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TEDx events unleash fresh ideas from local communities. Close to 50,000 talks have been given at 10,000 events since the program launched in 2009. Below, the 10 most-watched TEDx talks posted to our homepage.
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IDEAS WORTH SPREADING 好的思想值得传播 2016-3-26
9:00 -10:00 Registration 签到
10:00-12:00 Session 1 第一场
12:00-13:30 Lunch 午餐
13:30-15:20 Session 2 第二场
15:20-15:55 Tea Break 茶歇
15:55-17:45 Session 3 第三场
18:30- Dinner Party 晚宴
黄欢 Grace Huang
“欢否日课”创始人&CEO / Founder & CEO, HuanFou, 专注解决时局突变而导致的人才困境。采用全球独创5king人才双向定制技术,为创新企业选拔,储备,培育匹配的互联网+跨界人才的同时,为有梦想的职场人扫除一切升职障碍!
“欢否日课”创始人&CEO,广告业的提案杀手,电视圈的辣评名嘴,创业届的跨界勇者;《自我营销七堂课》作者。 服务过近百个行业领导品牌包括统一冰红茶,雅哈咖啡,英播啤酒,潘婷,飘柔,护舒宝,杜蕾斯,万事达卡等,录制过22家卫视60余档节目,包括《非你莫属》,《东方直播室》,《爱情保卫战》,《天生我才》《梦想职达》等,凭借她特立独行的举止做派,精准出彩的职业能力,走到哪都是目光焦点,是颇有成就的跨界女 boss。 Grace, the founder and CEO of HuanFou, is also the “proposal killer” in the advertising industry and a popular commentator in the television industry. Besides, she is a pioneer entrepreneur and the author of The Seven Lessons of Self-Marketing. She once provided services to hundreds of leading brands among industries, including Tongyi Iced Tea, AHA Coffee, ABInBev, Pantene, Rejoice, Whisper, Durex, MasterCard, etc. She participated in more than 60 television shows among 22 channels, including Only You, East Live Room, DEN ZHOU, Born to be Talent, Dream and Career, etc. With her unique style and outstanding professional skills, Grace is the main focus as always. She is also the true example of the successful businesswoman in today’s world.
陈瑶 Yao Chen
I20青年发展平台 / I20 The Youth Alliance Network, 联合发起人 / Cofounder
i20青年发展平台联合发起人,杉树计划发起人之一,中欧商学院EMBA,曾经在上海文广集团、新民晚报等文化单位工作过十几年,关注社会创新、社会企业、乡村社区营造等领域,致力于运用商业思维解决社会问题。 Yao Chen, the cofounder of I20, The Youth Alliance Network, and the initiator of CEDAR, is an alumnus of China Europe International Business School. With the enriched professional experiences in several corporations, including Shanghai Media & Entertainment Group and Xin Min Evening News, she focuses on areas such as social innovation, social enterprise, and rural community development, devoting to solve social issues with business ideology.
Emmanuel Benbihy 灵光
“城市之爱”系列影片发起人兼制片人 / Cities of Love Global Initiative, Founder & Producer, The Cities of Love Global Initiative or how to spread love “in” and “for” cities and to engage them in doing good.
灵光,“城市之爱”全球系列影片的制作人,致力于通过用镜头捕捉到的一个个小故事来展现城市的美好以及人们对它的向往。借助于引人注目的丰富内容,以及充满创意的制作团队,“城市,我爱你”充分像观众展现了一个又一个平和美好、充满希望、持续发展、富有生机和活力的城市。更令人赞叹的,是影片在向我们展现这些美好城市的同时,也在鼓励我们建造更好的家园。“城市,我爱你”就是这样一个充满了正能量和温暖的媒体形式,激励着我们为自己的城市、家园和生活不断地做出改变,最终能利用更少的资源,创造出无尽的可能。Emmanuel Benbihy, founder and producer of the Cities of Love global initiative which celebrates urban life through story telling and makes people proud of their cities. City, I Love You platforms showcase cities by creating engaging content, cooperating with their creative forces, putting the spotlight on those doing good, sustaining hope, embracing sustainable development, celebrating innovation for the greater good and empowering education, and finally promoting cities and making change in a new way. City, I Love You Platforms are “strictly” positive media players in cities’ ecosystems doing good for cities, doing good for people, and doing more with less.
