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会议详情 |
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参会凭证:现场凭电话姓名参会 邮箱
· 区域和项目前景:来自主要供需地区(包括欧洲,美国和中国)的生产商和新项目的声音
· 饲料,工业和特种市场:了解影响这些行业的主要驱动因素
· 探索磷酸盐生产商的监管环境:了解和理解包括新欧盟在内的关键欧洲法规
· 肥料产品法规(FRP)和欧盟关键原料(CRM)清单重新评估及其对P4的影响
· 磷回收:包括新技术和方法在内的发展概况
· 选矿:聆听新的应用程序和方法
· 磷酸操作:受益于案例研究,本环节将突出展示应用新技术来提高操作可靠性和生产效率
· 流程优化:了解如何应用数字化和技术开发来优化生产流程
· 从低品位岩石生产高价值产品:了解新的工艺开发过程,以从低品位岩石资源生产高价值产品
· 环保的可持续生产计划:了解最新技术发展,从而减少排放并提高热回收效率
· 制粒和精加工发展:了解新型涂料和制粒技术如何提供更可持续和高效的肥料
· 学术发展:磷酸盐最新研究进展
2019年7月,Arkema收购了ArrMaz,巩固了其在全球磷酸盐行业特种化学品生产领域的世界领导者地位。 50多年来,我们一直与磷酸盐生产商合作,以优化从矿山到市场的运营。 我们的产品包括用于磷矿石选矿的收集器; 用于磷酸生产的消泡剂,过滤和澄清助剂; 以及肥料的防尘和防结块涂料。 作为磷酸盐业值得信赖的合作伙伴,我们在美洲,欧洲,亚洲,非洲和中东开展业务,每年为世界上一些最大的生产商处理数百万吨的磷酸盐。
KBR Ecoplanning作为KBR,Inc.的子公司,是一家技术和工程公司,为化肥,化工,氯碱和其他市场的工业客户提供蒸发和结晶技术。 KBR Ecoplanning在酸再生方面拥有丰富的经验,在蒸发方面具有独特的专业知识,从概念到完整的工厂设计都可以进行结晶。
苏尔寿(Sulzer)在开发涉及腐蚀性或磨蚀性介质的生产流程的泵送解决方案方面拥有180年的经验,通过一流的产品和服务为客户的流程增值。 随着Sulzer和Ensival Moret的联手,我们现在能够为要求苛刻的应用提供更深入的过程理解。苏尔寿提供全系列的卧式和立式泵,这些泵是为满足化肥行业和磷酸生产的客户规格而量身定制的。 先进的设计和材料,广泛的轴封和密封系统以及整体运行效率,确保了可靠的过程和免维护的运行。
Payment policy Registrations can only be confirmed upon receipt of payment or proof of payment and discounted fees will only apply when payment is received within the offer period. If payment is not received before the conference, delegates will be asked to guarantee payment at registration with a personal credit card. Late payments made after the conference will be subject to an additional 10% administration fee.
Cancellation Policy Cancellations must be received in writing prior to 08 February 2020 to qualify for a full refund less a 10% administration fee. It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter content, timing and venue. In the unlikely event of the conference being cancelled or curtailed due to any reasons beyond the control of CRU Events, or it is necessary or advisable to relocate or change the date and/or location of the event, neither CRU Events, nor its employees will be held liable for refunds, damages and/or additional expenses which may be incurred by delegates. We therefore recommend prospective delegates to arrange appropriate insurance cover.
Disclaimer This conference is an open forum and the content of papers and presentations given by guest authors and speakers from companies other than CRU and its subsidiaries and any opinions expressed therein are the responsibility of the authors and speakers concerned and are not endorsed by CRU Events. CRU Events disclaims all liability for any tort or damage arising out of any statement or opinion made in any paper or presentation by any guest author or speaker.
Registration Fees 注册费用
早鸟票 直到2019年11月1日 (+ 20%增值税)CNY ¥14600.00
早期优惠价 2019年11月2日-2019年12月13日 (+ 20%增值税) CNY ¥16200.00
中期优惠价 2019年12月14日-2020年1月24日 (+ 20%增值税) CNY ¥17600.00
最后优惠价 从2020年1月25日开始 (+ 20%增值税)CNY ¥18700.00
Payment policy
Registrations can only be confirmed upon receipt of payment or proof of payment and discounted fees will only apply when payment is received within the offer period. If payment is not received before the conference, delegates will be asked to guarantee payment at registration with a personal credit card. Late payments made after the conference will be subject to an additional 10% administration fee.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing prior to 08 February 2020 to qualify for a full refund less a 10% administration fee. It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter content, timing and venue. In the unlikely event of the conference being cancelled or curtailed due to any reasons beyond the control of CRU Events, or it is necessary or advisable to relocate or change the date and/or location of the event, neither CRU Events, nor its employees will be held liable for refunds, damages and/or additional expenses which may be incurred by delegates. We therefore recommend prospective delegates to arrange appropriate insurance cover.
This conference is an open forum and the content of papers and presentations given by guest authors and speakers from companies other than CRU and its subsidiaries and any opinions expressed therein are the responsibility of the authors and speakers concerned and are not endorsed by CRU Events. CRU Events disclaims all liability for any tort or damage arising out of any statement or opinion made in any paper or presentation by any guest author or speaker.