收益部执行董事主持

2:40 p.m. 



于华博士, CFA


3:20 p.m.

观点 - 第一节
价值投资 - 在中国行嗎?

3:45 p.m.


4:15 p.m.

观点 - 第二节
陈竞辉, CFA

由郭涛, CFA, 梵基股权投资管理有限公司投研总监主持

4:40 p.m.

观点 - 第三节
李向辉, CFA

由郭涛, CFA, 梵基股权投资管理有限公司投研总监主持

5:05 p.m.

CEO圆桌会议I - 董事局的观点: 对冲基金业的崛起
刘雄威博士,  CFA

李向辉, CFA

陈竞辉, CFA



由李海涛博士, 长江商学院金融学教授、杰出院长讲席教授兼MBA项目副院长主持

5:45 p.m.

刘雄威博士,  CFA

5:50 p.m.



Cheah Chen Hye
Cheah Cheng Hye is chair and co-chief investment officer of Value Partners, where he is in charge of operations and sets the group’s overall business and portfolio strategy. He has been in charge of Value Partners since he co-founded the firm with his partner, Mr. V-Nee Yeh. Prior to starting Value Partners, Mr. Cheah served at Morgan Grenfell Group, as a financial journalist based in Hong Kong, and as an independent non-executive director of Hong Kong–listed JCG Holdings. He was recently conferred the title of Dato’ — an honorary title that recognizes exceptional individuals — by the government in his home state of Penang, Malaysia. Mr. Cheah serves as a member of the New Business Committee of the Financial Services Development Council by the HKSAR Government.  

拿督谢清海现年六十岁,出任惠理集团的主席兼联席首席投资总监。拿督谢氏负责监督集团的整体业务运作,并积极参与集团的事务,包括投资研究、基金管理、业务及产品发展和企业管理,并为集团订立整体业务及组合策略方针。拿督谢氏自一九九三年二月与合伙人叶维义先生共同创办惠理基金,并一直管理公司的业务。二零零七年,拿督谢氏成功领导惠理于香港联交所上市,使集团成为香港首家及唯一一家的本地主板上市基金公司。拿督谢氏拥有逾三十年的投资管理经验,被誉为亚洲价值投资先驱之一,多年来拿督谢氏与惠理皆获奖无数,自公司于一九九三年成立以来共计获得八十多项专业大奖及殊荣。 于二零一三年,谢先生获其家乡所在州份马来西亚槟城州政府册封表彰杰出人士的「Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri」(DSPN)拿督勋衔。二零一三年四月,拿督谢氏获香港特别行政区政府委任为金融发展局旗下拓新业务小组成员,同年六月彼获香港科技大学颁授荣誉大学院士以表扬其卓越成就。 在创办惠理之前,拿督谢氏任职于香港Morgan Grenfell集团;彼于一九八九年创立并领导该公司的香港╱中国股票研究部门,出任研究及交易部主管。此前彼于《亚洲华尔街日报》及《远东经济评论》担任财经记者,专注东亚及东南亚市场的商业及财经新闻。拿督谢氏曾任香港上巿公司日本信用保证集团有限公司的独立非执行董事达九年(一九九三年至二零零二年),公司自二零零六年更名为大众金融控股有限公司,是一家具领导地位的小额贷款公司。

Steve Yuming Dou
Steve Yuming Dou is chairman at Zhong Ou Asset Management Company. Previously, he worked at Jun’an Securities Company, Da Cheng International Asset Management Company, and Harvest Fund Management Company. Mr. Dou also served as CEO at Fullgoal Fund Management Company. He holds a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management and an MBA from Tulane University. 


Gao Meng
Gao Meng is an executive director in the fixed-income division at Morgan Stanley Huaxin Securities Company Limited. Previously, he served as executive director of the fixed-income department at China International Capital Corporation. Mr. Gao holds a BA degree from Nankai University, an MA degree from the University of International Business and Economics, and an MBA degree from the University of Western Ontario.