马辉 Rakel Ma
时空电动集团 / SKIO 首席运营官 / COO, 不忘初心,践行美好;建立能源永续的美丽新世界
马辉,浙江大学工学博士;毕业后,加入阿里巴巴集团,参与了阿里巴巴高速发展的九年。在阿里巴巴工作期间,经历过技术、产品、HR、服务、社会化运营等不同领域的岗位历练。曾担任过阿里巴巴B2B技术大学校长、消费者体验发展事业部总监等职务;参与了电子商务部分国家标准的制定,还被中国科技大学聘为企业博士生导师。2015年加入时空电动集团,担任首席运营官(COO)。 Rakel Ma, a graduate from Zhejiang University with a doctoral degree in engineering, participated in the nine-year rapid evolution of Alibaba Group. During his service, he accumulated experiences in different areas, such as technology, product, human resources, service and socialized operation. In addition, he was once the principal of Alibaba B2B Technological School and director of the Consumer Experience Development Department. With his specialty, he assisted in formulating the standards and regulations regarding of e-business for the Chinese government, and lectured Ph.D. students as instructor of University of Science and Technology of China. In 2015, he joined SKIO as Chief Operating Officer.
张洪良 Hongliang Zhang
食行生鲜 CEO, 为社区居民提供24小时生鲜订购服务
张洪良,一个不安分的苏州人,连续创业者。于2011年创立食行生鲜,提出C2B2F才是网上卖菜的正确姿势,希望重构生鲜农产品生产和流通方式 ,心怀让农民卖菜不再难,市民买菜不再烦的理想,带领公司已完成3轮融资拓展京沪苏三地市场。为改善中国食品安全信任现状继续努力。 Zhang Hongliang, an ambitious Suzhounese, serial entrepreneur, who founded ShihangShengxian in 2011 with the idea that C2B2F is the right way of online vegetable selling, hoping to reform the mode of production and distribution of fresh produce. He practice the ideal that farmers selling as well as citizens purchasing vegetables no longer difficult. Zhang has led the firm completing 3 rounds of financing and he is willing to put in constant efforts on improving the present situation of China’s food security trust.
王乔 Qiao Wang
国家天文台天体物理学博士 / PhD of NAOC, 《星际穿越》重磅译者团队成员之一
王乔,在北京大学天文系从事暗能量相关的研究,2011年获得博士学位后,在中国科学院国家天文台(NAOC)从事博士后工作,之后留所作为助理研究员从事宇宙数值模拟的研究,同时对科学传播保持热情。 Qiao Wang is a Research Assistant of Astrophysics at the National Astronomical Observatories of China. He obtained his PhD on Dark Energy from Peking University in 2011, after that, was postdoctor at NAOC. His current interest focuses on Cosmological Numerical Simulation, and he keeps enthusiastic about popularization of science.
段然 Green Duan
心理学家,科普作家,企业家成长顾问 / Psychologist, writer, entrepreneur advisor Professional, 服务【企业家个人成长】【家族代际沟通】 致力【中国家庭精神传承】
段然,受家庭影响对哲学充满热爱!2008年创办心灵咖啡网普及心理学,2014年出版《逆袭心理学》科普读物。希望将心理学带入到普通人生活中,以心理咨询之外的更多方法帮助人们更好地工作与生活! 2015年与夫君共同创建苏州道奇企业服务有限公司,为企业家和组织提供心理成长支持服务。 Green Duan, being influenced by her family, is passionate about philosophy. She created psycofe.com to enhance the popularization of psychology in 2008. In 2014, her book, Psychology of Counterattack, came out to educate the public about the psychology in daily life. She commits to help people improve their life condition by methods other than psychological services. In 2015, she started Suzhou Dao Qi Business Services, Ltd. with her husband, to provide supportive services for the development of organizations and entrepreneurs.
