HMA组委会于2019年9月19日举办2019年第18届亚洲医院管理者大会(HMA2019) 。
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◆ 会议简介:
The 18th Hospital Management Asia (HMA) is an annual regional event for hospital owners, C-level executives, directors, clinicians and healthcare leaders to get insights on worldwide healthcare management thinking, best practices and solutions while creating a real and virtual forum for networking in Asia. Leading health executives from around the region met to exchange and learn ideas on evolving business models, innovative technologies and improvements in management & healthcare systems.
Attending HMA helps you to: Enhance hospital management and administration Use information technology in hospitals to achieve a greater level of efficiency Increase and manage patient safety Improve customer service Increase standards of clinical practices Increase marketing, PR and online presence of hospitals
◆ 参会对象: 政府代表、医院管理者、科室主任、副主任、医生及从相关领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业等。 |
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| ※相关服务※ 会议注册服务:50美金/人/次,大会注册费按官方规定收取; 出境签证服务:1500元人民币/人/次(美国,含签证费),其它国家咨询客服; 大会投稿服务:30美金/人/次,官方收取费用另计(如有); 会员申请服务:30-100美金/人/次; 代订展位服务:服务费为展位费用×10%; 团组参会、境外游览、医学考察、境外研修、商务出行等,请直接联系客服。
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