Simon Gleave
Simon Gleave is Asia-Pacific regional head of financial services at KPMG, where he is also partner in charge of financial services for China. Previously, he worked with a number of banks and financial institutions to transform their finance and business practices prior to accessing capital markets. Mr. Gleave was the engagement partner for the Hong Kong Monetary Authority consultancy study on the Hong Kong banking sector. He currently serves as the global lead partner for the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China audit and as the lead partner for several Chinese clients listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Mr. Gleave holds an MSc from Imperial College London and an MBA in international financial management from Cardiff Business School.

李世民先生目前是毕马威亚太区金融服务业主管合伙人。他于2001年被调派至北京并一直常驻北京, 参与了中国建设银行,中信银行,中国光大银行IPO项目,以及多家银行在欧洲及亚洲的重组项目。作为项目主管合伙人参与中国工商银行审计项目,以及多家中国公司的香港上市项目。曾协助多家银行和金融机构进行财务转型及业务调整以配合其在进入资本市场前的重组及改革。曾在香港金融管理局委托进行的“香港银行业研究”中担任项目合伙人,就改善市场监管提出多项建议,包括解除利率管制和设立存款保障制度等。  

Jiming Ha
Jiming Ha is vice chairman and chief investment strategist of the investment strategy group at Goldman Sachs. Previously, he served as a managing director in investment banking services at Goldman Sachs. Dr. Ha also served as chief economist at China International Capital Corporation and a senior economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He worked at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority within the IMF and served as the IMF resident representative to Indonesia. Dr. Ha holds BS and MS degrees from Fudan University and a PhD in economics from the University of Kansas.

Bruce Li, CFA
Bruce Li, CFA , is general manager and managing director of China business at Canyon Capital, a global credit–oriented alternative asset manager. He holds the CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst) and FRM (Financial Risk Manager) designations. Mr. Li holds an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.


Aaron Low, CFA
Aaron Low, CFA, is principal at Lumen Advisors, where he manages emerging markets macro long–short funds and oversees Lumen’s operations in Asia. Previously, he was a senior portfolio manager and head of Asia ex-Japan at  PIMCO, where he oversaw Asia investment strategies and managed global and emerging market bond portfolios. Dr. Low was also head of Asia and senior portfolio manager at RCM Global Investors. He is vice chairman of the CFA Institute Board of Governors and previously served as chair of the External Relations and Volunteer Involvement Committee, the Capital Markets Policy Council, and the Asia-Pacific Advocacy Committee. Dr. Low has been actively involved with CFA Society Singapore, where he served as deputy president for various terms. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees for the Singapore Government Pension Fund and is chief adviser to Minsheng Tonghui Asset Management. Dr. Low is a board director at the Wealth Management Institute and on the advisory board of the BNP Paribas Hedge Fund Center. He holds an engineering degree from the National University of Singapore and a PhD in international finance from the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

刘雄威博士, CFA是旧金山和新加坡Lumen 咨询有限公司(Lumen Advisors)的负责人,负责管理新兴市场宏观多头空头基金,并监督Lumen 亚洲区业务。  在此之前,刘博士曾任PIMCO投资组合高级经理及亚洲区(日本除外)主管,负责监督亚洲投资策略并管理全球和新兴市场债券投资组合。在PIMCO就职之前,他曾在RCM担任亚洲区主管兼旧金山和亚洲投资组合高级经理,管理一系列平衡投资组合。  刘博士目前担任CFA协会理事会副理事长,并曾任外部志愿者关系和参与委员会主席。他是资本市场政策委员会和亚太地区宣传委员会的前任主席。 他还曾连任CFA协会新加坡分会多届副主席,积极参与协会各项活动。目前,他是新加坡政府养老基金理事会理事,也是上海民生通惠资产管理有限公司高级顾问。 此外,他还是新加坡财富管理学院理事和位于新加坡管理大学的法国巴黎银行对冲基金中心咨询委员会理事。  刘博士拥有新加坡国立大学工程学本科学位以及加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院的国际金融博士学位。  

Jay Luo
Jay Luo is president at Dymon Asia Capital. Previously, he was head of Asia Pacific at SAC Capital Advisors (Hong Kong) Limited, where he established and managed the SAC Group’s activities in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr. Luo also served as a senior member of SAC’s risk management team. He currently serves on the Products Advisory Committee for the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. Dr. Luo holds a BS in physics from Beijing University and a PhD in chemistry from Pennsylvania State University.

