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会议详情 |
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发票类型:增值税普通发票 增值税专用发票
* 开课地址:上海市杨浦区(提供午餐)
* 开课日期:2020年10月24-25日!
* 开课单位:汽车精英荟主办
* 参加人数:10人(满10人截止,本年度目前仅此一次计划)
Topic 1: ASPICE overview and Introduction
Basic knowledage of ASPICE
Matruity models and capability levels
Topic 2: Project management
How to make a project plan ?
which Tool can we use ?
Understand ASPICE MAN.3
Topic 3: System Requirement Analysis
Manage requirements base on DOORS
SYS requirement analysis
Understand ASPICE SYS.2
Topic 4: SYS Architectural Design
How to develop SYS architecture Design
Allocate requirement to architecture design
Understand ASPICE SYS.3
Topic 5: Software requirement Analysis
Functional requirement
Non-functional Requirement
How to describe the requirement
How to develop requirement base on DOORS
Requirement Aanlysis
Understand ASPICE SWE.1
Topic 6: Software Architecture Design
Develop architecture design base Tool
allocate requirement to arichtecture design
Static view, Dynamic view
Functional analysis view
Interface, description, in static view, dynamic
Understand ASPICE SWE.2
Topic 7: Software Detail Design
Develop detail design base on Tool
Necessary diagrams(dependeney, strcture, dynamic)
Traceability (Moudel – design – unit – SwAD)
Configuration parameter
Understand ASPICE SWE.3
Topic 8: Software unit / integration / qualification Test
Test strategy
Test management base on system
Test plan. Test case. Test script. Test execuation Record
Static verification, C code Review
QAC, MISRA, MCDC (code coverge)
Regression test and Retest
Integration test(How to verify the interface)
Qualification test objects and objectative
Understand ASPICE 4/5/6
Topic 9: SYS integration / qualification test
Test strategy
Unterstand ASPICE SYS.4/5
Topic 10: Configuration management
Configuration management strategy
Why configuration management
What is the CI
How to estabish a CI list or plan
CI verification
Braneh management (Criteria)
Understand ASPICE SUP.8
Topic 11: Problem solving / change request management
How to manage Problem/CR base on Tool or execl
Problem and CR analysis ( evalution )
Urgent case solution
Understand ASPICE SUP.9
Topic 12: Quality assurance
Quality assurance strategy
How to make a QA plan and the criteria
How to ensure the resolution of NC
Escalation method
Unstand ASPICE SUP.1
Topic 13: ASPICE Assessment key-point
Assessment Agenda
Rating method
Assessment interview tips
汽车精英荟于2020年2月15日举行AUTOSAR & Adaptive AUTOSAR软件架构落地实践高级培训班2020(1月上海班)。
票种名称 | 价格 | 原价 | 票价说明 |
会务费 | ¥8500 | ¥ | 含课程,午餐 |