孙飞 Fei Sun
健路生物 / Genowise Corporation, 联合创始人 / Co-founder 为医疗机构提供基因检测技术解决方案
孙飞,新苏州人。专注生物医药领域十余年,曾供职于免疫学和新药研发领域公司。现为健路生物科技公司联合创始人,并担任运营总监。该公司致力于推动基因组学临床应用的开放平台,为医疗机构提供基因检测的完整解决方案,主要方向有健康管理,疾病风险预测和个性化用药等。 Fei Sun, new Suzhounese, has more than 10 years of experience in bio-medicine industry. He used to work in corporations which mainly focus on immunology and R&D of new drugs. He now serves as the Co-founder and Director of Operations in Genowise, a company that aims to promote the clinical application of genomics and provide the genetic-testing solution for medical institutions. The research area of Genowise includes: health management, predition of diseases risks, personalized medications and so forth.
刘疏桐 Stone Liu
道兰环能 Motioneco, 创始人 / Founder 地沟油生物燃料, 安全油联盟发起人
刘疏桐毕业于荷兰阿姆特丹自由大学, 环境与能源管理硕士, 在荷兰学习与工作9年时间. 对食品安全,环保和新能源行业有极大的热情. 曾经供职于四大快递公司之一TNT的CSR部门负责电动车项目, 也从事过太阳能电站项目的开发. 硕士毕业后进入世界第一家 生物航空燃料供应商SkyNRG, 帮助荷兰航空KLM实现"地沟油"航空燃料飞行, 作为亚洲可持续燃料供应链经历, 曾经把亚洲大批量的"地沟油"运往欧洲制作生物燃料. 在发现国内地沟油问题之后决定回国, 创立 道兰环能MotionECO, 专注于交通领域的节能减排. 和同济大学一同发起上海"地沟油"公交项目, 致力于把本地"地沟油"安全回收转化成为环保生物燃料, 解决食品安全的社会问题 和燃料质量的环境问题.刘疏桐是哈佛社会创新种子社区成员,2015芝华士社会创新大赛中国区冠军,欧盟ISCC 国际可持续发展于碳排放认证技术委员会委员, 生物质能可持续准则国际ISO/PS428标准中国工作组成员. Shutong graduated from VU University Amsterdam, has a master degree of Environment & Energy Management Studies. Before come back to China in 2015, He lived in the Netherlands for 9 years. Shutong is the founder of "Let the Used cooking Oil fly” project, has great passion in Environmental and renewable energy. He used to work in the CSR department of the logistics company TNT, responsible for the global Electric Vehicle project, he also worked in solar energy projects. After his master study, he joined SkyNRG- the world first Bio jet fuel provider, supplied KLM with bio jet fuel made from “used cooking oil”. As the Asian business development manager, he used to ship a large volume of the Used cooking oil from Asia to EU to produce Biofuel. When he found out the problem of used cooking oil in China, he decided to move back to China to solve this problem. In 2015, Shutong founded MotionECO, a company focus on Sustainable transportation. Working together with Tongji University on a project that convert the local used cooking oil into biofuel to be used in local buses, which help to solve the food safety and environmental problems. Shutong is a fellow of Harvard SEED for social innovation Winner of 2015 Chivas Social Entrepreneur China area Technical committee member of EU ISCC (International sustainability and Carbon Certification) Member of Chinese working group of ISO/FDIS 13065 international sustainbility standard of biofuel .
Tamar Chelouche
SIT China 全球创新副总裁 / VP Global Innovation, 该公司为客户提供从创新需求识别到设计、植入创新解决方案的全线服务
Tamar Chelouche 女士是SIT系统性创新思维中国公司全球创新副总裁,负责将SIT系统性创新思维公司在创新领域的丰富经验带到中国。 Tamar Chelouche女士拥有十余年创新经验,参与SIT在美国、澳大利亚、亚太地区、中东欧、印度和土耳其地区的业务。她所带领的团队,曾经服务过许多全球市场领导者,如拜耳、坎贝尔、可口可乐、培生集团、美国水务以及玛氏食品等,为客户提供从创新需求识别到设计、植入创新解决方案的全线服务。 Tamar is VP Global Innovation, SIT China. She is responsible for helping companies to gain value through innovation and deliver, together with the Chinese team, ongoing support to clients, from the process of identifying needs through to designing and embedding novel innovation solutions. Tamar has partnered global market leaders such as Bayer, Campbell’s, Coca-Cola, Pearson and Mars and her primary focus is to help embed a culture and practice of innovation across a broad range of organizations from multi-nationals to medium-sized companies and SME's.