罗佳斌(Jay Luo)先生现任亚洲本土对冲基金 Dymon Asia 资本公司集团总裁兼合伙人。Dymon Asia 对冲基金是近年飞速成长的亚洲本土对冲基金,管理的资产规模约40 亿美元. 加入Dymon Asia 之前,罗先生是全球著名对冲基金SAC 资本的亚太主管。他一手建立了SAC 亚洲团队,主管SAC 集团在亚太地区的业务,包括位于香港、新加坡、北京、东京的多个投资组合管理团队。 罗先生毕业于北京大学物理系,并获得美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学化学系博士。罗先生目前还担任香港证监会产品咨询委员会的委员。

Anthony Neoh
Anthony Neoh serves as chief adviser of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Previously, he was chair of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission. In addition, Mr. Neoh is a member of the Hong Kong Bar Association, serves on the International Advisory Council of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and is an independent director of China Life Insurance Limited. He lectures frequently on current issues in financial regulation and current legal issues in litigation and arbitration and continues to teach in various universities both in China and abroad. Mr. Neoh has been a visiting professor at many universities, including Peking, Tsinghua, and Harvard Universities, and he is currently Dean's Visiting Professor of the Business Faculty at the National University of Singapore. 

梁定邦 (Anthony Neoh),香港资深大律师,前香港证券及期货事务监察委员会主席,前中国证券监督管理委员会首席顾问,主要从事国际仲裁及诉讼工作 。目前梁先生继续服务于中国证监会国际顾问委员会,同时担任中国人寿股份有限公司独立非執行董事。梁先生在国内外多次受邀就当前的金融监管和立法仲裁问题发表演讲,并常年任教于国内外多所知名院校。他曾任北大、清华、哈佛等多所高校的客座教授,是新加坡国立大学商学院院长特邀客座教授。他的研究领域包括金融和法制史,以及当前的金融监管热点问题。

Myron S. Scholes
Myron S. Scholes is the Frank E. Buck Professor Emeritus of Finance at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. He is co-originator of the Black–Scholes options pricing model, which is the basis of the pricing and risk-management technology that is used to value and manage the risk of financial instruments around the world. Professor Scholes received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1997 for his work on developing the technology to value derivatives. He currently serves as director and trustee of Dimensional US Mutual Funds. Professor Scholes received a PhD from the University of Chicago. 

作为斯坦福大学商学院 Frank E. Buck荣誉金融学教授,迈伦•斯科尔斯教授 (Prof. Myron Scholes) 因他在期权定价、资本市场、税务政策和金融服务领域所作出的开创性研究而广为人知。他参与共同创建的布莱克-斯科尔斯( Black-Scholes)期权定价模型,奠定了定价和风险管理的理论基础,由此发展出全球通行的衡量和管理金融工具风险的技术。为了表彰他在开发金融衍生品的定价工具方面的杰出贡献,他于1997年被授予诺贝尔经济学奖。斯科尔斯教授于芝加哥大学获得博士学位,并因他的学术成就成为这所大学的Edward Eagle Brown金融学教授。他还曾任教于麻省理工学院Sloan管理学院。舒尔斯教授在金融学术领域著述颇丰。    

Andrew Sheng
Andrew Sheng is president at Fung Global Institute. Previously, he served as chairman of the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong and as a central banker at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and at Bank Negara Malaysia. Mr. Sheng has also worked at the World Bank and chaired the technical committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions. He serves as chief adviser to the China Banking Regulatory Commission and as a board member of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, the national treasury of Malaysia. Mr. Sheng also serves as a member of the advisory councils of the China Investment Corporation, the China Development Bank, and Free University of Berlin. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Malaya and at the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management. Mr. Sheng is the author of From Asian to Global Financial Crisis: An Asian Regulator’s View of Unfettered Finance in the 1990s and 2000s. He holds a BSc in economics and an honorary doctorate from the University of Bristol. 

