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会议详情 |
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2019中国生物医学工程大会的主题是“医工融合发展 创新引领未来”。会议诚挚邀请国内外各大院校、科研院所、生物医学工程相关企事业单位的知名专家、学者、企业家参会,届时生物医学工程、临床医学、IT、BT等领域的优秀代表将汇聚一堂,就生物医学工程学科前沿、最新学术成果、产业前景、人才培养等方面开展深入研讨。
中国生物医学工程学会成立于1980年11月,业务主管单位为中国科协,挂靠单位为卫生部,是从事生物医学工程学科活动的科学技术工作者自愿结成并依法登记成立的全国性、学术性群众团体,是具有公益性、非盈利性的社会组织,是发展生物医学工程事业的主要社会力量。中国生物医学工程学会[1] 从创立的那天起,由小到大,发展到今天,已经拥有20个专业分会,基本涵盖了生物医学工程领域相关专业。学会于1987年被授予先进学会荣誉称号;2002年荣获千厂千会协作行动优秀组织奖及优秀项目成果奖;2003年荣获防治非典型性肺炎先进学会;2005年被授予科技服务先进奖;2006年被评为全国科普日活动先进单位。
日 期 |
时 间 |
活动安排 |
11月14日 |
10:00 - 20:00 |
报到 |
11月15日 |
8:30 - 12:00 |
开幕式(颁奖)及特邀报告 |
11月15日 |
13:30 - 17:30 |
论坛及分会场 |
11月16日 |
8:30 - 12:00 |
论坛及分会场 |
11月16日 |
13:30 - 16:30 |
论坛及分会场 |
11月16日 |
16:30 -17:30 |
闭幕式(颁奖) |
1. F01-生物医学工程团体标准发展高峰论坛
2. F02-期刊发展论坛 —— 为健康中国搭建交流平台
3. F03-青年论坛
4. F04-肿瘤多模态微创诊疗技术创新转化论坛
5. F05-生物医学工程教育论坛
6. F06-创新医疗器械论坛
7. F07-医工结合医疗创新发展之路
8. F08-临床专科智能化与影像数据标准化论坛
9. F09-医学影像工程与技术分会
10. F10-精准免疫,创新融合
11. S01-心血管和呼吸系统
12. S02-微创介入手术视觉、导航与机器人
13. S03-精放-聚焦国产放疗技术发展,助力基层放疗水平提高
14. S04-生物材料
15. S05-组织工程
16. S06-体外循环
17. S07-医学神经工程分会
18. S08-康复工程技术前沿与产业创新
19. S09-医学影像分会场
Mark Musen
● Professor of Biomedical Informatics and of Biomedical Data Science
● Stanford University, California, USA
Dr. Musen is Professor of Biomedical Informatics and of Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University, where he is Director of the Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research. Dr. Musen conducts research related to open science, intelligent systems, computational ontologies, and biomedical decision support. His group developed Protégé, the world’s most widely used technology for building and managing terminologies and ontologies. He served as principal investigator of the National Center for Biomedical Ontology, one of the original National Centers for Biomedical Computing created by the U.S. National Institutes of Heath (NIH). He is principal investigator of the Center for Expanded Data Annotation and Retrieval (CEDAR), supported by the NIH Big Data to Knowledge Initiative. CEDAR develops semantic technology to ease the authoring and management of biomedical experimental metadata. Dr. Musen directs the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Classification, Terminology, and Standards at Stanford University, which has developed much of the information infrastructure for the authoring and management of the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).
Dr. Musen was the recipient of the Donald A. B. Lindberg Award for Innovation in Informatics from the American Medical Informatics Association in 2006. He has been elected to the American College of Medical Informatics, the Association of American Physicians, the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics, and the National Academy of Medicine.
Bin He
● Trustee Professor and Head of Biomedical Engineering
● Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
● Chair, International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering
Bin He is Department Head and Trustee Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, USA. He is also a Professor at the CMU Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Carnegie Mellon Neuroscience Institute. Dr. He has made significant research contributions to the fields of neuroengineering and biomedical imaging, including electrophysiological source imaging, multimodal neuroimaging, noninvasive brain-computer interface, and noninvasive neuromodulation. His lab demonstrated, for the first time, humans can control the flight of a drone and a robotic arm in 3D space by thinking about it using noninvasive signals. Dr. He has received a number of awards including the IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award, the Academic Career Achievement Award from the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, the Established Investigator Award from the American Heart Association, and the CAREER Award from the US National Science Foundation, among others. He is an elected Fellow of International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering, IEEE, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering Society. Dr. He served as a past President of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, the International Society for Bioelectromagnetism, and the International Society for Functional Source Imaging. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering from 2013-2018, during which the journal impact factor increased by 92%. Dr. He is the Chair of the International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering, a Member of NIH BRAIN Multi-Council Working Group, and a Member of the National Advisory Council for Complementary and Integrative Health in the U.S.
Luming Li, Ph.D.
● Dean of School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University
● Founding Director of National Engineering Laboratory for Neuro-modulation
Luming Li, Ph.D. & Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor, Dean of School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University. founding director of National Engineering Laboratory for Neuro-modulation.
Dr. Li’s research activities focused on two areas: To develop medical devices or equipment for Chinese Astronauts in Chinese Manned Space Engineering, such as monitoring the health conditions, measuring the astronauts’ mass in space. The other is neuromodulation technology. As a leader of a multi-disciplinary research group at Tsinghua University, China, he has designed and invented a novel deep brain stimulation (DBS) device and move to clinical application in last 20 years. Till now, more than 8800 patients with Parkinson’s Disease, dystonia and etc. implanted his devices in 220 medical centers in China and the other 4 countries. He was awarded First prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, China, 2018.
缴费时间 | 会员 | 非会员 | 学生 |
2019年10月15日之前 | 1500 | 1800 | 900 |
2019年10月16日--2019年11月13日 | 1800 | 2100 | 1200 |
2019年11月14日--现场注册缴费 | 2500 | 2500 | 2000 |
山东大厦坐落于山东省济南市区南部,位于1300多亩的南郊园林和700多亩的泉城公园之中,东邻千佛山,环境优雅、宁静,素有“皇家园林”之称。大厦主体由世界著名的美国波特曼设计事务所设计,内部装修由南澳大利亚“五合国际”设计完成。 大厦占地150亩,建筑面积13万平方米,由客房楼、会展中心和山东会堂三部分构成,是一座集会议、展览、商务、住宿、休闲、娱乐、宴会于一体的综合性多功能建筑群体。