方超 Felix Fang
苏州交通广播, 记者型主持人,资深媒体人 / Creative director of The Orangeblowfish, using different forms of art for company’s visual campaign
方超从2005年至今,在苏州交通广播担任记者、节目主持人,2011年采访甬温线特别重大铁路事故,曾第一时间赴汶川、雅安震中采访,2015年成功捐献造血干细胞,并成为由中宣部、中国记协组织的全国“好记者讲好故事”巡讲团成员,进行全国巡讲。 Felix has been the reporter and host of Suzhou FM104.8 since 2005. In 2011, he hosted a special talk about "7.23 Yong-Wen line major transportation accident." Besides, he visited the site and completed an on-site interview in the first place during Wenchuan Earthquake and Ya’an Earthquake. In 2015, he donated his Hematopoietic stem cells successfully to people in need. His achievements qualified him as a member of “Good Journalist with Good Story”, a national group organized by Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and All-China Journalists Association to make speeches and presentations nationwide.
周明华 Minghua Zhou
中国曲艺家协会会员、苏州市曲协副主席、国家一级艺术监督, Member, Chinese Ballad Singers Association Vice Chairman, Suzhou Ballad Singers Association Country-Level Art Supervisor
师从评话名家曹汉昌学习长篇评话《岳传》,后拜评话名家吴君玉为师学《水浒传》;1985年为苏州市评弹团副团长,曾编演长篇评话《红花喋血》《蛇王岛》《大宋兵马图》等;2006年起用苏州评话开讲《吴史春秋》。周明华运用苏州评话的技巧、风趣的噱头,用多媒体形式电子图片资料展示,讲诉了泰伯让贤、伍子胥奔吴、专诸刺王僚、要离刺庆忌、孙武练女兵、筑阖闾城以及“苏州”名称的由来等。Minghua Zhou learned Yue Zhuan, a famous storyline for the performing art of Suzhou Pinghua, as the student of Hanchang Cao, a well-known master in this field. Later, he learned Water Margin, from Junyu Wu, another famous master of Suzhou Pinghua. In 1985, he held the position of the head of Suzhou Pingtan Association. He participated in a number of Pinghua performances, such as Flower in Blood, The Snake King Island, and The Army of Song Dynasty, etc. as both screenwriter and performer. Starting from 2006, he performed the Pinghua version of Wushi Chun&Qiu, in Suzhou dialect. Within his performance, he explained the different literary quotations within the history and the name of Suzhou with detail to the audience by using the techniques of Suzhou Pinghua, interesting plots, digital photographs and multimedia innovatively.
杨剑成 Jiancheng Yang
The Foundry公司, 亚太区视效总监
杨剑成,The Foundry公司亚太区视效总监,现居台湾。曾在Digital Domain等国际知名影视动画特效公司担任艺术总监等职务。具有将近20年的行业工作经验,参与制作多次荣获国内外多项大奖的作品《越狱》、《CSI》、《博物馆奇妙夜2》、《天际浩劫》、《雷神》、《环游地球80天》、《天下无双》、《紧急迫降》等,2012年加入The Foundry公司并担任亚太区视效总监。20年来,The Foundry公司的多款软件已四次获得奥斯卡科学贡献奖,如今好莱坞99%的电影均使用The Foundry的软件完成特效合成!
Conference+Dinner 会议+晚宴:568元
Include conference, gift bag, lunch, refreshments, you will also join dinner party to have more interaction with speakers, organizers, volunteers and sponsors.