沈联涛先生在全球金融界中享负盛名,曾于亚洲出任央行及金融业监管机构要职,也是环球金融事务的评论员。沈先生曾经是研究院院长,负责研究院的营运,并在学术委员会的支持及建议下,推动研究院的研究项目及创新思维。 沈先生是中国银行业监督管理委员会首席顾问,也是卡塔尔金融中心监管委员会、马来西亚国库控股公司、马来西亚森那美的董事会成员。此外,他也是中国投资有限责任公司国际咨询委员会、国家开发银行、上海市推进国际金融中心建设领导小组国际咨询委员会、柏林自由大学国际委员会的委员。 沈先生也是北京清华大学经济管理学院及吉隆坡马来亚大学的兼职教授,并於2009年成为Universiti Tun Abdul Razak的副校监。 1998年至2005年间,沈先生曾出任香港证券及期货事务监察委员会主席。此前,他亦于香港金融管理局及马来西亚国家银行担任要职。此外,沈先生于1989年至1993年间在世界银行工作。于2003年至2005年间,沈先生出任国际证券事务监察委员会组织技术委员会主席。他现为经济合作及发展组织及亚洲开发银行研究院就亚洲资本市场改革举行的年度圆桌会议的主席。 沈先生曾就货币、经济及金融事务发表不少文章,其最新著作為《十年轮迴: 从亚洲到全球的金融危机》。他还定期为中国及亚洲区内领先的经济杂志及报章撰写评论文章。 沈先生为特许会计师,并持有布里斯托大学的经济学理学士及荣誉博士学位。

Brian D. Singer, CFA
Brian D. Singer, CFA, is partner and head of the dynamic allocation strategies team at William Blair & Company. Formerly, he has served as chief investment officer of Singer Partners, LLC. Previously, he was head of global investment solutions and Americas chief investment officer for UBS Global Asset Management. Mr. Singer is lead author of the book Investment Leadership and Portfolio Management and the recipient of a Graham and Dodd Award of Excellence from the Financial Analysts Journal. He is a board member and former chair of the CFA Institute Board of Governors and of the Research Foundation of CFA Institute Board of Trustees. Mr. Singer holds a BA degree from Northwestern University and an MBA degree from the University of Chicago.

辛格先生(Brian D. Singer) 同时担任动态资产配置策略部主管和基金经理两个职务。在2011年加入威廉博莱之前,他是Singer Partners有限合伙公司投资战略主管。更早之前,他曾在瑞银全球资产管理担任全球投资主管和美洲区首席投资官,并成为瑞银集团董事会和全球资产管理执行委员会成员。在CFA协会,辛格先生是CFA协会研究基金会理事会成员,以及CFA协会治理委员会成员和主席。目前,他还服务于牛津大学埃克塞特学院(Exeter College)捐赠投资委员会,并担任“Free to Choose Network”的主席,该组织是在经济学家米尔顿•弗雷德曼的启发下设立的。此外,他也是芝加哥康复中心理事会成员。1991年,辛格先生与Gary Brinson以及Gilbert Beebower合作出版了“投资组合绩效的决定因素的第二版“(Determinants of Portfolio Performance II: An Update),该研究是资产配置领域最前沿的巨作之一。2009年,以辛格先生为第一作者的著作《领导力与投资组合管理》(Investment Leadership and Portfolio Management)由Wiley出版。辛格先生拥有西北大学经济学学士学位以及芝加哥大学MBA学位。

Tan Chin Hwee, CFA
Tan Chin Hwee, CFA, is founding partner in Asia at Apollo Global Management. He also serves as an adjunct professor at several universities. Mr. Tan is a member of the Resource Panel for Government Parliamentary Committee for Finance and Trade and Industry, the Advisory Panel for Volunteer Youth Corp, the Singapore Ministry of Education, and Singapore Ministry of Community, Culture, and Youth. He also sits on various for-profit and not-for-profit boards, including Singapore Press Holding and Keppel REIT. 

