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2016经济科学与管理工程国际学术会议(ESME 2016)将于2016年11月4至6日在广西桂林召开。ESME 2016欢迎会议代表把握这个无与伦比的机会,来与网络世界范围内的人才交流互动。我们诚挚的邀请您和您的同事在您们的日历上立即标记好我们的会议,并安排计划前往桂林。
Welcome to the International Academic Conference on Economic Science and Management Engineering (ESME2016) will be held in Guilin, China, during November 4th-6th, 2016.. The mission of ESME2016 is to provide a great platform for researchers and other professionals from different countries to present their research results in economic science and management engineering. ESME2016 is an International Academic Conference and the experts of this kind of field from different areas will be invited to give specific speech yearly.Focused on the goal of being a successful international conference, ESME2016 is trying to give great opportunities to engineers, academicians and researchers to present their research. This conference provides chances for the participants to exchange new ideas and experiences to establish a better future.Gathering the dependable organization ability and reputation as well as the sponsors from all over the world, ESME2016 to support, encourage and provide a platform for researchers to present their research, to issue their thoughts and to seek the better prospect and advice during the conference.
Egon Müller
the Institute of Industrial Sciences and Factory S
Yang XU
Peking University
LIU Yumin
Zhengzhou University
Jan Kazmierczak
Silesian University of Technology
Mei-Hsin Wang
Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
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