陈竞辉先生是阿波罗环球管理(一家旗下掌管约1650亿美元资产的环球另类投资者)的亚洲创始合伙人。2010年他被对冲基金杂志列为未来十年40大蓝筹股基金经理之一,被财资杂志评为信用类对冲基金年度基金经理,并于2010年世界经济论坛期间被评为年度全球青年领袖,随后在专门为他量身定制的哈佛肯尼迪学院高级经理人项目进修。基于陈先生在金融业的优异表现,他先后被世界经济论坛挑选为全球青年领袖以及在2013年被新加坡政府授予杰出的金融业认证专业人士。除了管理投资外,陈先生还积极参与到了许多服务社会的工作当中,目前陈先生不但是新加坡财政部与贸工部国会委员会成员,新加坡金融管理局私募基金的委员会成员,更是是多家盈利及非盈利机构的董事,包括CFA新加坡的理事会主席以及SPH, 吉宝的非执行董事。即使在如此繁忙的工作中,陈先生依然没有忘记通过在多家大学做兼职教授的机会将自己的丰富知识和宝贵经验与年轻人分享,并激励他们进步。    

Tian Feng
Tian Feng is a managing director at Greenwoods Asset Management, where he is responsible for business development, products, and marketing in China. Previously, he served as managing director in charge of the Guangzhou branch and as director of the investment counseling department at HuaAn Fund Management Co., Ltd. Mr. Tian also served as head of sales in the marketing department, as deputy general manager at the Beijing branch, and as deputy general manager at the HuaAn headquarters. He holds an MS degree in finance from a UK university.

田峰先生有 17年证券基金从业经验,目前在景林负责产品运营和市场工作。加入景林之前在华安基金担任董事总经理负责广州分公司和投资顾问部。曾先后在华安基金担任机构和渠道业务主管、北京分公司副总经理、上海业务总部副总经理等职务。    

Charles J. Yang, CFA
Charles J. Yang, CFA, is chief investment officer of T&D Asset Management, the asset management arm of T&D Holdings, a listed company in Japan that focuses on the life insurance business. Previously, he worked for the asset management divisions of Merrill Lynch and Société Générale. Mr. Yang began his career as a quantitative analyst at the asset management division of J.P. Morgan and served as a portfolio manager in New York City and Tokyo. Currently, he is the chair of the CFA Institute Board of Governors; Mr. Yang previously served as chair of the audit and risk committee. He is also a former chair of the CFA Institute external relations and volunteer involvement committee and former president of the CFA Society of Japan. He holds a BA from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MBA from New York University Stern School of Business.    

Hua Yu, CFA
Dr. Hua Yu, CFA, had served as the Head of Research at Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Vice President of Financial Service Business at Asian Subsidiary of Power Corporation of Canada, the Chief Representative of London Life Insurance Co., Board Director and the CEO at Dacheng Fund Management Company, the Managing Director at Morgan Stanley Asia Co. Ltd and the Head of China Business of Investment Management. Currently, Dr. Hua Yu is Acting Chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley JV fund company, Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund Management Company (MSHF). He also serves as Vice Chair of Asset Management Association of China and a Global Governor of the CFA Institute.





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酒店与住宿: 异地参会客户请注意,为防止会议临时变动,建议您先与活动家客服确认参会信息,再安排出行与住宿事宜。
退款规则: 活动各项资源需提前采购,购票后不支持退款,可以换人参加。



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